Chapter 3

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Heaven woke up on a bed that wasn't hers. She looked around and she wasn't in her apartment. She looked across the room, at a table, and noticed a school uniform for her. She quickly went to the bathroom and she noticed an unopened toothbrush and toothpaste as well as a hairbrush sitting there with a note.

Use these. They haven't been used so you will use them from now on.

Heaven brushed her hair and teeth then got dressed and opened the door slowly. She looked around and noticed she was on the second floor. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I see you are up. I'm glad you are ready because we are leaving in a few minutes." Namjoon says before shoving food into his mouth. "Why was I asleep in that room? What happened last night? The last thing I remember was Jimin making me sit next to him." you try to remember what happened. "You fell asleep and the others left so I took you to that room. That is your room. You live with me now. If I, or any of the other bangtan members, ask for something, you better give it to us. Do you understand?" Namjoon asks Heaven.

"Yeah but I still don't understand why you guys chose me to do this to. There are plenty of other girls." Heaven questioned. "You don't have the right to know. That is that. You also don't have the right to argue with us or question what we do." Namjoon said sternly and stood up. He had finished his food. "I'm brushing my teeth then we are leaving. You have to get up sooner tomorrow if you want breakfast." he says and walks off.

After a few minutes, Namjoon walks back and he hands Heaven her backpack and phone. She wanted to ask why he had her phone but she was too scared. "Oh and heaven." Namjoon said as she took her phone. "Yes?" She asks. "You aren't allowed to ignore any of our texts. If the boys text you, you answer them. Even if they are just chatting, you don't ignore them." he says and walks towards the door with Heaven following.

The two arrive at school and are greeted by the other boys. "Hello Heaven." the boys greet her. She just ignores them and stares at the ground. "ugh she is so disrespectful." one of them say. "Hello to you too. Happy now?" she asks sarcastically. "You better watch your mouth." Jin said. Heaven rolled her eyes and stared back at the floor.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late for class." J-hope said and they all start walking with Heaven trailing behind them. Sudden, a guy grabs her wrist and pulls her into a room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Heaven screamed at the boy. "Just trust me. Bangtan are bad news. You need to stay away from them." The boy says.

"You think I don't know that? I don't have a choice." Heaven remarked. "Well I can help you." He says. "I don't even know your name." She says. "Jackson." He replies.

"Well, Jackson, just let me be. After a while they will get annoyed with me and move on to some other unfortunate girl." She says and walks out. Jackson just sighed but he didn't stop her.

As soon as Heaven walks into class, she sees BTS looking pissed. Jimin sees her and walks up to her. Heaven backed up more and more until she hit a wall. This was just like on the roof. Jimin grabbed her wrists and held them by her head on the wall, pinning her against the wall.

"You think you can just do whatever you want and leave as you please?" Jimin asked, fumming. "N-no. Some boy pulled me into a room." Heaven defended. "YEAH RIGHT, LIKE I AM GONNA BELIEVE THAT!" Jimin shouted in her face. "IT'S THE TRUTH!" heaved yelled back.

"He pulled me into some room and warned me to stay away from you seven. I told him I'm fine and I knew you wouldn't have noticed me disappearing so I went to the classroom." Heaven explained. "We did notice you were missing, genius." Jimin retorted. "Not until you got in the classroom." She replied.

"Actually yeah we did. We noticed your footsteps were gone and when we checked, so were you. We knew you had to come to class so we decided to come and wait." Namjoon said. Heaven just stood there, surprised at what namjoon said. "Who was the boy?" Jimin asked in an angry tone. "He said his name was Jackson." Heaven answered.

"THAT LITTLE -". "Jimin." Namjoon quickly cut jimin off. "I told him I was fine so he shouldn't do that again. Just please let go of me, you're hurting me." Heaven said. Jimin hesitantly let go and walked to his seat and threw himself into the seat. Heaven did the same and opened her journal for class. Once the class ended, heaven just sat and waited for what the boys told her to do. She had no other option.

