Chapter 1: At Soraen

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Last time on Sepholeon:The intro to Timeless Tale...

"So. Are you guys going in or not?"

We go inside the big teleportation device and wait for her to "beam" us up. "Now, where is it you'd like to go?" "Pluto's Universe. The island of Soraen." "Ah. The prison island, eh? Did you know that-" "Just do it." I say, getting impatient with her. She growls at me and I give her a death look.

She sighs and pulls the lever back. "I still love you, you know." "Piss off." I say, making her get angry at me. "Okay. Fine."

She goes inside with us and we all teleport to Soraen...

Beginning the Chapter...

How dare he say that to me? TO ME?! I'm the clever one! I make things that he doesn't know about! I try to give him my secrets but he turns me away! I made a mistake. BUT IT WAS ONE MISTAKE, OKAY?! ONE! I might have made the Riddler die in his asylum after I escaped yet what? Everyone knows he's evil! But I like his evil.

Could she SHUT UP?! I can hear her loud ass!

*clears throat* Anyways...

Soraen is just....awful. The ground is surrounded by dead trees and dead people. Everything here is either dead or starting to die. In the middle of my map that I got here...*grabs out his map of Soraen* *points at the small island* There's a big prison that surrounds the rest of the island, and in thinking that's where they're holding up Sephrina.

Oh, Sephrina....I'm coming for you....I promise.

"So, Mr.Sass-a-lot?" Fiona says, making me growl and put my map away. "Yes?" I say, snapping my fingers.

In my hands is a sword that's not like any other sword I ever had before.

"Woah!" Scarlet says, looking at the sword. "No way!" Shadow says, looking at her own sword and then back at mine. "Holy....god...." Mozart says. "Yeah, you and your "powers". I'm betting that Sephrina just magically used her powers to give you the sword."  Fiona says, crossing her arms together. "Oh, did she? Umm...nope." I say, looking into my mind. "First of all, I didn't ask your fucking mind I asked you! Second of all, I hate you." "One, my mind has a total reason for all of this and two, I don't really care."

"UGH!" She walks away from us, going towards where the prison is. "Oh, by the way..." She turns around, looking at me. "Since you're here, why won't you go to Pluto?" "I gave you the key and...I hate being in there by myself." I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine. We will go with you." "Yay!" "But...we are not going to fall for your stupid tricks or inventions or any of your-stupid things you might have in your sleeves." "Hey!"

She rolls her right sleeve up, showing us a mark on her forearm. "I got this from a certain person, thank you very much." "Who, exactly?" Constanza says, her hands turning red, ready to attack Fiona at any moment. "My parents."

Constanza's hands stop glowing and her mouth opens. "What?" "My bloody parents kept something from me and I stole it back, but...instead they took my arm and wrote a mark on it, meaning that I was exposed or something..." "Exposed?" Shadow says, putting a hand on Techno's robotic shoulder. "They weren't just Doctors...they were doing this kind of experiment that...oh hell, I don't know anymore." "What experiment?" I say, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at my eyes, so I could see her brown eyes glow. "I-I..." "We'll talk about this later."

I take my hand off her shoulder, and she grabs it again, putting it on her cheek. "I-they wanted to...destroy a certain person." "Who?" I say. "The Guardians." "You mean..." "All of them."

I look over across the forest and see a certain black glow coming from a building. We must be close to the prison.

I take my hand off her hand and look back, still knowing that we are enemies and not friends.

Sephrina...where are you?

My eyes reflect from one of the dead trees and it tells me something.

At the Prison. Why? I need to know where you are in the prison. Jelhiro...he' Tell me where you are, Sephrina. for the torture...full of blood...blood loss...

My eyes stop reflecting and I look at the group, knowing where she is. "The prison." I immediately say, running the way where I saw the light.

We're coming. Prepare yourselves...the Guardian's friends are coming for you, Pluto. The Tale begins.

A slap from Jelhiro is all I ever get, nothing more, nothing less.

My wrists are tied to the wall, my hands shake with every whip that I hear from my back, and I know what happens if I don't do anything...Jelhiro comes inside the room and beats me until I shake to the ground.

It's much worse than my fathers punishments. But somehow...Jelhiro doesn't do the dirty things that my father does. So...I was wrong about that.

But right now, my back is against the wall, I'm down on the floor, and I'm looking at my prisoner self. Jelhiro stands outside of the iron door, his sword sheathed away and his fists ready to do anything to me, if I don't listen to Pluto's orders.

I take a lot of time to take parts of my blood, carefully making sure I don't kill myself in the process. I grab a rock from beside me and push it inside my arm, making me scream out and see that my blood comes out.

Jelhiro immediately comes in and goes on his knees, taking a good look at me.

My eyes have lost their color and they beat faster than my souls do. My skin starts to peel itself off because of how much blood I consume into my body. A part of my body already shows its robotic self.

"Your going to die, Sephrina." His voice echoes through the room, because there's nothing here except for bales of hay. "He doesn't want you to die. I'm suppose to keep you alive." "I don't need your orders, Crawford." I spat, my voice getting lower and lower each second. "Pluto is just a Guardian. You're a Guardian...there's nothing we can do." "We? What do you mean, "we?" There's no we. There's only you, Spade."

The door opens again with Pluto on the other side, his features still the same. His evil grin shows, his eyes demonic, and his hands glow with power and hunger as he takes his steps towards me. He stands up in front of me by his last step, being taller than me by at least 5 inches.

"So,I heard that you're trying to kill yourself, eh?" He laughs coldly at me, and sits on the floor. He sits directly in front of me with his legs crossed together. "I don't really do this to my prisoners're the only one I have as a prisoner!" He laughs again. "But really, you don't think that I capture a little girl and give her candy if she's good? Like blah, blah, blah. I'm not an idiot." "You shoud know I'm not a little girl anymore, Pluto." "To believe I think that, Saturn." He pauses for a moment.

"Yes, our nicknames go with "your planets" unfortunately. You have Saturn, I have Pluto, and Jelhiro is Jupiter." "I though he was Uranus?" "I don't fall for those jokes, thank you." "Thought so." I say, putting my head on my arm, sucking up the blood.

Pluto grabs my arm and licks the rest of my blood, making him smirk at me. He licks his lips and says, "You are delicious, my dear. How on Soraen do you mange to have this really good tasty blood?" "It's our blood, Pluto, OUR blood. We were born with Guardians blood-" "That doesn't look like Guardians blood. It looks like Ancient Goddess blood." "How do you know Ancient Goddess blood?" My voice goes away after that. "I know everything, honey. You should see me in a crown. Charlemagne's crown. Oh, how much power he possess in your Universe. I have your Universe now. Thanks to one person."

"Who?" I use the last of my voice to say that word and then it's gone.

"A man named Marcus Smith."

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