Chapter 4

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"Alright let's go and wait in our next class. We don't need lunch." Namjoon said and the boys started to walk off. "Let's go." Namjoon said and glared at heaven, who was still on the ground. She stood up and followed the boys and tried to stay as far away as possible from jimin. They arrive at the classroom and sit down in their normal seats.

"I'm hungry." Jungkook complains. "Then go get lunch. Heaven is on my bad side right now since she honestly can't understand that she can't fight back. So she isn't eating lunch." Namjoon says and jungkook nods. "Are you hungry?" He asks namjoon who nods. "Yeah but I'm fine. You guys go and I'll stay here with her." Namjoon commanded. "I ate a big breakfast and I'm not hungry. I can watch her and you guys go eat." Suga suggested. "Yeah right, like I'm gonna do that!" Jimin yelled. "Jimin, let's go." Namjoon said. The others followed him and jimin slammed the door as he left.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to help you and stop jimin but I can't when they are around. Are you okay?" He apologized. "I'm hardly okay. Jimin has forced me to kiss him and I feel miserable and completely useless." She responds, making suga feel really bad.

"So you were fine with me kissing you?" He asks. Heaven nodded, "you didn't force me to kiss you and you were being kind and comforting me. It didn't feel forced or aggressive. It felt sweet and I didn't mind that." Heaven admitted. "I really am sorry. I just can't help if one of them decide to do something, whether I like it or not." He says.

"It's fine suga. I still hate you though. You aren't as bad as the rest of them but you aren't good either." She warns and he just nods. "Why did you get so mad at Jackson?" She suddenly asked. "I don't have to explain myself." He responded. "Okay. I was just asking." She replied and looked down at her desk and played with her fingers.

The others come back and sit back in  their seats. "What happened?" J-hope asked. "Nothing I sat and stared at the desk while thinking about how miserable my life is." Heaven replied and gave a purposefully fake smile. They looked at suga who just shrugged.

After school, heaven walked with namjoon to his house. "If the boys need anything you get them what they want. You can ask me if you need help but don't bug me too much." Namjoon said once you go the house. You just went to your room and started doing homework when your phone went off.

Your only hope : hey can you help me with the homework? Well I am asking but you don't really have a choice.

Heaven : I haven't even done the homework yet. I just started so I can't help you.

Your only hope : when you finish, send me a picture of the answers. I'm too lazy to bother with all this work.

Heaven : whatever.

Your only hope : watch yourself. You better not get an attitude with us.

Heaven : yeah I got that already. I'm going to do my homework, bye

Heaven worked on the homework for about two hours before sending J-hope the pictures of the finished homework.

Your only hope: took you long enough. Thanks ;)

Heaven: I only did it because I had to.

Your only hope : good girl. Now you should sleep. We are probably gonna need you in the morning.

Heaven turned her phone off and just sat on her bed. She put her thumb on her lips. Why did the boys think they could just kiss her like that? Suga was the only one in the group that she actually didn't hate, regardless of what she said. He was sweet and he actually did care about her feelings but he didn't help when jimin did that to her and he could have. Without noticing, heaven had started crying. She was so stressed. First these boys start messing with her, then she is forced to talk about her parents, then she is forced to move in with namjoon. Everything she does is forced. What was happening to her life?

Namjoon must have heard because he slowly opened the door and saw her crying. He sighed and sat next to her on the bed. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "You and your friends. Everything has changed because of you and I am so stressed. I can't handle this." Heaven replied and continued to cry. Namjoon pulled her into a hug, which surprised namjoon and heaven. Why did he do that? Even namjoon didn't know.

"We may seem really bad but eventually you will see we aren't." He told her. "How will I ever believe that. Jimin has forced me to kiss him and it hurts. You parade me around like I'm nothing but a trophy." Heaven was confused as to why she was telling namjoon how she felt.

"What about suga? Didn't he kiss you?" Namjoon asked and heaven froze. She couldn't tell namjoon that suga was being nice or else he would never forgive her. "He kissed me but he didn't force it on me. I didn't kiss back but I didn't fight back either. When jimin kissed me I felt scared and used and I try to stop him but it never works and none of you ever care." Heaven explained and made it sound as if Suga didn't just kiss her forehead. He might catch on to the lie if she did.