"You are eating with us." Namjoon informed and they all walk off but they made heaven walk in the middle of the group in case Jackson came back. For some reason Jackson did come back and the boys were not playing around. Suga grabbed Jackson's collar of his shirt and pushed him against the locker. Heaven didn't like when people fight. She looked away and tried to leave but jungkook grabbed her arm. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Who do you think you are trying to take Heaven from us? She is ours and nobody can change that. Especially not someone like you." Suga said, still pinning Jackson. "She doesn't like it, can't you tell?" Jackson spat. "That's why she told you to leave her." suga retorted. "She is scared of you all. She is scared of what you will do to her." Jackson spoke for Heaven.

"Jackson, I told you I was fine and I mean it. You need to stop speaking for me because I hate when people do that." Heaven said from behind Suga. "See?" suga asked with a smirk. "You better leave her alone now, she's ours." Suga let go of Jackson. Jackson glared at Heaven then left.

"You like us that much? I never knew." Jimin spoke and smirked. Heaven ripped her arm from Jungkook, who was still holding her. "No. He was right, I am just scared of what you would do if he took me again." Heaven explained. "Well at least you have some common sense." Namjoon sighed. "AND WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?" she screamed. J-hope slapped her cheek lightly but hard enough to get the message across. "You don't yell at us. Now let's go." he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the roof.

"What are we doing up here and what about lunch?" She asked. "We are doing whatever it is we want up here and you aren't eating lunch." Jimin smirked and walked towards her. "Please stop Jimin. Not this again." she begged as she backed up. For the third time, Jimin put a hand on either side of her head. "Jimin please don't do this." she started to tear up. "You're gonna cry. Am I really that bad?" he asked but he didn't care about the answer. Heaven just stiffened and tried to hold back the tears.

"I get to be the first kiss." he said. Second, she thought. Suga had kissed her forehead the other night. Sure it wasn't on the lips but it still counted as a kiss. "Second." she heard Suga say. Jimin turned to look at Suga. "What? Who was first?" he asked. "Me." he simply responded. Jimin turned around, letting Heaven free and glared at Suga. "When was this?" he asked, angrily.

"Yesterday at namjoon's house." he gave another simple response. "You pabo." Jimin sneered. "Can you blame me?" Suga asked and smirked. Heaven felt a little hurt now. She thought he was being nice but was he just doing it to get a kiss? No, he wouldn't do all that just to kiss her forehead. He must just be trying to cover up the fact that he was actually nice and caring. Heaven was stunned, just standing there, not knowing what to do. Jimin suddenly turned back around and slammed Heaven on to the wall again.

He pressed his lips onto hers and she tried to push him but he just grabbed her wrists and held them down to her side. She tried everything, turning her face, pushing him, pulling away, none of it worked. He pulled back and smirked. "What is wrong with you?!" she screamed. "There is nothing wrong with me." he said and let go of her. She immediately ran to the door and she was about to open the door and leave the roof but someone grabbed her wrist and threw her to the ground. This was exactly like last time. What's going to happen now?

She looked up at the boys, terrified. "Why do you keep doing this to me?" she asked as tears started falling. "A reason you don't have the right to know." V answered with the same thing they always say. "What did I ever do to you? Why can't you just leave me alone?" she asked, still crying. "Stop asking the same things. The answer will never change." Jungkook and J-hope said in unison. Suga was staring at Heaven with sad eyes. She was crying and he hated it but he couldn't do anything for her since the other guys were there.

"Let me say this again because you clearly don't understand. You do what we want. If they kiss you, you don't fight them. That's that." Namjoon said. "Girls aren't just some thing for you to use and take advantage of! We have feelings and people like you make us feel like crap! You make us feel like we don't matter! I hate people like you!" she yelled at them, crying more aggressively now. "I don't care." Namjoon replied.

"Let's go. We are done up here." Jimin said. "Who said you were the only one to get a kiss?" J-hope asked and smirked. "Please just let me be. Why can't you do anything but kiss me?" she asks, trying to stop crying. "Oh my god she is so dramatic. Come on, let's leave for now." J-hope said and Heaven silently thanked the gods.


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