°chapters nineteen°

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[ S t r e s s ]


School was starting up and it was getting stressful for everyone. All the adults and the students. Online learning was a bitch and so dumb. The students were stressed from the amount of work and the teachers were stressed from grading and the emails building up. Students were angry so they kept emailing all the teachers and everytime they turned in work the teachers got an email. The only teachers having an easy time was the Gym teachers. The students just had to "work out" and log in the info and leave. Easy. Kids didn't really even need to work out just lie. And the teachers graded it without looking into it.

Jungkook was finished with grading the Google docs he recieved from his students and sat in his living room bored. Taehyung went back to his apartment after some time. He was alone again and really missed Taehyungs company. It was fun and really nice to have him there. When Jungkook would leave Taehyung would clean up the apartment and make it look nice for the younger. His was a sweet gesture. He didn't want to bother the elder because he was probably in a Zoom call or something with his students. He didn't want to be annoying and interrupt him from teaching. From what he's heard about the class calls the student's are quiet and don't say much. They rarely even participate but some do since it's for a grade.

He groaned and got up from his couch and headed to the kitchen wanting something to snack on before going to bed. It's still early in the day but he doesn't care. He really misses Taehyung and kind of fell for him after they first started hanging out. Now he's just sulking for some reason. He feels dumb because after the months they've spent together in his apartment and sharing a bed, Jungkook never confessed. He felt as through be missed the opportunity. He also missed Yeontan. That beautiful little dog that's always looked angry because of his little eyebrows was the cutest.

"Ugh, dammit Taehyung. Why so you have to so perfect?" He sighed opened the fridge. He looked around in there until he heard a giggle. He quickly shut it from fear and turned his head to see who it was. It was Namjoon.

"Oh my fucking God. You scared me you dick. Joon, why didnt you knock and how'd you get in? I locked the door." Jungkook looked confused and annoyed. "Oh I made a copy of your keys while you were drunk, months ago before this shit going on." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "What? Namjoon, what the hell?"

"What? I did it for your safety."

"You did it to break into my house." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "True. But you like Tae?" Namjoon looked excited to know. "Don't change the subject. You broke in my damn apartment. You should be glad I don't trust the police." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry but we should talk about the Tae thing." Namjoon said. "Yeah, I like him-"

"Oh my God, yes!" He yelled happily. "My son likes someone! He's finally growing up. I thought you were asexual." He finally calms down. "What? How the hell would I be asexual?" Jungkook asks. "Well you never showed interest in anyone." I showed interest in you before. He thought but didn't dare to say out loud. It was embarrassing. Namjoon had always liked Jin and Jungkook didn't want to ever get in the way of the that. He just wanted him to be happy and now he likes Tae. "Oh." Jungkook went quiet. "But I think Taehyung likes you too." Jungkook's eyes went big. "Really?" Namjoon chuckled and put a hand on Jungkooks shoulder. Jungkook looked at his hand and back to Namjoon. "Dude, yes. Of course he likes you. How wouldn't he? He might be a little weird about getting in a relationship because a healthy and loving relationship isn't something he's really use to because of mister tiny dick. So if you guys ever actually get together you should take it slow. And hopefully he doesn't self destruct and sabotage the relationship because I heard that happens with people who were hurt like Tae."

"Oh okay. I'll make sure to keep that in mind. But I wanna ask him out and I don't know how. I don't want to be too extra but I don't want it to be too boring. I've never actually dated someone. Maybe went on dates but I was never interested. I also never had time to date people because I've always been focused on work and school my whole life." Jungkook explained.  "Okay, I'll help you ask him out. Though I still haven't asked Jin out." He chuckled awkwardly at that last part. "Wait I thought you were dating. You guys are always spending the night at eachother house and being cute together." The younger was so confused. Jin and Namjoon had been acting like a couple for the past few months so everyone assumed they were finally dating after all these years but nope. "Yeah, uhhh we're not dating but we are talking and hooking up. Quite often."

"You guys are fucking? But not dating. What the hell?" Jungkook face palmed. "But you both like eachother. And want a relationship." He was so confused. "Okay I came here to talk about you and Taehyung not me and Jin." Namjoon sat at Jungkooks kitchen table. His apartment was kinda big, especially for a teachers salary. "So I'll help you. You just need a date and time and I'll help you ask him out." Jungkook bit his lip anxiously. "Uh maybe...next week on Saturday. What if I can't do this and I freak and don't tell him. I have anxiety and everytime I'm supposed to do something important I get sick. Really sick. Like o start throwing up. That actually happened when I asked a girl out once."

"I thought you said you've never dated before. Well we were 13 and dated for 3 months and didn't even hold hands so that doesn't count. " Namjoon nodded. "So how we gonna do this?" He asked shyly with his head down. Namjoon put his hand under Jungkook chin and lifted his head. "Look at me. Ask him to have a picnic with you. You guys can eat and talk and have a nice time. Then you could ask him. I think its sweet and and not too much and won't ambush him." He finally looked at Namjoon. "That's...actually a good idea. Taehyung has said that he'd love to go a date at that park and have a picnic."

"Wait he has?"

"Yeah, I thought you knew." He shook his head. "Well thank you, Joonie." He back hugged the sitting Namjoon. "You're welcome, Kooks. I'm always here to help. Remember that." After he said that his phones notification sound went off. He took it out his pocket and looked. "Oh I gotta go. I'll see later." He hugged Jungkook quickly before leaving. "Byee!"

"Bye!" They said their goodbyes and Jungkook texted Taehung immediately.

Hey Tae, are you busy next week on Saturday?

No. Why?

Well..do you want to go to the park with me and have a picnic?

Of course! What time?

Around 12 or 1

Okayy I'll set a reminder for then

Jungkook smiled. He couldn't go wait for it. He fell so hard for Taehyung and just wanted to be with him so badly. He'd probably do anything  to be with him.


This has nothing to do with BTS but Unus Annus is coming to an end this week and it's so sad. Thanks for the wait.

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