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*Shotarou's Pov*

I woke up early for the first time in my life. Feeling refreshed I quickly washed up, got dressed, and ready for school...

Mom made breakfast as I watched some anime.

Mom: Shotarou.....

Me: Yeah Mom???

Mom: I've gotten a message from your father. His flight should be arriving sometime in the evening, are you excited?

Me: Of course! I haven't seen Dad in a while since he went overseas!

Mom: Now we get to be a family again like he promised~! Once you're done with school, we should go to the airport to look for him.

Me: Okay~!

Feeling excited from the news, I quickly ate and started taking off.

Me: I'm going, Mom!

Mom: Okay...and Shotarou?

Me: Yeah...?

Mom: Come home safe, okay?

I gave her a puzzled look for a moment at her being genuine to me. Maybe it's her intuition as a mother knowing that something happen to me and the others a while ago. I just nodded to make her feel a little relieved.

Me: I will, Mom!


I ran down the street and noticed somebody a few feet away from their house down the path.

Me: Ichigo!

Ichigo: Sho-Sho~!

He comes up to me, showing that bro sunny and that always warm up my day.

Normally, it'll be fake...but...this one felt real.

Me: How's Auntie...?

Ichigo: She's doing well! She called and told me the surgery is a success! She'll be home as soon as she gets discharged from the Hospital.

Me: That's wonderful news, Ichigo! I'm really glad!

Ichigo: Me too! Now we can spend time together when she gets back. She told she felt bad for putting all the responsibilities on me. But I told her it's fine...I have decided it be best if I help out sometime.

Me: Ichigo...

Ichigo: I want her to know that I'm there for her as her son. She should worried about her health more instead of work. So that's why I want to be as supportive as she is too me...

Me: Auntie's really lucky to have a son like you.

Ichigo giggled. I glad he's doing alright now that he doesn't have to worry about Kyou anymore.

???: Hey you slowpokes!

We both turned our heads to see Yu-chan along with Miyoshi-Senpai and Kanata-kun waiting for us down the street.

We quickly ran up to them.

Me: Yu-chan! Everyone!

Yusuke: Will you little shits stop calling me that?!

Ichigo: Why? You seem to really like it? And Yu-chan?! What happens to your face! You look like you got ran over by a truck!


Miyoshi: Yusuke! Language!

Yusuke: Whatever! Nothing too bad happen! Just ran into my old team on the street the other day! Some of them gotten into a fight with me.

Ichigo: Yu-chan...

That is very concerning. Hope he's alright.

Yusuke: Don't give me that look. I'm alright for now. Though I admit, it still kind of hurts. But...on the bright side. The coach found out and those three idiots got in trouble. He apologized for the mess they cause.

Miyoshi: Mess they caused? But they were harassing you!

Yusuke: At least they got in trouble! That's all I needed to hear.

Me: BTW, Yu-chan. What are going to do now that you're away from your family.

Yusuke: Tch. Four eyes is helping me out. He thinks it's okay for me to crash at his place!

Miyoshi: Normally I be aganist things like this! But just because I let you stay doesn't mean I'm letting you be a freeloader!

Yusuke: I work part-time after school thank you very much.

We decided to jump to another topic before these two gotten into a fight again.

Me: Miyoshi-Senpai? What about you...?

Miyoshi: I...me and my siblings are getting some therapy. After what we went through, it's for the best...

He looked at his bandaged arms. God, I hope he don't cut again. Back then it turned out to be an addiction, let's just hope nothing will trigger it again.

Me: And Kanata-kun?

We all turned to him. There was something new about him, a scar was now on his cheek.

Don't be too alarmed. He did that himself.

Kanata: Like I said, I am ashamed of my actions and nothing will take back what I've done to all of you. The least I could do is tarnished my face in order to make us even.

Yusuke: Dude, that does not make us even.

Miyoshi: I'm...still have a hard time trusting you...

Ichigo: Even I'm not sure if I have it in my heart to actually forgive you. What you said back there was pretty mean...

Miyoshi: Plus, you "destroyed" us...all for some petty jealousy and not getting enough attention.

Yusuke: If it wasn't for blondie here, none of us wouldn't be here.

Kanata looked down at his feet. Back then, he did not care if he hurt the others but it looks like he really has changed.

