Chapter 34: Hope Of Morning

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*Shotarou's Pov*

All I saw was darkness...

But...If I'm truly the jailer of this world.

Then there is a way I can save them...

Save them from themselves...

They say when your mind's a kaleidoscope, it thinks too fast...

Blurs all the colors 'til we can't see past...

The last mistakes....the choices we make...

Staring in the mirror with ourselves to blame...

There was no where to hide inside our minds.

Our root of our problems were ignored by the harsh world...

I second guess myself to death, I re-solicit every step...

If I try to talk to them...

What if my words are meaningless?

What if my heart's misleading this?

I try to capture every moment as it comes to me...

We bottled up our memories and let them keep us company...

I started with Ichigo first...

Since this world is inhabited by people's dark and painful memories. It's most likely Ichigo would be here.

He suffered so much because of my ignorance and killed by Kanata.

His existence was erased....not truly by Kanata. But by me...because I didn't want to accept it....

I went over to a cell. Ichigo was there. But he couldn't see nor here me.

Ichigo: I was just a young boy. I wanted nothing more but to help my overworked mother. My father died when I was younger. I tried working but no one would hire me. Jobs nowadays are harder to get than it looks. Then...I was blackmailed by an old friend of mines. I had doem many things I'm not proud of...Then I was told I shouldn't be existence is a nuisance to everyone...all because I'm depressed...I caused everyone so much stress...everyone hates I got bullied...even my own best friend hates me...I can't do anything right! I want to be by his side! Lack of whatever or with many things to try. But I really can't remember if I'm happy or sad! Insane or insomniac!


Yusuke's cell appears as well...

Yusuke:....I just another lost and abused victim to this world...I don't how to trust people. Father abandoned me. Mother treats me liks trash. The kids are crazy. Always trying to dialogue me! They call me mean. They call me selfish. They call me arrogant. They call me stupid. They call me delinquent. Multiple... Multiple times...Then there's that girl. She's also one od the reasons why I've suffered. I believed in her. She used me...then she goes and does this to me...I know I'm not smart like everyone else is...but at least I know I can't trust people especially of they act like that to me...I didn't kill her...It's not my failt...I'm not a killer...I'm not a horrible person...someone just pass along the prescription pills already!!!!


Miyoshi wasn't too far away himself. Like Ichigo and Yusuke, he was wallowing up in his own misery.

Miyoshi: I clinged to hope thinking everything would be alright. But no...nothing is alright. I'm treated as a failure to my family. Father looks down on me. Mother ignores me. My siblings are my only family. But...they probably forgotten all about the eldest brother, I needed to set an example. The pressure became too much for after work. Exam after exam. If I didn't succeed. Father would've been mad. He never cared. No one else cares. So I cut myself. Everytime I fail. I cut myself as to remind me of my previous failures. The eyes...they are still watching me!!! The expectations is through the roof! I can't take it anymore! My disorder can never be cured...

Finally, there was Kanata. For the first time, I heard him in a sad voice.

Kanata: I didn't want to let him see that. I didn't want everyone else to know. This greed had consumed me. Turning me into someone I'm not. People say I'm a hypocrite. Who are they fooling. They're all the same. I may have hurt a lot of people. But they also hurt me! They judge people by looks, appearance, personality, and actions alone. Never getting bothered to get to know them. They act like they're in pain. Such self-centered disgusted selfishness sinking all of us everywhere we go!!!!

Me: My friends....

I have listened to their cries and pleas. All they ever really wanted...was to be accepted...

But, the world never gave them that chance...

They say everything would be alright...but it's not...

Like me, they never give anyone a chance. The slightest mishap can ruin anyone's life.

Try as we might to keep it together...

Even if we recover from all of this...

It probably would take forever...

Continue to fool the whole world until we get better...

But the thing that terrifies me is that even we continue living in hell...

We might just keep faking forever..

FaKiNg FoReVer.....

On and on I wonder what went wrong inside my head...

My head feels like a dark prison I can't wake up from...I have trapped them here to relive them from their pain. But it made things worst.

I don't have to have the answers, but tonight I wish I did...

All the pain none of us can't explain away won't fade...

Ichigo and his suffering...

Miyoshi's disorder...

Yusuke going through the mind of the abused...

Kanata living a life full of lies.

All the secrets silenced by the shame...

Ichigo: Don't Make Me Say It!!! (BULLIED/DEPRESSED)

Miyoshi: Don't Make Me Say It!!!

Yusuke: Don't Make Me Say It!!!

Kanata: Don't Make Me Say It!!!

We're all going through whether we like it or not... I have to fix it...

My hands started to glow...I put them together as the bright light started to surround me...

This was my chance to make things right...

As the hope of morning starts to fade in me...

I won't dare let darkness have its way with me like it did with the others...

I will set them free...

The bright light begins to consume everything...

And the hope of morning makes me worth the fight...


No matter what you're going through...

Doesn't matter if it's either life or death...

I will never give up on my friends...

I will save you...even if don't want me too...

I then felt arms around, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. A smile can on my face.

Because...I will not be giving in tonight!!!

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