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When I got outside, I saw Broly's car waiting in front of the building just like he said he'd be. I smiled a bit and crawled into the back seat. Vegeta instantly reached around and hugged me tightly, going on and on about how worried he was when I ran off earlier. I felt bad for making Vegeta worry, but I didn't really have much of a choice. If I hadn't ran off, they would have bombarded me with questions about if I really did have a crush and if so, who is my crush. Granted, I really do have a crush on someone...I can't tell them about who it is. They'd judge me and then they'd probably stop being my friends all together. I couldn't bare the thought of not having them as my friends anymore. However, at the same time, I wanted to tell them so that they could possibly give me advice. Maybe they wouldn't judge me. Maybe instead they'd support me and try to help me out. It's too soon to tell though. I'd have to think about it during this trip and if the whole crush question came up again, I'd just shrug it off and ignore it. That is if they'd let me ignore it.

The drive to Hot Topic took roughly forty five minutes and the whole way there, Vegeta took the time to tell me about what I had missed in our last couple of classes and he even gave me the homework assignments that were due tomorrow. While Broly parked the car, I quickly shoved the papers into my homework folder before the three of us got out and walked into the store together. Broly instantly took off to look at some of the jeans that had chains attached to them while Vegeta headed to the back to look at figurines. I stayed toward the front and started to look through some band t-shirts. My attention fell on a Skillet t-shirt that was white and had the band name and around the name was some of their songs. To my surprise, all the songs on the shirt were all of my favorite songs, especially One Day Too Late. I checked the price and frowned. It was $24 and I clearly didn't have that kind of money. I was about to put it back when a hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked up and saw Vegeta standing beside me.

"Kakarot, I told you that if you wanted anything I'd be happy to buy it for you. So hang on to that shirt and let's go find you some pants to go with it." He smiled as he tugged me toward the pants section. I tried to tell Vegeta that he didn't have to buy me anything but he insisted and told me to quit worrying about it. I stood beside him as he shuffled through the skinny jeans section until he pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans that looked like they had glitter on them. "Kaka, these will look great on you! And they're your size too! Now hang on to these while I also find you some shorts." He exclaimed as he tossed the jeans on my arm and moved over to the shorts section. I looked at the jeans and couldn't help but smile. They were really cute and I was tempted to look at the price tag, but I decided against it. While Vegeta was still searching for shorts, a Pokémon section of the store suddenly caught my eye. Pokémon is one of my most favorite things so I decided to take a look. When I got over to the section, an adorable Eevee plushy caught my eye. I smiled a bit and picked it up, instantly falling in love with it. It was really soft and had an adorable face. I wondered if Vegeta would mind getting it for me too. I'd have to ask him. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him walking toward me with a pair of jean shorts. I looked at them and couldn't help but blush. They looked like they'd be pretty short, but Vegeta must think that they'll look good on me.

"What's that Kakarot?" He asked, motioning toward the plushy in my hand.

"'s an Eevee plushy..." I said softly as I showed it to him. I heard him chuckle as he gave me a gentle smile.

"You're really into Pokémon, aren't you Kaka?" He asked.

"'s one of my favorite things..." I replied, blushing a bit darker.

"Well, hold these shorts and keep ahold of that plushy. Is there anything else over here that you want?" He asked as he came over and stood beside me, examining the merchandise. I watched as he picked up a white tang top with a Vulpix and a Ninetails on it. "This would look cute with those shorts I picked out for you. Do you like these two, Kaka?" He asked as he showed it to me to give me a better view of the shirt.

"I love those two! Oh Geta, it's adorable!" I exclaimed, giving him a bright smile. He chuckled softly and hung the shirt on my arm. I was about to move on when a bag caught my eye. It was a hobo bag that was black and had all the eeveelutions on it. Vegeta caught me staring at it and smiled. He pulled it off the hook and handed it to me. "Vegeta...I feel like this is too much... I don't want you to overspend ..." I said softly.

"Don't worry about it, Kaka. This is nothing compared to my normal shopping experiences. Besides, you need some new clothes and you're like a brother to me so I don't mind buying you stuff. Broly doesn't mind either. Honestly you're like a brother to both of us and we know that your family is struggling with money right now, so we want to help you get stuff that you need." Vegeta replied as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

" really means a lot to me Vegeta... I can't thank you or Broly enough for helping me get the things I need...and a few extra things..." I smiled as I motioned down to the Eevee plushy in my arms.

"You don't need to thank us, Kakarot. Seeing you smile is thanks enough." A new voice came from behind. I jumped slightly and saw Broly standing there with a smile on his face. "Now come on. Let's take a look at the shoes. It looks like your shoes are getting worn out." We all laughed a bit as we walked over to the shoe section. I really wanted a new pair of convers since mine were getting a bit worn out. I saw a pair of black and red ones and I instantly fell in love with them.

"Do you see a pair that you like, Kaka?" Vegeta asked and I nodded as I pointed up to the black and red ones. "Oh Kaka! Those are going to look so good on you!" He exclaimed as he grabbed a box that had my size in it.

"Hey there any way you could get me some nail polish?" I asked sheepishly.

"Nail polish?" He asked, giving me a questioning look.

"You see...over the summer I started painting my nails just to try it and I ended up really liking it." I replied, blushing slightly.

"Sure Kaka. I actually think that's pretty adorable! We'll get some nail polish and then we'll head home. Any specific colors?" He asked as the three of us walked over to the nail polish section.

"I'd really like to get this nail polish called crackle. When you paint it on your nails, it cracks a bit as it starts to dry and if you have another color on underneath it looks really cool. So, I'd like to get that in black and then I'm thinking a purple and a light blue." I replied and he nodded. I found the crackle nail polish and a really pretty purple one, while Vegeta found a beautiful light blue shade and Broly picked out a red one. I smiled at the both of them and together we all made our way to the checkout stand. Vegeta had picked up a Fallout Boy t-shirt and a pair of baggy black jeans, along with a pair of combat boots and he also had a Naruto figurine while Broly had his jeans and a few muscle t-shirts and a new pair of sneakers. I felt bad that I had more than they did, but Vegeta just gave me a reassuring smile and together, he and Broly split the bill. Vegeta smiled as he handed me the bags that had all my stuff in them while Broly grabbed the rest of the bags.

"Vegeta, Broly, again thank you very much for getting me all this stuff. I hope that one day I can pay you both back somehow." I said as we all walked out to the car.

"Kakarot, please stop worrying about it. You're our best friend and we want to see you happy." Broly replied as we all climbed into the car and he started driving home.

"Hey, when we get back to your house, would it be okay if we came inside for a little while? I want to see you try on all the clothes I bought you!" Vegeta asked, sounding a little too excited.

"Oh sure. That sounds fun!" I replied with a smile. The whole rest of the way home, we planned out another shopping trip to go on in the next couple weeks. Also, Vegeta kept going on and on about how he couldn't wait to see me in these new clothes. I couldn't help but laugh most of the way home. I was really lucky to have two amazing friends like Broly and Vegeta. They always looked out for me and helped me out whenever I needed it. They were like my second family and I don't know what I'd do without them.

((Chapter Three is done! I must say that I'm having a ton of fun writing this story and I really hope that you guys are enjoying it! I know I'm kind of taking my time with the whole Turles and Goku thing, but I've got plans of how they'll start getting closer to each other so just bare with me! Anyways, please let me know how you guys liked this chapter! I hope it was enjoyable! Until next time! :D)) 

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