°chapter six°

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[ W o r t h l e s s ]

*Trigger warning! Mentions of rape and abuse!*


Taehyung entered his apartment tiredly. His day was stressful. He had to worry about his ex all day. Thinking that the asshole was following him around. He was fearful and he had the right to be.

Ken beat him, choked him, raped him. He was mentally, physically, and sexually abusive. He was always yelling at Taehyung, trying to boss him around and when didn't listen he'd be grab anything in sight and beat him with it.

It was terrifying.

No one understood why Taehyung stayed with Ken for so long. No one knew how he felt. He tried to leave so many times. So many fucking times. But then Ken would come back and tell him how useless he was without him. How he should die if he didn't stay with him.

He felt useless with him even though he was miserable. He felt like he had to be with him and if he wasn't he would be nothing. He'd just be some ungrateful greedy whore that was used and unwanted by others. Something to be used like a sex toy and nothing else.

Those feels coming back again. He began crying hysterically. "Why'd you come back, you bitch!?" He yelled. "Because I love you." He got a surprising reply. "Wha-what?" He got off the floor to see Ken in his apartment in the livingroom, sitting in the spot him and Jungkook were snuggled up on one week prior.

"What the hell are you doing here? And in my fucking apartment. You have no right. You have no fucking right. Get out." Taehyung spoke angrily. "I'm not letting ruin my life. Not again. Not ever."

"Taehyung, I love you. I always have. You know this, baby bear." Ken said sweetly and softly but Taehyung gagged with disgust. "I'm not your "baby bear", you are nothing to me. You can't manipulate me anymore."

"You're still mine whether you like it or not. That guy you had here last week doesn't love you like I do. He can't fuck you the way I do. He can give you the pleasure I've given you. He's nothing but a one night stand.  It's a miracle you've survived this long without me. Have you been whoring yourself? I mean that's the only way I could think you could have lived this long, getting money for being a filthy slut. You have the perfect ass to do so and your face is very pretty."

"No, I haven't been whoring myself out. I actually have a job, a real job. But if I was, that'd be none of your business. You can't control me." Taehyung back up and Ken was coming closing. He backed Taehyung into a corner trapping him. "Have you fallen for Jungkook?" Taehyung's eyes widened. "Wha-?"

"Yeah, I did some research on your new boy toy. Bet he fucked you after you guys left the mall. I mean, he stayed the night after all. How'd it feel to someone else's toy? Does he know that you're just a hole to used for others? Nothing more than that."

"Get away from me!" Taehyung pounded on his chest to get him off but he wouldn't budge. "Leave me alone. Stay away from Jungkook. We did nothing that night. We just watched tv and then fell asleep! I just think of him as friend." Taehyung kept trying to push Ken off but still not avail. Taehyung was pretty tall and seemed like a dominating figure but Ken was even bigger and scarier.

He made Taehyung seem like a little puppy whining and trying to get away from his master because he knew he was going to punished. Taehyung got away from his grasp and ran to the door to get out and getting out. Instead of going into the elevators he took the stairs running but pausing.

He heard an animal yelp. He recognized it immediately. It was his precious pomeranian, Yeontan. He couldn't just leave with Ken. He had to go get him. Most people would call him stupid for running back into his apartment to get a dog.

But Yeontan means everything to him. That's his pride and joy. His true bestfriend. He can't just let someone hurt him. That was his baby.

Taehyung ran into his apartment again.  Seeing Ken holding his precious baby by the neck. Yeontan was struggling to get out of Ken's grasp. Yelping and practically begging to be released. "You bitch!" Taehyung rushed at Ken. Pushing him over until Ken hit the wall.
He hurried and grabbed Yeontan then ran out.

His was beating so quickly it felt as I'd his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He couldn't process what just happened. Did he really just stand up to Ken? He felt brave that even had the courage to yell at him and push him and take his dog and leave.

Taehyung was outside and he was running as Ken chased after him. "Get back here! Tae!" Taehyung didn't listen instead he kept running. Luckily it was busy outside. Eventually Taehyung got to a bakery.

He rushed in breathing heavily. "Please-please help! A man tried to hurt me and my dog. He-He tried to kill me. Please!" An old woman and a young man who Taehyung could only presume was her son locked the door. The old woman tried to calm down Taehyung.

He felt like his world was falling apart once again. "Mom, let me help him." The son patted his mother's back. "Okay. Thank you honey." He nodded his head. "Hey, kid are you okay?"

"I feel a little bit better."

"Who was that man?" Taehyung froze. What were they gonna think if tells them that the psycho that was trying to kill him was his ex? His ex boyfriend. "Someone I use to consider a friend. I haven't seen him in years and then he popped up and starting stalking me, again."

"Again? This isn't the first time?"

"No, and it will never be. He'll never give up. He'll never leave me alone." The man was looking out the window to see if it anyone was there, and there was. He saw a man a few years older than himself. He was across the street, it looked like he was searching for someone.

"I think I see him."

"Oh my god. I should leave. He might come after you guys if I stay or if he sees me." Taehyung panicked. "It's going to be fine." The young man shut the window and brought Taehyung into the back room since there are no curtains.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Taehyung. What's yours?"

"I'm Taeyong. Do have anyone to call that you know?" Taehyung nodded. "You should call the police." Taehyung bit his lip and shook his head. "I have before. They said he hasn't killed me yet so there's nothing the could do." Shocking but true. The one and only time Taehyung actually went the police, they told him that since he not dead yet there's nothing they can do. He has to be dead for the police to give a fuck.

"It's okay. Y'know we should become friends. Can I get your number?" Taehyung nodded and the other boy unlocked his phone and handed it to him. He typed in his number and handed back after he done.

"If you want text me whenever but after always after four pm."

"Oh, okay. Will do. Also why?" Taeyong asked. "I'm a teacher." Taeyong chuckled. "Well that's good to know. What subject?" He asked. "Biology."

"Oh that's cool."

"Not really, but okay. I really should get going. I don't want to bother you guys anymore than I have. I'm really sorry." Taehyung got and walked back into the main part of the shop. "Trust me, Taehyung. It's fine. It was nice to talk to you. I don't see him but before you leave you should call someone to pick you up."

"Oh yeah, I should. Okay gimme a sec."

"Want me to hold you dog real quick." Yeontan was sleeping peacefully in Taehyung's arms. "Uh sure." He handed him to Taeyong and started looking through his contacts. He didn't know who to call but be didn't want to bother Mark again so he picked some else. He clicked the phone icon and it started ringing. It rang for a few moments then they answered. He heard a yawn then they spoke.
"Hello, Taehyungie?"

"Hey, Kookie. I need your help."


Look at this adorable little baby. He deserves the world.

Sorry this is short but I took a lil more  time in this.

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