°chapter seven°

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[ F l y i n g ]


"Hello, Taehyungie?" Jungkook's soft and tired voice spoke through the phone. "Hey, Kookie. I need your help." Taehyung signed then heard a gasp from the other side of the phone. "Tae, oh my God. What do you need?" He sounded worried and spoke quickly. "Just can you pick me and can I stay at your place for the night. I'm sorry I woke you up but Ken was following and he was in my apartment and he tried to hurt Yeontan."

"It's okay I understand. But who's Yeontan?" He questioned. "My dog." It was silent other than shuffling being heard. "Kook?"

"Gimme a sec. I'm putting my shoes on." Taehyung smiled, he found it sweet of the younger not ask anymore questions and come immediately. "Do you mind if Tannie stays with me?"

"Of course I don't. Gureum can finally have another friend." Gureum? "You have a dog too?"

"Yeah, I love dogs. I gotta go. I'll call you when I get there. Bye."



Taehyung got his dog back and left with Jungkook. "Thank you, again." Taehyung thanked him for the billionth time as they enter Jungkook's apartment.

"Stop thanking me, Tae." Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's embarrassment. "But I have to." Taehyung cover his face with the paws of his sweater. "Taehyung, I'm happy to have you here. I get to know you more." Jungkook got close to Taehyung and lifted his head.

"You're acting so shy. I've never seen you like this before and we've worked together for two years." He cupped his face. "Is this the real Taehyungie?" Jungkook's doe eyes stared into Taehyung's. "Maybe, I'm not sure who the real me is."

"What do you mean?" He let go of his face and held his hands. "There's a side of me that I hide but sometimes it comes out but it scares me. It scares everyone." Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist and hid his face in his neck. "Are you afraid it's going to scare me?"

"Of course, I don't want to lose you."

"You could never scare me." Taehyung pet Jungkook's hair. Touching him called Taehyung down. Just contact, that's all he needed. "You want to go to sleep." Jungkook nodded, head still in Taehyung's necked. "Well let's go. I need sleep."

Jungkook lifted his head and let go of Taehyung's waist. He smiled sweetly showing his teeth which resembled a cute bunny. "Let's go to my room." Taehyung picked up Jungkook and swung him over his shoulder. "Taehyungieeee~" Jungkook whined.

"What, we're going to your room." Jungkook blushed. He felt lucky enough to not have Taehyung looking at him. He was embarrassed. Taehyung headed to Jungkook's room and set him on the queen sized bed.

He kneeled down and untied his shoes, taking them off. Jungkook took off his coat and shoes. "You want to borrow some comfortable clothes?" Jungkook asked and sat up. "Um, yeah." He got up and rummaged though his stuff. He found a matching set if pajamas and threw at Taehyung's face.

"Uh rude." He giggled. "I'm exhausted." Jungkook plopped down and cuddled into the covers. "Me too." Taehyung moved closer to Jungkook and wrapped his arms around his waist, cuddling him closely. Jungkook didn't mind this. He felt loved and warm.

He was beginning to realize something. Everytime he was around Taehyung he felt happy and excited. He wanted to be around him constantly. It felt amazing. A warm fuzzy feeling in his belly as Taehyung held him sweetly. He was falling in love. That worried him because he knew Taehyung had been hurt before.

He wanted to protect him.


Jungkook watched as some of his students were playing basketball, and attempting to play volleyball but the ball kept going everywhere. It was a mess but he enjoyed watching the chaos of his students.

He went back to doing his work but his phone started ringing. He quickly picked it up. "Hello?" He got no answer, all he heard was breathing. "Hello? Who is this?" He asked. The breathing went on until he finally heard a voice whisper, "Fly." He heard then a 'click' sound. They hung up.

"What the hell? What did they mean but "Fly", that makes no sense." He sighed. Ever since he let Taehyung stay at his place he's been getting weird hang up calls. It doesn't scare him but it does worry him. "What do they want?"

The first call they said, "What a useless dream." The second, "Imagine being dragged by your ankles into the forest. Screaming. But no one could hear because you're already in too deep." Then they would hang up after a word or sentence. He always answered because he was curious. They seemed like messages but the second one was a threat, or seemed that way.

But what did 'Fly' mean to this person?

Jungkook's mind was drifting until the bell went off and all the student's left. Thankfully it was now seventh period so no more students for the day. "I should tell someone. But who?" He thought about the options and decided on Yoongi.

He went to the music room where Yoongi is. "Yoongs?" He saw Yoongi sitting at his desk texting on his phone. His head went up at the mention of his name. "Yeah, Kookie?"

"I need advice. So don't judge me when I tell you this." Yoongi nodded. "So Taehyung is staying at my place. He's been wonderful but ever since I've been calls from someone. They keep saying odd things and the second time they called me it seemed like a threat. I don't want to tell Taehyung because he'd be scared and I don't want him to he scared anymore." Jungkook confessed. "Wow. Okay. What the fuck. What have the said? What did the say on the second call?"

"They said, "Imagine being dragged by your ankles into the forest. Screaming. But no one could hear because you're already in too deep." I don't know what they meant but it sounds horrifying." He casually said. "What the actually fuck? You should be more worried. Kook, is this happening because of Taehyung?" He nodded. "I'm pretty sure." Yoongi sighed. "So you're now in danger because of Taehyung." Jungkook looked at confused, his doe eyes looking down at Yoongi. "I don't blame him. You shouldn't either."

"I know but your life could be in danger. You should think about that." Yoongi warned him. He reached for Jungkook's hand and held it. "But I like him. A lot. He matters to me. I can't just let them win. It wouldn't be fair to him." Jungkook blushed at admitting his feelings for the elder but he was just too important.

"Wha- uh nevermind. Are you just going to let Taehyung endanger your life more?" Yoongi asked not knowing Taehyung was listening from the hallway.

"Are you sure you want to risk your life for him?


My new story based off their new song called 'Black Swan'. It's my new favorite song and I can stop listening to it. I love it and it's created so many theories. Including Shadow. I fucking love it and it's just amazing. If you haven't listened to it yet, you should.

I wrote something completely different for this but it disappeared and so I wrote something else. Hope you guys like it.

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