School Story:Chapter 11

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"Hello. Sorry if we scared you." Shadows mother said.
"Hi." I say to them. I see Sephrina getting up,then she falls back down. But,I catch her before she hits the ground.

"Can you help me? I think Sephrina is starting to die. And thanks for killing those bears."
"You're welcome. Please,let us help." Shadows father said.
"Okay." I said. I let Shadows mother carry her. I opened the door and doesn't look like what it is outside.

The living room is so beautiful. It has a lovely couch with a sitting chair next to it. It has a desk for doing studying or homework. It has a television and a coffee table. The carpet is covered with a rug that has a picture of a wolf. The carpet is grey so it can match the wolf rug. But,then...I see different heads on the wall. It has a grey wolf head,a black wolf head,a goats head,a sheep's  head,and they're now putting on the two grizzly bears heads.

I sit on the sitting chair and her parents bring up two chairs,one that was by the desk and one that was in the kitchen.

"So..." I start out. "Is she going to be okay?" I say,as I look at Sephrinas body. Her body is laying down on the couch and she's has her eyes closed;sleeping,I think. "She has a lot of bruises and a...what is that?" Shadows mother says to her husband. Shadows father checks her and says,"It's a blood spot. I think she was losing a lot of blood before she lost blood to the bears."

"I never saw that!" I say,as this was the truth. "How did I not see this?" I try to look at her but Shadows mother puts her hand on mine and says,"She's going to be fine. We just need to give her some medicine and...if it's possible give her surgery." "Surgery?!" I yell out. "My best friend is not going to be messed around with some...people that I don't know." "Please calm down. You're going to wake up Shadow." "Shadow. Where is she?" "Shadow is in her bedroom. She got in trouble for having a bad report card and for having detention twice in a row." Shadows father says. "Can I see her?" I say. "All right,but you must leave her there." "Thank you." I say,then I walk across the living room,into the kitchen,into the hallway,then to her door.

On the door it says:KEEP OUT! Then,at the bottom it says:WOLF INSIDE. I know there's a wolf inside I say in my mind. I knock on the door,and it opens by itself. I walk in and a wolf starts to attack me. "AH!!" I yell out. It grabs my leg and I yell out,"STOP! ITS ME,AMADEUS!" "Oh." The wolf says. It changes into Shadow.

"Sorry." Shadow says. "I thought you were someone else." "Shadow,Sephrinas in custody. We had to bring her here because..." "Because what?" She says. "She got attacked by bears. They wounded her very badly." Shadow has this sad look on her face. She walks out and I say,"Um,your parents told me you had to stay here." "Don't care. They can deal with it." I walk alongside her.

As we go into the living room,I see them taking her shirt off saying,"Okay,she needs major help right on her lower abdomen." "No,she doesn't. She needs major help right here. On her stomach." Her father points to her stomach. And I see them using special tools to tear up her stomach. "What are you..." "shh!" Shadows mother says,"We have to concentrate." They start to do it and I get so scared that I have to try to not scream out.

After a few hours..."Were done!" Shadows father says. "Finally!" Shadow says. I see Sephrina wake up and she hugs me and then says,"ow." "You're going to have pain for a little while." Shadows mother says. "You need to stay away from your parents for a little bit. We heard him talk about everything that they did." "Can we go now?" Shadow says. "Ok. You can go with them,Shadow." Shadows father says. "But you better be back after school. Got it?" "Yes,father." She says,rolling her eyes.

Then,we grab our stuff and go towards my house.

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