°chapter three°

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[ E v e r y t h i n g i s f a l l i n g a p a r t ]

*Trigger warning! Mentions of abuse and rape*


The three boys sat at the table waiting for the elders to come back with their drinks and food. As they waited Jimin and Jungkook played with their phones, Taehyung just silently between the two. He just looked at Jungkook's phone curiously. Jungkook really didn't mind it.

It was silent and peaceful other the quiet chatter.

Until they heard someone walking to their table, thinking it was their friends they all looked up but found a stranger, a man. A young man around their age. He was well built. Attractive but shady.
They all felt uncomfortable but this mysterious man's appearance.

They all had a bad feeling about him and they were all right. Taehyung especially felt like he knew him he seemed quiet familiar even though he hadn't spoken yet as he was staring at the surprised boys faces.

"Hey, Tae. How's it going? It's been while, hasn't it? I missed you, baby." He spoke looming Taehyung in the eyes. Jimin and Jungkook shared looks confused but when they looked at Taehyung he was terrified. Who was he and how did he know his name?

Taehyung knew exactly who he was. His ex. His abusive ex. They broke up a few years ago after Taehyung met Jin and Jin was able to get Taehyung away from him. Jin saved him and he'd always be grateful. He'd left Daegu to escape but that man followed him all the way to soul, that's where he met Jin. Namjoon followed him there too but they both ended up staying.

No one had seen or heard of what happened to Taehyung's ex until today.

It was as if he'd seen a ghost. His face went pale and his jaw practically dropped. "W-What are you d-doing here?" The man chuckled. "Can't you just say hi? Come on, babe." He bit his lip.

"Ken, I can't do this, and I am not your babe." Taehyung glared, his face finally getting it's color back. "Guys, I'm gonna leave." He stood up but Jungkook grabbed his arm and got up. "Taehyung, who is this?" He whispered. "I-I uh...um, I'll tell you later. Not here." He whispered back.

"I have to go." Taehyung tried to walk away but yet again grabbed him. "I'm coming with you." His eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm coming with you. And you can't say no." Jungkook held on to Taehyung's arm tightly. "Uh, okay then."

"Wait you guys are just going to leave me by myself." Jimin looked at them sadly. He didn't want to be abandoned. Not like this. "Go to the others."


"Please, Minnie." Taehyung pleaded. "Okay," Jimin looked at Ken wearily. He knew something was odd about him. "Now go." Jimin hurried to the elders. Jungkook and Taehyung rushed out as soon as they could. Taehyung looking back every once in a while to make sure he wasn't be followed.

Luckily, he wasn't there. They got to Taehyung's car and went it. Taehyung felt nervous. He had never told anyone other than Jin and Namjoon what happened with Ken.

"Okay, Kook. I'm gonna tell you everything once we're at my place."

"Okay, you don't need to force yourself. I'll understand." Jungkook reassured. "Thank you."

They got to his apartment in under thirty minutes. "We're here." Taehyung shut off the car and got out heading to his apartment. "Let's go." Jungkook followed behind him. They got to the seventh floor and found it.

Taehyung took out his keys and struggled unlocking the door. "Dammit." He tried but struggled more. "Give it to me." He handed them to Jungkook and he got in easily.

"There, no let's go." He gave the keys back and walked in. "So tell me who the hell that is why and he's so fucking creepy."

"He's my ex. His names Ken. He is a terrible guy. He was very abusive towards me and he...made me do things I never wanted to do." Taehyung confessed. "What kinds of things? Sorry for asking."

They made their way to couch and set down. "I lost my virginity to him. I wasn't ready and he pressured me into doing it with him. We were dating for a few months and he had got angry with me because I wasn't doing anything sexual with him because I was uncomfortable." He sighed, he was glad to get this off his chest but it was bringing back terrible memories.

"He invited me over and we were drinking even though I-I wasn't allowed to because I wasn't twenty-one. He got me drunk and I passed out. N-Next thing I know he's on top of me and I-I'm naked." Taehyung's voice was breaking

"It was so painful. I felt him thrusting and when I told him to stop he wouldn't, he kept going until I was crying and scratching. He smacked me told me to stop being a baby and to deal with it." He was balling his eyes out. Voice trembling and tears pouring down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Taehyung." He pulled him into a hug and let him rest his head on his chest. "He hurt me so much. I told Joonie what happened and he got me and him a ticket out of Daegu. He saved me and now that piece of shit is back."

"Why did I ever stay with him? And for a whole year."

"It's not your fault, Hyungie. I'm here for you okay? Jin and Namjoon are here. We will protect you from him even if he tries to hurt us." Taehyung held onto his waist and gripped tightly.

"I'll protect you." Jungkook wanted to cry from how much pain Taehyung was feeling. He wanted to protect him and make sure no one hurt him ever again.

They were never close but they always had a connection. "I promise you, Tae." Taehyung's head slumped. "Tae?"

"You fell asleep, dammit. I'll stay here for you." He stayed with Taehyung all night. Falling asleep after answering everyone's worried messages.


This chapter is messed up, I know.

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