School Story:Chapter 12

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Thank god that I got to get out of my bedroom. I turned into a wolf because I was so angry at my parents and if they came in,I would try to fight them. But,they always win. When Amadeus opened the door,I thought he was my father. Then,I was scared about Sephrina having surgery;good thing I don't get those. And I was so happy that she's alive and that he's okay and free from Sephrinas parents.

I didn't know what to do about the bears and I didn't have any powers to use to attack them. I was too late to try and attack back. I saw myself lying on the floor and the last thing that I saw was Mozart saying,"NO!" Because he thought I was dead.

I had a dream...the future. I would have to say goodbye to my best friends. But,we would reunite in World War 3. I would meet Mozart and Napoleon in their history and I would meet Red and Scarlet in their Pokémon world and Shadow in command of an army.

We were walking around the woods. Shadow navigated where we were and helped us out of the woods(get it? Like the Taylor Swift song"Out of the Woods" I love that song.).

We went towards my house and saw that it was still safe. I was the only one living there(obviously) and as I walked to the gate to get it open, Sephrina said,"What happened to me?" "You were operated on by Shadows parents. And they quickly healed you back to normal." I said as I punched in the code to unlock the gate. The gate opened and they saw what was in there.

I saw everything back as it was. It was messy and somehow it fixed itself,which is fine by me. And I saw everything in the house all right.

"Woah!" Shadow said. "Nice!" Sephrina said. "Thanks. My parents gave me an entire fortune to myself and I used it to build this place and make myself go to school." "You can skip,you know." Shadow says. "Well,I'm not going to. Because if I didn't,I wouldn't have met you guys." Then,out of nowhere,Red and Scarlet came and hugged us and said,"Oh! We're so glad you're okay!" "Where's Napoleon?" Red said. "I need to tell him about his new Pokémon that I made just for him." Then,we all go inside after I said,"Well,he's somewhere and let's go inside." I opened the door and everything was perfect.

It had big windows a huge couch in the entryway,and it had rooms everywhere. My house was a mansion and it looked like a maze with all of these rooms. "Would you like a tour of the house?" I say to them,as if I was a guide. "Yes,please." They all say together.

I show them around the house(you'll learn all of the rooms later)and we went to my room. We hanged out there.

A few hours later,we separated into groups. Napoleon came an Hour ago and he just wanted to hang out,too. Anyways, we separated into separate groups. Scarlet,Shadow,and Red decided to go into the Pokémon room and go around the house while me,Napoleon and Sephrina stayed here.

Napoleon was actually very shy by the time they went to the Pokémon room. He went to the door,let them out and shut the door. "So..." He says,"What happened while I was gone?" "Well,I was captured and put into Sephrinas house. She was doing everything around the house,and was trying to find a way for me to go without being caught. She got knocked out right when I was talking about her being punished. She helped me with my freedom.We got to go outside. We went towards Shadows house to help Sephrina..." "Wait. What do you mean by,help Sephrina?" "She got attacked by Two large bears and they made her extremely wounded and she had to have surgery for her injuries." What I didn't know was that he screamed so loudly that everyone in the house could hear.

She was injured...SHE WAS DYING?!! "AH!" I screamed out loud and I screamed and went around the house in circles. I stopped right when I got towards his study room. I went inside there,knowing it's private and I saw his portraits of himself on the wall. The desk with his poems on it was in the middle. I studied his room,thinking he keeps it organized and very tidy every day. He also loves to write music,sing it and perform it. I look at his poems(he wrote his 21 poems by now)and I start to cry. But,I realized that he also has this journal. I look inside it and on the first page it said:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

January 24,2069(The date that is now,had to make a random date)

I just met a very nice and sweet lady named Sephrina. She was in music class with me and whenever I was need of help,she would look over my work and help me improve it. I was so surprised by her creativity and her words. She wrote many words on my music and she would read them to me out loud,when no one was watching.

