Chapter 35: Making Amends

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*Shotarou's Pov*

I've finally found my courage.

After all this time, I've been running away from reality. But now...I'm ready!


*Ichigo's Pov*

Kyou: I'm sorry, Okay...?

I couldn't believe this...why Kyou really apologizing to me? Am I still asleep or something?!

Kyou: I...learned that you almost tried to kill yourself and...I guess I felt guilty...

You guess?!

Kyou: Here...

He gave me what seems to be a medical bill. I stared at shock.

T-This is...

Kyou: Your mother's debt had been paid. My Dad will make sure the surgery is a success. She'll be fine by the end of the week.

Me: Kyou...this is...thank you!

Did he finally had a change of heart?! I'm so happy...maybe we can friends again?!


Little did I know, a couple of hours ago Kyou was threatened by Shotarou.

Shotarou: Just get this Kyou. If you ever bully Ichigo, so much as come near him again, or send your goons after him. I will hunt you down and I. WILL. MAKE. YOU. SUFFER. Keep it up and I'll will even put your Dad out of business if Auntie doesn't recover. And believe me, don't think you're little gang will save you when I'm through with you. Are we clear?

The venomous threat in his words mad with obviously clear he wasn't playing around.


Who would've thought...the power of words were able to save me...

I'm not sure how it happened but...Thank You Shotarou...

*Miyoshi's Pov*

Father: How dare you?! How dare you fail me?! Have my teachings towards been for nothing?! You're an utter disgrace!

Me:.....I don't care....



Father: ?!

Me. All I've ever done was tried to impress you! To make you proud! But it seems like no matter what I do! It's not enough for you! But you know what! I don't need you! I'm already smart enough on how to live my life! You and mother don't even care about us! But when you had big sister! She was utterly perfect! But when I was born along with the rest! You treated us like we're nothing! Although, now all of that is changed!

Father: You...YOU!

Me: I'm not a to ol at your disposal. As a human being, I havr the right to make my own responsibilities. Not for you!

Father: You...How dare you!

Me: Get Out. You and mother don't belong here anymore.

Father: This is our house! We should we kicking you out!

Me: Actually Father, that's a slight mistake you never bothered to remember. According to Grandpa's will, the deed to the house belongs to the eldest grandson after his second son's family.

Father: What...?! T-That can't be...?

Me: Yes which means...all of the inheritance in this house belongs to me and my younger siblings. The rest of it now given to elder sister. But you...and mother...have nothing like you think you have. After high school, I will be in control. Grandpa never gave anything to you after his death.


Me: Start packing your things, Father. You and mother don't deserve to be here. This little mansion now belongs to me and my siblings only. You and mother are now pig people now. You must live along the pigs. If you have any problems, we can discuss your little dealings in court if we must. I'm sure the judge would looooove to hear the pressure and beatings you put on all of your children.

Father: Gack....Grrr....You nightmare child!

I guess he's really surprised. The deed is in my name and sole possession now. Not his.

I watched as father stormed out in anger. I'm glad...He's gone...

???: Onii-chan...?

I looked down to see my younger siblings.

I bent down so all of them gave me a group hug. Tears swelling up in their little eyes.

Me: There there. Everything's okay now.

Thank You...Shotarou...

*Yusuke's Pov*

Me: Well fuck you! I'm sick of your shit anyway! All you ever do is abused me and treat me like trash! So you know what, I'm leaving!

Mother: Well good. But I bet you'll come back! Who wants to take care of useless trash of a brat like you! I should've never gave birth to you ungrateful brat!

Me: Well you should've never had me in the first place! You and the old man are to blame!

I packed up my things and left.

I know it's going to be rough for me after this...but...whatever happens...I'll face it...

Thank You...Shotarou...

*Kanata's Pov*

Me:....It would be really nice if you two just come back together...I really miss the times we used to be together like a family...even though all you guys ever fight...



