°chapter four°

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Mark sat quietly on his couch. Finally having a break from his job. Currently his girlfriend was out of town and he had nothing to do other than to watch tv with his dogs Chica and Henry.

He was watching Greys Anatomy but not paying attention. He was busy scrolling through twitter. Noticing people complaining about their daily lives or just something serious going on around the world.

He was just minding his on business when his phone pinged.

Mark, are you busy?
I'm sorry for nothing you so late but I really need a ride and I'm scared.

I'll pick you right away. Where are you?

The old church on Swan dr.

Be there in 20

Thank you so much and I'm sorry again.

Don't say sorry. I'm coming! We're friends after all.
I gtg I'll text you when I'm there
Bye bye

We are friends after all

Mark jumped up from the couch, startling the dogs. He put on his shoes grabbed the keys and ran to his car. He put the car and in the ignition and started the car. Driving off to get Taehyung.


So the reason this so short and weird is because for some got damn reason the chapter got deleted when though I released this chapter 2 months ago. So it's very different from the original and I completely forgot what the hell I wrote.

My apologies for my stupidity.

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