"I'm sorry heaven. He shouldn't have kissed you. I know it isn't am excuse but as the leader, I'm not supposed to stop him. I'm truly sorry but when it comes to the others though, I won't stop them. I am the leader and it would make me seem weak if i had pity in you. I know you aren't being truthful about suga. He is the same way as me. I can tell from the way he looks at you. Not to mention I heard your conversation when he pulled you into the room." Namjoon confronts you.

"But why? If you two do actually care, even in the slightest, about my feelings, why don't you stop? You only make it worse and are both afraid to look weak in front of the others. It's stupid." Heaven remarked. "Yeah, it is stupid but we can't help it. Both of us have bullied girls before, not like what we are to you, less extreme. Anyways, neither of us have ever felt guilty about it. When we hurt you or when the others hurt you, we feel guilty and we want to do something but the others would call us out if we showed that we cared. We don't even know why we care...we just do." Namjoon explains and turns to you.

You stare into his eyes. "Why. Why do you care about what they think?" She asked softly. "Because we are supposed to be the cool kids. We have never been seen as weak and we don't like that your making us feel this way." Namjoon admits.

"So is that why you treat me the way you do?" Heaven asked. "Well jimin and j-hope just think your cute. They are playboys and won't stop until they get that they want. V and jungkook are most likely just following what we do and I know jungkook thinks your cute too but he doesn't agree with jimin and jhope. As for Jin, I really don't know. He seems to have more decency then the rest of us." Namjoon says.

"Either way, you guys keep doing this to me and it hurts. I have never cried this many times in two days." Heaven tells him. "I know but I'm sorry, if we stop, everyone in the school will never let us live it down." Namjoon apologizes.

"Don't apologize if you aren't actually sorry." Heaven retorted. "I do mean it. I am so sorry and I don't want you to be hurt or be sad. I came when I heard you cry so I could try and comfort you. I really do care about you." Namjoon confessed.

"Namjoon." She called his name quietly. "I'm sorry okay?" He said and stood up. Heaven stood up too and grabbed his wrist. "What?" He asked. "Do you really, honestly, care about me?" She asked. "Yes. I don't even know why I told you, but I did." He answered.

"I understand why you won't leave me alone but you don't have to join in. Just don't stop them. The less I have to deal with the better. It is a lot easier to cope with five then seven." She explained. "Okay. I am really sorry letting jimin make you feel the way you feel. I didn't know that him kissing you would make you feel so bad. I'm sorry." He apologized, yet again.

"Stop apologizing." She told him and he just stared at the floor. "Namjoon".  "Yes?" He replied again. "Thank you. You aren't stopping them but I trust that you aren't joining them either. You and suga aren't as bad as the rest. I miss judged you." Heaven tells him. He smiled slightly. "I should be thanking you for forgiving me after what I did." He said. "I can tell your apology was sincere." She said and he nodded. "I promise I won't hurt you again." He said. "I will hold you up to that." She replied and smiled.

Namjoon pulled heaven into a hug and she hugged back. He felt so warm and safe, despite the fact that he always scared her otherwise. "How do you do that?" She asked. "Do what?" He was confused.

"Normally I am scared of you and I fell like I am going to be hurt by you but you hugging me makes me feel warm and safe." She explains. "I never meant to scare you." He tells her. "But you did. You don't now. I feel safe. I don't understand how you make me feel like that. I thought you scared me." She reworded. "I don't know either but i am glad you feel safe. I don't want you to be scared of me. I just knew you were really strong headed so I had to intimidate you to get what we want." Namjoon explains.

Heaven pulls back from the hug and stares into namjoon's eyes. She didn't notice but she was slowly leaning in. When her face was centimeters from his, she stopped. "Are you sure?" He asks and she nods. He closes the space between them and kisses her. It only lasted a few seconds before he pulled back. Why did she just do that?

"I'm sorry." She apologized. "Don't be. I am just surprised you wanted to kiss me after everything." He says. "So am I." She admits. She went and sat on the edge of the bed. "If you need me, text me or just call me." He says and she nods. He leaves her room and shuts her door. Heaven lays on the bed and hides under the covers.

Does she like him? She didn't know the answer to that.


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