°chapter one°

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[ S a f e H a v e n ]



oday was as any normal day at school. It was lunch break for the students and the teachers were in their lounge.

Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon all sat next to eachother with Taehyung in the middle on couch. Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok were at the table by the coffee maker talking about music since they all had a passion for it.

Yoongi loved playing the piano and rapping, including making music. Jungkook loved singing and dancing, he had such an angelic voice that no one really had a chance to hear. Hoseok orginally wanted to sing but he couldn't so Yoongi taught him how to rap and he learned well, now he loves it. Dancing also is something he loves with all his heart.

They all had that in common so they were always close and always talking about it. They practically glowed when the chatted about it.

However, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin were different. Namjoon did love rapping but never told anyone about it. He was very intelligent and had a IQ of 148. He was known for his intelligence and dimples. He's loved by many students and teachers, especially since he was very sweet and caring.

Jimin wasn't as open as everyone else, he was not self confident and very self conscious. He felt terrible about him self even though everyone told him he was amazing and had a great body but that just mad it worst. Thinking everyone just wanted him for his body. Other teachers would flirt with him and try to make a move on him but Jungkook and Namjoon would get there as soon as something was gonna go down.

They made him feel safe. They didn't know anything was happening but they'd just happen to save Jimin without knowing it.

Taehyung was chaos. It wasn't just other teachers flirting with him but the students too. They'd constantly do it and it made him uncomfortable. He was always dressed extra and kind of liked the attention but when people got touchy it was too much.

He stayed calm but would glare at them and they'd know to leave. He wouldn't let anyone touch him no matter what, not again.

He was interested in Jungkook but didn't really want to get close. He was more of the type to hit it and go, and in their case it'd be incredibly hard because they work together. He wasn't really experienced in sex so it was even harder.

"Bro, what teacher was that bothering you yesterday?" Namjoon asked Taehyung. "Wendy, she keeps trying to sleep with me."

"What'd you day?" Namjoon asked curiously. "I said no, obviously. She's nice or whatever but I'm not sleeping with her."

"Well, I think it was good you blew her off. She can get a bit attached." Jimin sighed. "How would you know?"

"An old friend of mine said she got really clingy after they slept together once and she kept blowing up his phone like crazy. I mean he did kinda use her so she had the right to be mad."

"Oh, dang." Taehyung bit his lip, feeling bad for Wendy. "Hey, Kook!" Namjoon yelled for Jungkook who was across the room and waved for him to come over.

He walked over. "Hey, Namjoon." Jungkook smiled sweetly, showing his bunny teeth. "It's been a while since we all hung out, how would you guy feel if we all went out together, including Yoongi and Hobi." After hearing him say their named they walked over.

"You said our names?" Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, was telling Kook here that we all should hang out sometime."
Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah, we'll go as long and them two are going as well." Yoongi said and slung his arm over Jungkook's shoulder. "Taehyung? Jimin?"

"Sure, I'll go." Taehyung smirked. "I don't know guys. I don't usually go out."

"Please Jiminie. I need my bestfriend there with me. Pleaseeeee~" Jungkook pleaded with Jimin. Jimin stood up and squeeze Jungkook's cheeks. "Fine, only because you're the cutest little bunny."

Jungkook whined, "Shut up, I'm taller than you. Let go please. " Jimin let go and smiled at Jungkook, patting his cheek. "I'm not a bunny." Jungkook pouted.

"Wonder how they hell you're a gym teacher when you look like baby." Jungkook scoffed at Jimin comment. "Excuse me, the only one who looks like an infant is you, with your baby hands."

"Okay Kookie." Jimin rolled his eyes. "I-" Jungkook was going to speak but the bell went off. "Oh, we should get going." They left the teachers lounge and made it to their classrooms.

Jungkook went to the left with Taehyung because the Biology room was by the Gym. Jimin and Yoongi went to the right. Namjoon and Hoseok went straight.

They happen to be near each other. "Hey, Joon. Is Jin coming?" Hoseok asked. "I'll asked him and then we'll set something up."

"Okay, Joon. But you should ask him out sometime. Alone, just the two of you." Hoseok smirked at Namjoon while he blushed furiously.

"Stop teasing." Namjoon rolled his eyes as he made it to his classroom, the halls were filled with students. "Bye, Hobi."

"See ya, Joonie." He chuckled and made his to the art room.

Meanwhile by the biology room, you have Jungkook and Taehyung. "So he called you bunny?" Taehyung smirked.

"Yeah, it's just something he's called me since we were teens. I don't like it, personally."

"I think it's cute. Does he have feelings for you? Seemed like Jimin was flirting." Taehyung questioned. "Noooooo, like hell. We're just bestfriends. He's been treating me a baby ever since he found out I'm two years younger."

"That makes you twenty-two! He's right you are just a baby." Taehyung said dramatically. "Okay okay. I get it."

"I thought we were the same age or that you'd at least be older than him." He licked his lips and continued eye contact with Jungkook. "You're the same age as Jimin, aren't you?" He pouted again.

"Yeah, we bond of that fact."

"You better not push me around because of it." He poked him in the chest and lowered his eyes. "I won't I promise." Taehyung chuckled. "Well I should get going, you should too. See ya, Mr. Jeon."

"Bye~ Mr. Kim." Taehyung enter his class and Jungkook finally made it to the gymnasium.

"Hey, Mr. Kim! His students were seated and waiting for him to teach them about DNA and how genes work, or about dominant and recessive traits.

