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Before I knew it, it was already time for lunch. I couldn't believe how fast the day was going and then after school, Vegeta and Broly were going to take me to Hot Topic. I haven't been there since last year so I was really excited to go, even though I didn't have any money. I sighed to myself as Vegeta, Broly and I made our way to the lunch room. I didn't bring my lunch today because I had left in such a hurry, but I wasn't really hungry anyways. My mind was more focused on my new math teacher, Mr. Night. Today was only the first day I had seen him, but I was already head over heels for him. I hated myself for falling for him so quickly, but I couldn't help it. He's just so freaking attractive and his voice just makes him even hotter. I shook my head quickly and mentally slapped myself. It's not right for me to be crushing on my teacher. A hand suddenly grabbed my wrist and yanked me from my thoughts. I sighed with relief when I saw that it was just Vegeta.

"Are you alright, Kaka? You were spacing out again." Vegeta said in a concerned tone.

"Yeah Geta...I'm fine..." I lied. He didn't look convinced but he just shrugged and the three of us walked over to our usual table. We all sat down and while Vegeta and Broly pulled out their lunches, I pulled out the homework we had gotten assigned in our science class. Since I wasn't going to be eating lunch, I decided to get a head start on my homework so that I would have less to do when I got home later. I listened to Broly and Vegeta chat more about their summer and what they were planning to do on their three year anniversary that was next month. I couldn't help but smile as I listened to them talk. I really hoped that Broly had something special planned for Vegeta this year. Once I finished my science homework, I put it back in my backpack and leaned back in my chair. Vegeta suddenly glanced over at me and gave me another concerned look.

"Why aren't you eating, Kaka?" He asked gently.

"Oh...I didn't bring a lunch and I'm not really hungry." I replied with a shrug.

"You've been acting really strange ever since we left math this morning. Are you sure nothing's bothering you?" Broly asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure you guys. Don't worry about it." I replied, faking a smile. I watched as Vegeta pulled an apple out of his backpack and shoved it toward me. I was about to push it right back to him, but he gave me a slight glare so I decided against it. I picked up the apple and took a small bite out of it. I really wasn't that hungry, but I decided that I should eat the apple for Vegeta. He always worried whenever I didn't bring my lunch to school. Soon, Broly and Vegeta went back to chatting with each other while I looked around the lunch room. I saw my brother sitting at his usual table with his football buddies. When we were in school, Raditz barely talked to me, probably because all of his so called friends though that I was a loser and they probably picked on him for being related to me. I didn't blame him for not wanting to talk to me in school. I sighed to myself and moved on from Raditz's table. I caught a glance of Alan and his group of bullies. Seeing all of them again made me shudder as it brought back painful memories. Alan suddenly looked up and caught me glancing toward his table. He gave me a cold smirk and then winked at me before turning back to his friends. I shuddered again and quickly moved my eyes from his table. The sight of his gaze was enough to give me goosebumps. I was nearly done looking around the lunch room when my eyes suddenly fell on a familiar figure I remembered from this morning. The same dark skin and messy hair as well as those beautiful black eyes and that fluffy brown tail wrapped around his waist. It was my new math teacher, Mr. Night. I felt my face instantly heat up when I saw him. I must be foolish to think that he would ever notice someone like me. I was about to look away from him when he suddenly turned his attention towards me. We locked eyes and I felt my face get even hotter. I watched as his lips curved into a gentle smile and then he gave me a slight wave before he disappeared into the crowd. I sat there in a daze until I felt myself being shaken by someone.

"Kakarot! Hey Kakarot!" A voice called. I quickly shook my head and looked over, this time to see Broly standing in front of me with his hands firmly on my shoulders.

"Huh?" I asked, still a bit dazed.

"Bro! You're really freaking us out here. You keep going off into space. Tell us what's bothering you." Broly said as he released my shoulders. I looked down at my hands and shook my head. There was no way I could tell them that I had already developed a crush on our math teacher. They'd probably make fun of me and then tell me that I was crazy or something.

"He spaced out when that new teacher walked into the lunch room." Vegeta stated and I froze. I heard Broly chuckle softly before he placed a finger under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"Does someone already have a little crush?" Broly asked with a grin.

"N-no..." I stuttered as my face turned red.

"Yes you do! Aww! Kaka!" Broly chuckled. I blushed darker and jerked my face away before quickly jumping out of my seat.

"Just leave me alone about it!" I exclaimed before bolting from the lunch room. I heard Vegeta call after me but I was already too far down the hallway to stop now. I ran as fast as I could before I finally found the place I was looking for. The library. I ran into the library and quickly made my way to the far back corner where I always sat. I had tears pouring down my cheeks and I didn't even know why. Broly always had a bad habit of joking with me on sensitive subjects. I know that he didn't mean any harm but I'm just over sensitive about everything. I sank down to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I decided that I wasn't going to be going to my last few classes today. I'd just make up an excuse to tell my teachers. I'd just tell them I ended up sick or something. I heard my phone vibrate but I just ignored it and continued to cry into my knees. After about ten or twenty minutes of crying I lifted my head and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket. Once my eyes were dry, I opened up my backpack and pulled out the rest of my homework. I figured that since I was going to be hiding in here for the rest of the day I'd go ahead and finish up my homework that way when I got home I could play on my Nintendo DS or I could draw.

Before I knew it the rest of the day had flown by. My home work was completely done and now I was just sitting in my corner reading one of my books that I had brought from home. I was about half way through with it when I heard the final school bell ring. Shortly after that, my phone vibrated which reminded me that I had gotten a text shortly after I ran in here. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that both text messages were from Broly. I opened them and the first one read: I'm so sorry Kaka. I forgot how sensitive you are. Please forgive me and come back to us. The second one read: Do you still want to come to Hot Topic with us? I smiled a little and typed back a response.

'Yeah I do...I'm sorry I ran off too. I'm not upset anymore. Do you want me to meet you by your car?' I pushed send and got to my feet. I stretched out my muscles and then popped my back. I exited the library and started walking down the hallway when my phone vibrated again.

'Yeah, I'll be parked right out front so that you can find us easier.' I replied with an okay and then rushed toward the front of the building. While I was running through the hallway, I ended up running right past him again. I heard him clear his throat which caused me to stop in my tracks. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him standing there with his hands in his pockets and he was giving me a slight smile.

"You know, you should run in the hallway. You could trip and fall and you wouldn't want to hurt that lovely face of yours. Have a nice day and just be careful." He said gently. He turned and walked away. I stood there for a minute in complete shock before I quickly snapped back into reality and continued to make my toward the front of the building. He said that I have a lovely face... I blushed darkly and quickly shook my head. He spoke to me in such a gentle tone and it made me feel all warm on the inside. It felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. It made me like him even more... I wonder...what his first name is... Maybe one day I'll work up the courage to ask him...until then...oh my god, I'm so in love with this man!

((Alright! Chapter two is done! I really hope you guys liked this chapter! Looks like Broly and Vegeta are starting to become suspiscious about Goku's behavior! Will he ever get the courage to tell his friends about his new crush? And if he does, how will they react to it? Please let me know what you thought of this chapter! Until next time!))

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