She is just so amazing! She has powers,she has the talent,and she has everything that a friend could ask for. She is very beautiful and has this voice and this singing voice that is so...sweet and kind as well. We have just met and I'm starting to think of her as a friend. I hate to say this but...I love her. Forget I said that.

This is probably the best day ever for me because I met a girl who could be like me. A smart,talented and musician kind of girl. I hope I see her tomorrow because I can't wait to see her face again. This is my first journal date.

Music is the key to success and is she.

I get so mad that I trash his room. I didn't want him to feel anything for her. "She's mine!" I yell out loud,hoping Mozart or Sephrina heard that. "No one is going to love her! She's all mine!" I walk out and slam the door and I go upstairs towards Mozart.

They're just walking out of his room when I yell out,"Get away from her!" I pull on his shirt and drag him towards the Pokémon room. I let him and Sephrina in and slam the door. Shadow,Red,and Scarlet get scared and I don't care.

I slam him against the wall and punch him in the face. "What is wrong with you!" Sephrina yells out. "Shut up,Sephrina! No one cares about you,right now!" I keep punching him until his face is full of blood.

I hear a scream so loud that it shakes the whole room. When I turn around and Mozart gets up I see...her. Her glowing red eyes. Those eyes...the ones that mean evil is coming. Her eyes get red and black and she has this evil face on:😡. Her Hazel eyes turn Red and her outsides turn black. Her body turns Devilish red and she summons her powers,ready to go.

She screams out saying,"Stop it!" And then she goes berserk. She goes up to me and starts to punch at me and kick me. She is so stronger than me and she knocks me down to the ground. Then, I see Shadow getting attacked by her,too. She tries to stop her but she is too strong. She doesn't hurt Red or Scarlet and leaves the room.

I see her eyes glowing towards us. Red tries to get out his Pokémon but I stop him saying,"This has to happen." I see her in a punching pose. But,she stops and instead leaves us behind. Red and me look at the room.

Shadow,Mozart,and Napoleon are lying on the floor,knocked out by her powers. We hide them in a bedroom that's bigger than Mozart's room. We passed to study room and we see it all trashed. We pick everything up and make it good as new.

We go out towards the backyard to see Sephrina and she says,"I'm sorry. I should have known better. I'm not better than my parents. They made me into this." She starts to cry and hugs us both. " are they?" She stops and looks very sad. "We hid them in a bedroom." "Can I see them? I want to apologize." "Okay." We say together. Then,we go towards the bedroom.

I wake up in a room with Shadow and Mozart behind me. I stand up with cuts and bruises all over me. I feel pain and I stand up when noticed my leg is numb. I fall down and I try to get up again.

It worked. I got up and started towards the door. I feel more pain in my right shoulder and left leg and I walk weirdly out the door. I stand up tall and normally and I walk out towards the kitchen.

The kitchen is the best part because the windows are glass painted windows and it shows people...wait? People. I walk towards the window and I see Scarlet,Red,and Sephrina. Sephrina is hugging them and crying at the same time. I get myself a glass of water and I drink it all down in one gulp.

I walk towards the room to see if Shadows all right and to see if,Mozart, is alive or not. Shadow is standing up and looking around by the time I get there. I see Mozart still on the floor,but his eyes are open. I walk towards him and he sits up and walks backwards until he reaches the wall.

"Please don't hurt me!" He says to me. Instead I say,"I'm sorry. It's just...I get jealous sometimes and I blame everything on you. Can we be best friends again?" He gets less scared and puts his hand on my shoulder and says,"Sure. What do you want to do,friend?" "Well...apologize to Sephrina first then,do whatever we want after that." We both laugh and leave the room. "Come on!" We yell at Shadow. She comes around and says,"I'm blaming everything on you,Napoleon." "Don't really care." I say back.

We go back towards Sephrina and we apologize to her and Red and Scarlet about everything and we spend the next day doing whatever just as friends.

We just spend the next day together and I'm really happy that everyone's getting along even Napoleon and Mozart. I think about what would the next day be...
I would have to be with my parents again and I would still go to school. It's a good thing I can still go.

Let's hope everything's okay now...and later on.


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