Kanata: I know. That's why I'm going to make it up to all of you.

Yusuke: Tch. Whatever. Just be thankful we still let you in our group.

Miyoshi: If it wasn't for Shotarou, we would've kicked you out a long time ago.

Ichigo: But...as long as you're not a meanie no more...I guess it'll be fine to let you still be our friend...

Me: But do not make the same mistake, Kanata. No more second chances, got it?

Kanata:...Got it...

Yusuke: Tch. We're watching you...I say we should've punched him. We all take turns punching him.

Miyoshi: For once, I agree.


Kanata: T-That won't be necessary...

Yusuke: Oh, it's necessary! Now that your powers are gone and they're rightfully back to Shotarou now. You better watch your back and clench your teeth!

Kanata: *Gulp*...

Miyoshi: BTW, Shotarou-kun...I just want to know something...

Me: Yeah...?

Miyoshi: If it wasn't Kanata-kun who was total control of that Alterworld we were in. Then how do you have control of the distortion of that world.

Everyone eyes were all me...

I sweatdropped a little.

Me: W-Well...I'm not totally sure...but I do got one answer to that... it's like I said before...back then, I didn't accepted reality.


Me: A childish part of me hated it. Hated how people can be so mean to each other. How they hurt others and go on about their day like nothing is wrong. Friends...Family... Acquaintances...Coworkers...
Classmates...Colleagues...Peers...No matter where you go there's always going to be someone that will try and hurt you.


Miyoshi: That's very true...

Me: I guess my conscious may have something to do with how the Alterworld was created based on reality. I used it as an attempt to escape. But once I met you guys, things were different. I realized that there were people...just like me...so I accidentally brought your guys into my world...I'm sorry...

Ichigo: You have nothing to apologise, Sho-Sho.

But I still felt like I've made things worst.

Miyoshi: It's still hard to believe a world like that exist. A world that parallel to our own. Only created by the subconscious of a teenage boy's mind. The universe is full of myserties waiting to be discovered.

He did had a point there. A world created by my mind. That's just hard to believe. But I'm glad yet surprised at how well they're taking all this.

Kanata: Is it okay if I ask...Why did you want to escape reality? It seems like everything you need...A good family....friends...

Me: Oh...I've never told you did I...I'm adopted...

They faces besides Ichigo's went blank in shock.


Ichigo: I already knew that...

Miyoshi: YOU KNEW?!!

Ichigo: Of course I knew. I'm his childhood friend.

Yusuke: So...what's the story here...?

Me: Once I recently found out I was adopted. I was crushed. I felt hurt believing my parents had lied to me about being my real mother and father. I felt like my whole life and everything around me was a lie. But...later...my mother called my dad and he told me everything.


Me: He told me that they were actually going to tell me when I was eighteen but I found out sooner than expected. Turns out...my biological parents were killed in an unexplained car accident when I was a infant. My adopted parents were friends with my biological parents, so they took me in. Even if they weren't my biological parents, they stilled loved me like I was their own son. I felt guilty for making them feel that way.

Ichigo: I found out from my mother too. She was also friends with Shotarou's biological mother as well. She was crushed when she learned she and her husband were killed. She told me not to tell Shotarou yet until he was ready to hear the truth.

Yusuke: Wow...That's really deep...

Miyoshi: To think you been adopted...of course learning about that kind of secret you would tend to believe you was living a lie.

Kanata: *Nods*....

Me: But...I gotten over it...Because I also noticed...I'm not the only one going through pain...you guys are as well...


They're little secrets...

Ichigo seen so much I haven't seen yet...Miyoshi learned to suffer silently...Yusuke fights his war everyday that no one sees...Kanata told me his life is just torture always remembering...

Me: So even if...even if some of our troubles are over...but that doesn't mean all of them is gone... it's better to face them together instead of doing it alone...right...?

Ichigo: Yeah!

Miyoshi: I agree.

Yusuke: You got me there...

Kanata: Of course.

I smiled at them as they understand.

Me: Thanks you guys.

Miyoshi: Let's get going now. Once we're in the Go-Home Club afterschool, I going to read you guys my favorite horror novel!

Yusuke: Hey! It's not like we like it or anything!

Ichigo: Keep telling yourself that, Yu-chan!

