Brotherly Advice

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It's been a couple days since I told my friends and my father about my relationship with Turles and they all accepted us. When I told Turles, he was overjoyed and he also agreed to come over sometime and meet my family which made me happy. He was pretty good about making good impressions on people, that's why he's everyone's favorite teacher.

I had just gotten home from school and made my way up to my room. I had a lot of homework to do so I decided that I would get started right away so that I could lay around later on. I sat down on my bed and dug out all of my homework, placing it neatly on my desk. I was about to move from my bed to the desk when a knock suddenly came at my door. I paused and looked up, only to see my older brother staring in at me with a smirk on his face. I tilted my head in a confused way but motioned for him to come inside. He did so and shut the door behind himself before making his way over to my bed. He sat down beside me and dropped an arm over my shoulder.

"So little brother, is it true? Are you really dating that new math teacher we got?" He asked with a slight grin. My head snapped up and I just stared at him in shock.

"You were ease dropping on me and dad, weren't you!?" I exclaimed, glaring slightly.

"These walls aren't very thick, Kakarot and we're Saiyans so our hearing is much better. Now tell me. Is it really true? Are you really dating him?" He urged. I growled and pushed his hand off my shoulder before quickly standing up. He was the last person I wanted to talk to about this kind of stuff. He'd just make a big deal about it or he'd get it going around the school somehow. The thought of that made me worry about if the principal found out about us. Would Turles lose his job over me? I didn't want that to happen. I'd feel so terrible. I started to pace around the room until Raditz suddenly grasped onto my wrist, causing me to flinch a little. I glanced over at him and caught him giving me a concerned look which confused me a bit.

"Raditz. Why are you so concerned anyways? You act like I don't exist when we're at school. You don't know half the shit I've been through, hell sometimes I think you don't even care about me! A couple of the scars on my arms are because of you not paying attention to me when I needed you the most! If anything, I should be able to come talk to you whenever I need too because you're my older brother. You're supposed to look out for me whenever our father can't. If I can't talk to dad about something, I should be able to come straight to you. Hell, Vegeta and Broly are more like brothers to me. They actually care about me whenever something is wrong, but you...all you do is hang out with your football buddies. You never come to check on me. It's like I even exist when I'm here at home! This is the first time you've really said anything to me ever since school started! Sure you've said 'hey' to me a couple times, but other than that, nothing! So I don't get why you're so concerned now!" I was in tears at the end of my rant and my brother just stared at me in shock as he released my wrist and slowly stood up.

"The reason I'm concerned is because...damn it Kakarot, I do care about you. The reason I pretend that you don't exist at school is so that the other jocks on the team will quit eyeing you all the time. They know you're my little brother and they're always asking me to bring you to their house so that they can have their way with you and I won't allow that to happen! I'm ignoring you to protect you! Please know that you can always come to me when we're at home...I'll stop whatever I'm doing to help you at much as I can. I know I'm an ass sometimes, but if you're upset about something, just come to me. I know dad, Tora and I fight a lot and I know the fighting probably scares you, but no one is going to hurt you so long as I'm alive. I'm concerned because I don't want this guy to just use you for his own pleasures and then just leave you broken and alone. That's why I wanted to give you some advice...and also, whenever you're ready to talk about what's happened to you in the past, come to me. I'll listen and try to help. So please...just take my advice, Kakarot." He grabbed onto my arms and pulled me to his chest, hugging me tightly. I felt him shaking as he hugged me, which was a sign that he was close to tears as well. I returned his hug and nuzzled against his chest. After what seemed like forever, we pulled away from each other and sat back down on the bed.

"So...what kind of advice did you want to give me...?" I asked softly as I wiped my eyes dry.

"'s not very good advice...but I'm going to assume that you two are really dating. Just...make sure he makes you happy and that he respects your boundaries. If he tries to do something that you're not comfortable with, then kick him in his balls and come straight home. And always know that, I'll kick his ass if he disrespects you. Alright?" He finished speaking and placed a hand gently on my cheek. I whimpered and nodded a bit. He chuckled a bit and stroked my cheek slightly before he stood up and walked toward my door.

"Thank you..." I whispered. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled at me a bit before he left my room, closing the door behind him. It was nice to know that deep down, Raditz did really care about me, but things have already happened to didn't matter that the jocks had been eyeing me...Alan had already gotten me...several times. I wasn't ready to tell Raditz that though. I still wasn't fully sure that I could trust him. I didn't know if he'd go blab to his friends about me and Turles or not. If he did, I'd probably lose it completely. I sighed softly and looked down, examining the scars on my arms. I couldn't keep these a secret much longer, but I couldn't tell Vegeta, or Broly, or even Turles quiet yet. I did mention to him that I had tried to kill myself before, but I never said how I tried to do it. I traced my fingers over a few of the scars and shook my head. If I ever decided to have sex with Turles, I'd have to tell him about these before that. I'd hate for him to see them right before we started doing anything hot like that. It would just ruin the moment. Damn it why am I thinking about that of all things right now? Who cares. I thought back to my brother's advice and smiled a bit. This was the first real conversation we had in a while, but I'm glad he came and talked to me. It really helped a lot. I just hope that nothing bad happens after this talk that we had....

((Sorry! I know this was a short chapter, but at least it's an update! And Raditz finally got some screen time so yay! He's really not THAT big of an ass! He's just trying to protect his little brother. But how long can he protect Kakarot? I think I have an idea for the next chapter, but I'm running out of time to update! I've only got the weekend and I'll probably work all weekend! Ahh!! Anyways, I really hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Until next time!!))

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