Me: I'm a greedy person. I've caused so much pain to others because of my greed. But all I've ever really wanted was a place to call my home...but I took advantage of that too...


Kanata: Tou-san...Kaa-san...I just...want everything to go back to that too much to ask...? Please....


Thank you...Shotarou...

*Shotarou's Pov*

The five of us met up again after school...





Me: Well...don't we all got something to say to each other...

It wasn't just Kanata that was his defense, we all were horrible to each other, with or without his influence.

Even if we were friends, we all ended up using each an attempted to make ourselves feel better...

Me: Look, I know we all said and done things to each other. Things that we can't forgive or forget...Things we can't ignore no matter how much we try. A simple isn't going to make things right...But it's best to make amends.

We're no different from everyone else. After that, that what makes us human.


Ichigo: He's right...I'm sorry guys...I'm...been so miserable for a long time, I've forgotten what it's like to be happy. I didn't mean to cause you guys to become uncomfortable...

Yusuke: No...We should apologizing for that.

Ichigo: Yu-chan...

Miyoshi: The reason why we didn't like that is because we secretly didn't want to know what you was going through. When we dismissed your pain, we should've realized how too far gone you were...

Yusuke: Tch...I admit, I haven't been the best person lately. All I ever do is get angry. From my past, I've been treated like I'm a nobody to people. I guess I just need something to take it out on and release it.

Miyoshi: I've...been a hypocrite myself lately. Even though sis is helping me. Arrange a doctor to help me get treated but my disorder still won't be cured. But at least my siblings can finally live in that mansion without feeling scared anymore.


Me: Kanata-kun....

Boys: *Glares at Kanata*

Kanata: I'm...ashamed of my actions...I did the most damage here to everyone. I used your emotions like a tool. I hurt people because of my greed. I boast about it. It's not something I'm proud of. But I admit, I acted like a complete...douchebag as Yusuke-kun said.

Yusuke: That's because you are.


Kanata:...But...I guess I shouldn't act selfish because I just only one know most of you can't forgive me but...I'm really really sorry...

Because now...we understand...

Miyoshi: I'm a mess...

Ichigo: I'm a loser...

Yusuke: I'm hater...

Kanata: I'm a user...

Me:....I'm all of the above...

Boys: ?!

Miyoshi: I'm obsessed...

Ichigo: I'm embarrassed...

Yusuke: I don't trust no one around us...

Kanata:....I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new...

Me: ....and I'm also sorry....

Boys: Eh?

Me: Because even though I tried to understand you guys. I made you all go through all that. You tried to forget. I made y'all remember. I guess the reason why I say this...because I don't accept reality. There were tiems I just wanted to run away from my problems. But when I'm with you all, I feel happy.


Me: I and delight. We're all may be going through something. But the best way is facing it together...right?

Ichigo: Sho-Sho is right!

Miyoshi: I agree.

Yusuke: Hate to admit it but yeah.

Kanata: Shotarou-kun...I feel like you're more of a motivational speaker more than I am...

Me: Really...?

Kanata nodded.

Me:....Again. I'm sorry guys...But...I really want us to be friends again. How about we start over...Now I know...after all I've it feels like to be you guys....

I hold out my hand to them.

Shotarou: What do you say, friends...?

Boys: Yeah~!

They each took my hand. Happiness and joy filled all of us. The tears fall down at they looked at me with shock looks.

Ichigo: Sho-Sho!

Kanata: A-Are you crying?!

Yusuke: Wait to go, jerks. You made him cry!

Miyoshi: You did too!

Yusuke: Hah?! Don't pin this on me!

Ichigo: You're also to blame!

Kanata: Please don't fight!

I smiled as they argued. There was still hope for getting friends such as these four after all.

My heart...feels so happy...


Kanata: BTW, Shotarou-kun...

Me: Yeah...?

Kanata: Since you helped me along with everyone else...I just wanted to say....You're the new Go-Home Club President.


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