Chapter 33: Faking Forever...?

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*Shotarou's Pov*

FaKiNg FoReVer....?


Oh right that's right...

I was running...


Running from who...?

Other People Maybe...?

Running From What Though?

Their expectations...?

The pressure that everyone had builds up on you in taking their sweet time by working against you or making things harder...?

Like they got anything better to do...?

Did you ever hear that tiny voice in your head that's telling you:

"I can't take it anymore!!!"

Whether your either a baby, child, teenager, adult, or senior citizen.

There are times where others want to put you through your own personal Hell.

To drag your name through the dirt and call you names when you don't live up to their expectations.

To launch you into a world of their abuse...

To laugh and mock at your misery...

To wish DEATH upon you...

Bounded by rules...No shred of freedom...


That's all you can feel...

It makes you even wonder...

What did you to even deserved this...?

Did you piss off the wrong person maybe...?

Made the wrong choice...?

Had a bad day and took it out on someone else...?

I wondered...

In these situations, are you even considered a good person or a bad person...?

Ever since the beginning of mankind.

We all have our own story to tell...

But...what is my story...?

I got something to say too...right...?

Did I live a good life...or did I live a terrible one...?

Am I a good person...or a bad person...?

How did my choices affect my actions to not only me...but to those around me...

All...I ever wanted be myself...

I wanted...friends...

Is...that the reason why I'm running away...?

Because society...wouldn't accept someone like me...?

What did I do wrong...?

Where did I go wrong...?

Is it my fault...or is it their fault...

Am I...doomed to be alone til the day I die...?

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*


I'm...not alone...?

I looked behind me to see four other lost souls...

Like me....

They all looked...scared...



They looked at me...

I looked at them...

No words were exchanged...

Except the fact that we all knew...

Their situation is the same as mine...

Like me...

The voice spoken to me again...

"They also wanted to be accepted..."

"But society turned a blind eye and ruined them..."

"But the question is...Do you accept them...?"


"Will you accept everything about them...? Their appearances...their personalities...their secrets...even their tormented memories...will you share all of their pain...?"


I do...

Because after all...

They're just like me...

I'm not alone...

It was just the five of us...together...

That comforting word...Friends...

Againist the injustice cruelty we all faced...

Like someone once said a long time ago...

"Misery Loves Company After All..."

Those four boys...

I knew them...





They were real...

They weren't fake...

I didn't make them up...

We were five broken boys...

Torn apart by the real world...

Together, when we met...

We forged a suicide pact...

We made a vow that after high school is over. We would commit suicide together.

We used that vow as a escape from the real world.

But we forgotten all about that...which means...

I finally understand and realized something now...

The negative thoughts that had filled my head for years...

This world....

Kanata-kun nor the shadow truly did make this world as they claimed they did...

Only one person who had obviously made this world as a last resort to escape from their darkest reality...


It was me....

I...created this world...

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