°chapter eighteen°

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[ S e e k ]


"I gave him everything and you know what he did? He left me to be some gym teacher. Yeah! A gym teacher of all things! I'm a successful police officer and he chooses a gym teacher over me!" He yelled angrily. "How can some pink haired gym teacher be better then me? I'm gonna destroy that little rat. And Hoseok. He reported me and my father found out. I've been suspended for three weeks, no pay." Ken continued to yell and complain about Jungkook. There was a bit of an age gap between Ken and Jungkook and that was five years. Ken was five years older then Jungkook but complaining like a spoiled six year old. But a six year old wouldn't have sexually assaulted someone and nearly beat someone to death. He complained to his sister, Nadia. She was different then him, very different and was very unfortunate to have been related to such an asshole. She was sweet and a very good listener, she was very smart and quick witted. She always wanted to help people and if she got into an argument she'd stay calm and only speak facts. So pretty much the opposite of her brother. She also happens to be a lawyer. She just wants to help her brother but he uses her kindness to his advantage and manipulates her, again and again. Telling her that it was everyone elses fault or being overly charming, or just guilt tripping her. He had her wrapped around his finger and she had no clue, until she delved deeper and to what he was saying now.

"Why'd he leave you?"

"I don't know, but he's a money hungry whore. He might just be giving up his body to that kid to use just to get money. Wouldn't be surprised if their whole crew was playing with him and his used, and filthy body." Ken spat. "Woah, Ken's th-that's just plain disrespect. It's been a long ass time since you guys dated. How have you not gotten over him? Tae seemed like a really sweet kid. He probably wasn't ready for a serious relationship with you. I mean you guys did start dating when he was still in high school. He was fifteen and you were nineteen. That was in the past. This is the present. You need to get over him and find someone else." She told him, she was annoyed by what he was saying because he was acting like an entitled brat and that he was.

"I can't just get over something that's mine."

"He's not yours, he's his own person. You don't own him!" She yelled. She was right. Taehyung wasn't his. He wasn't someone property and he wasn't something that could be owned. "What did you say?" He gritted his teeth. He got up and walked to her seat, standing in front of her, looking down like he wanted to hurt her. "Ken-" before she got to finish he clocked her in the face. He chuckled before walking to the door of her apartment, stopping to look about at his sister who he just physically assaulted. "I don't need some bitch to tell me how to run my life." He walked out leaving her in the livingroom shocked and scared. Her face red and her were stinging with tears threatening to come out.

So many things started running through her head. Were the rumors true of him raping Taehyung? Oh my- they have to be true. That's why Tae ran away. Oh my god- I have to stop him. She got up slowly, feeling dizzy and a bit hazy. Her face hurt a lot but she ignored it. Her brother wasn't as good of a person as she thought.

Memories from the past nine years started coming back. Memories of Taehyung. Taehyung was always shy and flinched at pretty much any movement, Ken blamed it on his anxiety and past but everytime Taehyung talked about his childhood it seemed fine. He always laughed talking about it, especially the embarrassing moments. He seemed fine talking about it. Anxiety is normal but usually you wouldn't flinch at everything.

Was her brother really a monster?


Ken stormed off angrily. He was at home and on his laptop. He was searching for Taehyung, again. He hadn't been able to find Taehyung since the boy knows how to hide. He hadn't been posting anything showing where he is but he did post a picture of Jungkook, twice. But that's it. The pics are always dark. Taehyung is purposely  hiding Jungkook and his location. Taehyung only had Instagram.

And, Jungkook? His account is private. So is his Twitter. He has no other social media. Jungkook is pretty much a ghost on the internet.

Taehyung hasn't been back to his apartment since they fought and has no clue where Jungkook lives. He's looked through Jungkook's records but can't find him anywhere. It's almost like Jungkook doesn't exist. There's no records of Jungkook to be found.

"Where the fuck is this kid? I can't find him anywhere. I know he exists. I met him for fucks sake. But only once. I knew there was something weird about him." He started to look through police records but looking for the last name 'Jeon', male, and the years '1995 - 1999' since he didn't know Jungkook's age. He just knew he was young and probably younger then Taehyung. You really couldn't tell with him. One second the boy looked dominant as fuck and the next he looked like a baby bunny. Even Ken knew how attractive Jungkook was. He was jealous. He wanted him gone, permanently.

"I'll find him. I'll find his real name and I'll get Taehyung back. I always get want I want." He kept looking and eventually he found something.

"Fifteen year old Jeon Jeongguk missing. Last seen at Busan train station."



It's been a while, I know. But I'm back! I've been a lazy asshole. Again, family shit had been getting in the way, and I've been going through an identity crisis. Shit took longer than it should've, wayyyy too long.

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