°chapter two°

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[ W h a t  I s  L i f e ? ]


Jin thought his life was going to be normal when he was younger and more naive. But he was very much mistaken. He thought he was going to marry a beautiful woman and have maybe two or three kids, even a dog.

But instead he finds himself as the principal of a boarding school, single and gay. He never thought in a billion years as a child that he'd turn out to be gay. Of all the things he was it was a homosexual man.

If he told the school this they'd probably fire him so he never said anything to them about it. He never even mentioned his sexuality.

Ugh, and he has a major crush on the English teacher which wasn't any better. He'd been crushing on him for two years, ever since Namjoon started working there.

But he can't help it, Namjoon was just too beautiful not to love. His ashy brown hair, those dimples, the way he smiled adorably, his body, let's not forget how sweet he his. He's so nice and even stays calm when others are being unbearably annoying. He was super fucking smart but breaks literally everything in his path.

Jin still loves him despite his flaws, to Jin he has none. He's as perfect as can be. But if the superintendent found out that he's gay then he'd be fired and stripped of everything.

That's usually why he let's some of the students who were caught having sex get away with it and tell the parents they were doing something else. He was sweet but it could get him in trouble and was even more stupid but he had a huge heart.

He wasn't that gullible enough to let the students get away with anything though. He actually does his job.

Finally it was the weekend, and the teachers and the principal decided to go out. Jin was excited but nervous. He wanted to make a move but what if Namjoon didn't share those feelings? What if he pushed him way? What if he got so uncomfortable and quit?

Jin walked out the door to his house and locked it before turning around and finding Namjoon walking over to him. He bumped into a pole but kept his way to Jin.

"Hey, Jinnie!" Namjoon smiled. "Hey, you okay? You bumped into the pole." He nodded. "Yeah, just being clumsy. I can't do anything without getting hurt or breaking stuff."

Jin giggled at his remark. "We should get going, Joon." He grabbed Namjoon's hand and led him to his car, getting in on the driver's side while the younger got in on the passenger's side.

"Heard you let some kids go after catching them doing inappropriate things..." he said then blushed. Why is he blushing? Jin asked himself. "You're not experienced, are you?"

"W-What? T-That's none of your business." Namjoon stuttered defensively. "Don't tell you're...a virgin?"

Namjoon's ears perked at the last word. "Of course not! I'm an adult! Of course I've done it." He quieted at the end. "Only virgin's say "done it" , Joon. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm not judging. It's just cute."


"Yeah, you know some people like virgins, it's just that you're pure and untouched. Like, who wouldn't want someone that's been untouched by other people? It's fine if they are but it's just...god, this is hard to explain."

"Just don't tell anyone. That's all anyone talks about this days. It's always been the biggest topic of everything since the beginning of time, despite that it's also very controversial and embarrassing for people to talk about even most people do it." Namjoon explained.

"I promise, I won't say a word."

"Thank you."

Finally Jin started the car and made their way to the mall. It was a massive mall. Hundreds of stores and tons of people. They looked around to see if they could find their friends but they weren't anywhere. They're usually easy to find because they're obnoxiously loud.

They gave up looking until, "HEY! NAMJOON! JIN!" They their friends shout loudly. "There they are." Jin sighed. They turned around to see five smiling faces, or at least four and one non-caring face.

"Hey, guys! We were looking for you." Taehyung smirked. He knew that Namjoon had huge crush on Jin and suspected that Jin felt the same but wasn't completely sure. He was happy to see that had some alone time together even if it was them searching for the five boys.

His group searched for Jin and Namjoon. Taehyung saw them pass the two multiple times until Jimin spotted them after a while. God, Jimin was so infatuated with Namjoon it was annoying for the other when they'd try to set them up. It wasn't Jimin's fault, he's just human. No one can control their feelings.

"Hey, where were you guys? We looked everywhere. What entrance did you come in from?" Namjoon asked.

"Southside. You?" Taehyung answered.

"Northside. That's why we didn't find each other." Jin palmed. "We probably had an even harder time finding you guys because these three were flirting like crazy." Jungkook pointed to Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

"We were not." Jimin scoffed. "What about you and Taehyung? You guys were all over each other." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Ugh, we didn't do shit. We were just laughing at your stupidity."

"Uh okay, well you were staring at his lips the whole time. So, if you don't mind and do me a favor and kindly fuck off." Jimin flicked Jungkook off. The only response he got was an adorable giggle for the younger.

Taehyung looked at him admirably. Jimin caught this but didn't say anything. He'd tell Jin about this when he got the chance. Taehyung seemed like the fuck boy type but Namjoon told Jimin how cute and pure Taehyung really was. That he had the sweetest box smile ever.

He wanted Jungkook to know just how good Taehyung was. Jungkook wasn't always fond of him, when he first met him he didn't like him. He found him annoying, loud, disrespectful, and overly sexy.

Jungkook thought he tried to hard to be hot. After he was officially introduced to Taehyung he started thing he was good guy. He even acted shy.

He wouldn't let himself fall for Taehyung's charm though. He knew everyone had crushes on him and wouldn't let himself do the same. That'd be embarrassing. He wasn't focused relationships, he'd never really been in one.

"Both of you stop with the bickering already. Let's go. We already wasted enough time." Jin scolded them before walking away to the food court. "And of course he goes for the food." Yoongi rolled his eyes and followed.

"Yay! Food! God I'm hungry!" Jungkook squealed and ran after them. "You ate an hour ago..." Jimin mumbled.

They went to the food court and looked around. There were so many options. Too many to choose from. Jin decided that they'd go to the dog cafe. They all loved animals so why not go.

"Why are we going here?" Jimin asked. "Because it would he too cliche to go to the bubble tea cafe, and dogs are amazing." Jin gleamed with excitement. Dogs were his favorite.

"I love dogs." Yoongi mumbled only loud enough for Hoseok and Jimin to hear. "You seem more like a cat person, Yoongs." Hoseok chuckled while Yoongi shook his head and looked away blushing, try to hide.

"Well let's get going." Jungkook spoke cheerfully but still quietly. Everyone followed but in awe of the younger. He really was a heartthrob and completely irresistible. His cherry hair bounced as he walked in the cafe. The others found it adorable how smol he could be.

"Okay, we'll order and you three find a seat for all of us." He pointed to Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. "We don't even know what we want." Taehyung said. "Don't worry I already know, now go. " And there they went to the counter while the three youngest of the group find them a big table to sit at with eight chairs. Why so big? They all think to themselves.

The sit down and wait for the four men to come back. But they don't know if the little surprise coming for Taehyung.


I freaking love him brooo. Wait for Monday.

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