Almost Gone

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It's been a couple weeks since Raditz and I had or talk and things around the house have been getting kind of out of hand. Tora and my father had been fighting a lot recently and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's about Raditz, maybe it's about me or maybe it's just a bunch of nonsense. I'm currently hiding under my covers while my father and Tora are downstairs yelling as loud as they can. I don't even know what happened to start this, but they've been at it for like three hours. I suddenly heard the door slam loudly and then I heard footsteps stomping up the stairs. I began to shake under my covers when suddenly my door flew open hard enough to probably break it. I peeked out from under the covers, only to seem my dad standing there, his face beat red with anger and his eyes all puffy from crying. I sat up slowly and just kind of stared at him. I was about to ask him what happened when suddenly he stormed over to me and slapped me across the face, hard enough to knock me onto my side. I cried out in pain and held the cheek that he slapped. I looked up at him with fear and began to shake.

"W-what was that for!?" I asked in shock.

"This is all your fault, Kakarot!" He screamed and I just flinched. "Tora left me because of you! It's all your damn fault! Why do you always have to mess everything up!? You your selfishness! I should beat the living daylights out of you!"

"I...I didn't do anything dad!" I exclaimed.

"Don't play dumb! You know exactly what you did!" He snarled as he pulled his fist back at me. I screamed loudly and covered my face as I prepared for the worst, but nothing happened. I looked up and to my surprise, saw my brother holding my father back as best as he could. He looked toward me with fear in his eyes and yelled.

"Run Kakarot! Get out of here and don't come back until I call you! Don't ask questions, just go!" He screamed and that was all I needed. I quickly snatched my phone, my Eevee plushy, my jacket and secretly my razor blade and then I jumped out of my window, landing easily on my feet. I took off down the sidewalk, running as fast as I could with my tears blinding me. I ran and ran until I finally came to a stop in an old park. I was breathing hard when I finally stopped, but at least I wasn't back home right now. I slowly walked over to a swing and sat down on it. I didn't know what had happened, but whatever it was, it was apparently my fault. I quickly pulled my jacket on and then I stared down at my razor blade. I was trying to decide on whether I wanted to finally end it or not. I guess before I ended it, Turles at least deserved one final phone call. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. I put the phone to my ear and listened for it to ring. It rang at least four times before I finally heard his voice on the other line.

"Hello?" He asked calmly.

"It's me...Kakarot..." I said softly.

"Oh, hey baby. What's up?" He asked cheerfully.

"I...I was calling to tell you goodbye... I can't do this anymore... My father got into a fight with his mate and it's apparently all my I'm just ending it all now..." I whispered softly. He was silent for a minute. I almost thought he hung up. Just as I was about to pull the phone away from my ear, his voice came back.

"Where are you...?" He nearly demanded.

"Why...? It's not like it won't get to me in time..." I replied. I suddenly felt a rain drop on my hand and I looked up at the sky, only to see that the clouds were starting to build. I sighed softly and shifted so that I was holding my phone with my shoulder, that way I could roll up my sleeve and press the blade to my wrist.

"Tell me where you are! I'm not letting you die! You can't leave me like this! Kakarot, please don't do this to yourself! Let me come get can stay with me until this all blows over... Think about Vegeta and Broly...think about your brother...your father wouldn't want you to do this to yourself!" He begged and for a minute, I nearly stopped but in the end, I made five really deep cuts on my arm. I knew I'd bleed out by the time he got here. The rain started to fall down pretty hard and blood poured from my arm. I smiled to myself and slowly felt myself growing faint.

"I'm at...the old won't find me in time though...I...I love you Turles...and I would have loved to...start a family with you...but I fear that it's...too late for that..." I suddenly fell off the swing and onto the grass, lying on my side. "Bye...please don't...forget me..." I moved my phone from my ear and hung it up before dropping it at my side. I stayed there in the grass, watching it become stained with blood. My vision started to blur and before I knew it, everything around me went dark.

~~Turles's POV~~

"Kakarot!" I screamed, but the line was already dead. I began to panic. I had been sitting at my desk grading tests when he called me and told me that he was going to end it. I quickly jumped up from my desk and yanked some clothes on. I looked out my window, only to see that it was pouring down rain. Hell...if he doesn't die from himself, he'll surely die from this weather. It's already getting pretty cold outside and the rain doesn't help that much. He told me that he was at the old park. Thank god I only live a few minutes away from that park too. I quickly rushed to my hall closet and grabbed a few towels and my first aid kit. I'd most likely need it. I then threw my shoes on and rushed out to my car. I drove as fast as I could with how the weather was. I had to hurry. I couldn't just let him die out there. I love him...and I won't lose him...

Within ten minutes I was at the park. I jumped out of the car and started searching around desperately for Kakarot. God it was freezing outside. I wandered through the park and after about fifteen minutes I was almost ready to give up, until I saw something lying in the grass by the swings. I gasped loudly and ran over to it, only to nearly be sick to my stomach. I saw Kakarot lying there with five deep gashes in his left arm. He was really pale as well and completely soaked. I dropped down beside him and tried to find a pulse. To my surprise, he still had one but it was very small. I knew I didn't have any time to lose. I noticed a little plush doll lying beside him and decided to pick it up along with his phone and of course him. Once I had his small body in my arms, I noticed something metal on the ground. I gasped loudly when I realized that it was a razor blade. I shook my head quickly and left it there as I rushed back to my car. I sat him in the passenger seat and grabbed a towel from the back. I wrapped up his arm tightly so that he wouldn't lose any more blood and then I jumped in the driver's seat and sped home as fast as I could without getting into a wreck.

When I got back to my house, I rushed Kakarot inside and gently placed him on the couch. I knew I'd have to clean and stitch up those cuts, that way he wouldn't lose any more blood. I opened up the first aid kit and then slowly unwrapped his arm. Underneath the new cuts, I could see scars of where some old cuts had been. The sight of it broke my heart. I sighed softly and began to stich up the five cuts that he had just made on himself. Once I got all of them closed up, I wrapped his arm in a tight bandage and the I took him upstairs so that I could get him into some dry clothes. As I changed his clothes, I noticed that he actually had a very nice body, which is something I so shouldn't be thinking about right now! For fucks sake he almost died on me! I quickly changed him into a pair of dry sweat pants and one of my shirts that was a bit big on him. Once he was changed, I placed him in my bed and then crawled in beside him. I started to hug him when I suddenly noticed a bruise on his cheek. I wonder how he got that...but I'd have to ask him when he wakes up. I pulled his small figure close to my body and sighed softly. I almost lost him...he was almost gone...but thank god I found him in time. I felt him shivering so I held him a bit tighter and wrapped him up in the blankets. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and rested my chin on top of his head.

"I will always protect you Kakarot...I love you with all my heart..." I whispered softly and then I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

((Hey guys! I finally got another chapter done! I'm not sure when I'll be able to update this again, but I'll try too as soon as possible! I really hope this chapter was worth the wait even though I know it was sad! Please let me know what you though of this chapter! I always love reviews so long as they aren't too terribly mean! Anyways until next time! ~Goku_Chan)) 

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