Kanata: I wouldn't mind if we just spend time together!

Ichigo: Better than studying~!

Miyoshi: Do you want me to put you through another lecture?

Ichigo: No thanks Mr. Pillows~!

Miyoshi: Stop talking about my chest!

Yusuke: Yeah right! I bet you're loving the attention your man tits are getting! You're the type of person anyone would want to fuck in bed!

Miyoshi: *Blushes*...

Ichigo: He ain't even denying it!

Kanata: Guess he must likes taking Yusuke's abuse. Miyoshi-kun, are you possible chance a masochist?

Yusuke: Gross...

Ichigo: I wanna read some manga~!


Yusuke: Oh can it, fucking nerdy edgelord.

Miyoshi: Can you go through one day without being so vulgar!

Kanata: Hey, I been meaning to ask what's a Doppo? Seriously, how is that a name?

Ichigo: *Shrugs* Do you think the girls would like your scar?

Kanata: I really don't know...


I just watched my friends all stuck in their conversations while smiling.

Shadow: (Isn't that cute...)

Me: You again?

Shadow: (Nice to see you again, Jailer~! I've been meaning to ask you something? Do you really believe it's all over?)


Shadow: (You may been able to save your friends this time...But you do realize there will be a time where they will kick the bucket. You only managed to just save them from killing themselves.)

Me: I know...life isn't fair but...I want to spend as much time with them as possible...

Shadow: (I can see that jailer. But you do realize this whole fiasco could happen again. Whose to say it even has to be your friends. It could be another person. Friends hurt friends no matter what you do. Even the most fragile friendship can break easily with just the right words or the right actions. One day, with or without you knowing, the key to the Alterworld will open up again.)

Me: And I will be the one to close it. No one should suffer that way.

Shadow: (So naive...you do realize you can't save everyone, kid. Life and death happens. It was just luck you was able to save your friends from themselves. Because if it was the real world. They would've died for real and stay dead...You can't always get what you want. It's bound to happen again. Sooner or later than expected...)

Me: I know...which is why...I will do my best. Everyone needs a hand sometimes. Whether it's by friend or family. No one should do things alone. It's never too late to change.

Shadow: (....Such a weird kid....Just putting up false confidence like that...)

The shadow in my head vanished as I felt relief. There's no doubt that we'll meet again...

But in the meantime...

Ichigo: Shotarou~!

Yusuke: Come on idiot! We're going to be late!

Miyoshi: Let's bring some manga to the Go-Home Club~!

Yusuke: Cupcakes! Cupcakes included!

Ichigo: Yeah!

Yusuke: Stay away from my cupcakes.

Ichigo: Awww...

Kanata: This should be fun, what do you say, Club President?

I made a smile as I ran towards them.

Me: HAI~!

Even if you're going through pain. Just know that the world isn't always grey. Because there is somebody out there that has your back.

You just have to find the right people to be your friends.

Once you find them. Cherished them forever.

Just like how I cherished...My School Buddies~!


It was afterschool time and me along with my buddies were inside.

Things went on like usual.

Yusuke insulting the others.

Ichigo's light teasing and his stealing his cupcakes.

Miyoshi bringing up a topic from a mystery novel.

Kanata checking out a romance manga and hype about it.

Then there's me who talks to all of them about what anime we watched or video games we recommend to the others.

Nagisa-Sensei from the infirmary comes by sometime to check up on us. He's kind of like a surrogate father to us now in some way...

I felt things have finally became in the Go-Home Club.

Then...I heard the door slide open which gathered our attention.

Three boys had walked in. Judging from their appearances, they were quiet unique. Nagisa-Sensei must've sent them.

Boy #1: Hello there~!

Boy#2: Is this the Go-Home Club? We're wondering if we can join?


The other four boys in the club looked at me as I smiled at them before looking at the three new boys.

Me: Yes~! Welcome to the Go-Home Club! I'm Shotarou, the Club's President! Here, anyone can be accepted~! I hope we can get along as school buddies~!

New friends means new beginnings and a new chapter to life...

Because our story isn't over yet~!

The End

A/N: Thanks for reading School Buddy. This isn't truly the end because I just might come back to this someday. So again, thank you guys for reading. See you next story. Peace~!

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