Talking about DNA was his favorite part. It was fascinating to him while the other things they'd talk about was boring, like who wants to talk about the mitochondria and how it's the power house of the cell, like literally no one. Not even the biology teacher.

75% to 85% is brunette. While the rest of the world are blondes and redheads, but redheads seemed to even rarer than either of them.  It was just interesting and he loved knowing the probability of what the kid will look like, or if they would get a rare trait that made them look different, he wouldn't mind if his kid looked different. He'd still love them.

"Mr. Kim, we have a quiz today?" He gets asked this all the time. "Yes, it clearly says on the board, Mark."

"Just give me a second and I'll hand them out. First get your folders and study for five minutes then I'll give to you guys."

Everyone stood up and got their white folders that were decorated with drawers they did while they were bored.

Many of the students loved art.

He let them study, some of them did but others played with their phones, others talked to one another and the rest looked threw their folders, making sure everything was in place for when it was time to check folders.

Due to Taehyung being the "fun" teacher everyone loved being in his class. He made things interesting and even did labs from time to time. Unlike Mrs. Yoona, who everyone found boring and annoying.

Always giving them work to make her life and their's harder but she wasn't as bad as the Spanish teacher. He was even worse.


Jin's office - 12: 35

"What did I tell you, Wooyoung? You were caught having sex in one of the empty classrooms. You promised your parents and I that something like that would not happen again."

"And you, young lady. You should be ashamed. How would your parents feel if they found out about this? I get this is a boarding school and it can get very lonely and you're all teenagers but behavior like this can't happen. Not in my school."

Jin glared at both students. He couldn't be more disappointed in them. "At least have the decency to be quiet and not be loud. You were disrupting other classes."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. We won't do anything like this ever again. We promise." The young girl pleaded. "We promise, sir. We will never do that. It's just pent up everything. School's been stressful and hormones. Y'know?" The boy chipped in.

They both sounded terrified. "My parents are going to kill me. They don't know I've even done. When they found out my sister lost her virginity they tried to ship her away. Please don't tell them, I don't want them doing that to me." The poor girl looked as she was going to burst our crying while the boy looked with shame and fear.

"Fine, but if either of you do anything like this again, it'll be the last time you're in this school." They nodded and left with anxiety.

"I hate yelling at kids." Jin put his head down until he heard the door open. "You let them go?" The counselor came in. "Yes, I did Mr. Fischbach. They looked terrified. She was super close to crying. They're kids for christ sake."

"I told you to call me Mark. Yeah, must've been even more embarrassing to be caught by the principal. Feel bad for them too." Mark spoke with his deep voice that was too enticing.

"Yeah, trust me. It was embarrassing for me as well. Walking in on two people having sex isn't really something I want to see. God, I saw too much." Jin groaned, blushing red with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, you'll forget about it eventually." Mark reassured him. "You and Amy ever been caught?" Jin asked curiously. "Mmm...no. I always have Ethan or Tyler over but we don't do it with them in the house. That'd be traumatic for Ethan since he's still a baby."

"How old is he?

"Twenty-three" Jin's eyes widened. "Oh wow, he's year older than Jungkookie."

"Jungkookie? Are you guys dating?" Mark chuckled. "Nooooo, never. He is my baby. He's practically my child. I've pretty much raised him." Jin panicked.

"Okay, okay. I get it. That's how it is with me and Ethan. I've known since he was nineteen. The one of reasons we get along is because we're both dumbasses."

"I saw that video you uploaded. The one where you guys were in an escape room and were just being dumb the whole time and save the police officer. Funny though."

"Ethan was going to let her die! Like no, we're supposed to help her. But in the end she died." Mark complained and sat down. "Yeah, it was funny seeing you two bicker."

"Fans love it." Mark got up an headed to the door. "I have to go. Bye bye."

"Close my door behind you." He did. Jin sat there tired and stressed. He needed to relieve all this stress. He hadn't had any time to himself. Too busy with being the principal of a boarding school.

Having to speak with depressed and suicidal students isn't how he thought how this job was going to turn out. He felt the pain and anguish they felt. It hurts to see that he can't do anything, knowing their parents threw them away to make someone else worry and take care of them because they didn't want to. Sometimes the parents didn't even visit their children.

His mind was going to a dark place until his phone pinged.

  12:50 PM

Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the others this weekend. You seemed stressed and I think it'd be good you.

Sure, thanks Joon

No problem. can't wait!

Who else is coming?
Also where are gonna go?

Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi.
Well we'll figure that out later after work.
Shoot I gotta go byee~

Okay bye~

Jin's heart fluttered. He always felt his heart pound whenever him and Namjoon texted or when the hung out. God, he was so infatuated with him. He never told Jungkook or Jimin how he felt about the other but he did tell Mark. Since he trusted him and because Mark was just such a sweetheart.

Jungkook would probably tease him or laugh at him. Jimin on the other hand would get jealous. He liked Namjoon just as much as Jin, he was completely blind to the feelings that Hoseok and Yoongi had for him.

Just the look in their eyes would tell you everything. They were both practically in love with him. He was adorable and incredibly sweet of course. He'd catch anyone's eye, they always tried not to be too close because of how uncomfortable the other teachers made him with their intentions of getting in bed with him.

"God, just love me already, Joon." Jin muttered to himself before setting his head down on the table and drifting to


I hope you liked this. Jimin is just a cutie pie. He has my heart.

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