Chapter 2:New Path!

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"A man named Marcus Smith."

I use my mind to make blood go inside my mouth so I can speak to him for a little bit longer.

"Marcus Smith? Who's he?" "Let me tell you,my love."

He grabs my arm again and strokes it,trying to calm my blood flow. It keeps on going no matter what he does and it makes my souls beat faster and faster. It's not because of love,which I hate him,obviously,but because it's trying to tear me up inside...knowing that when the group comes and gets me,I would be dead. But that's the thing...I'm afraid of death.

"Marcus Smith is older than you think he is. He's over your age,he's over Jelhiro's age,he's over the humans existence on Earth age,he's....not just Marcus Smith." I stop speaking,knowing if I go on,something might happen to me. "He's a god." "N-n..." I try to speak but my blood,my body,is making it impossible for me to talk.

Pluto laughs and says,"Oh,cat got your tongue?" I get angry and grab his neck with my hands,but my hands are tied up in chains,so I can't really do that. He laughs even louder and snaps his fingers,making Jelhiro follow him out the door.

When I get out of here,I swear under the Universe,I will grab him and Jelhiro any get justice upon the Guardians. They will be destroyed.

"Oh,of course. We have to go to the place where it's mostly cake or death." I say,as we get closer to the edge of a river bank.

Napoleon is acting like the bloody leader of this group,but we all know that Sephrina is. She couldn't have just-

"Fiona Stalin,I know your ancestry! You already told me this 20 times already. Don't speak about it again!" Napoleon says,as he almost steps on the green,dirty water. He looks at it for a moment before saying,"This is dangerous." "Why?" I say,squatting down to see the water. He grabs a stick and puts it down in the water where it dissolves and a death mark glows inside the water. "That's why." He says,going over towards one of the dead trees.

"Okay,first of all-" "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU,FIONA?! YOU...DON'T...HAVE...TO...SAY IT!" "I know this place." "Bullshit." "I've been here before. Don't you know why I lead her here just so she could get captured by Pluto and stay here for the rest of her days?" "You...did...WHAT?!" "Oops..." "Okay...okay...don't get mad. Don't get bloody mad. MOVING ON!"

He slaps himself in the face and Fiona says,"You're mad." "No. I'm just...never mind. We have to save Sephrina before Pluto does something." "Like what?" "Fiona,why won't you just go inside the water and kill yourself?" "I can't..." "Why not?!" "Because I love you and I'm not taking you away from me!" "I love Sephrina. I don't love you." "I don't care! I want to be with you! That's why I stayed alive all those years!" "Then,why did you marry the Riddler?" "We didn't actually marry...we pretended to marry. He wanted me because he knew I was falling in love with you and..." He leans against the tree as the rest of the group follows us. "...and I just...told him I would be with him and only him. I made an vow."

"What vow?" Napoleon says,as I start to pace around in a circle. "The vow where,until he dies,I would stay with him and be his puppet."

"You're still evil,Stalin. I see the way your eyes grow darker whenever you're around us." "What color are they now?" He comes over to me and I get that feeling back. "They-they're light." He looks surprised at me,saying,"Are you-" I nod my head,blushing at the same time.

He gets closer to my lips and smirks at me saying,"I'm not falling for your tricks,Miss.Stalin,so you can hide your eyes from the light while my eyes glow in the moonlight. We're different. You and I." "You...and I?" " really need to work on hiding your love...and your jealousy. I'm in love with Sephrina,and that's that."

He turns away from me and walks over to the river,his hand in his coat,surveying the area...

She thinks I'm going to fall for her? Ha! Not in her wildest dreams. She's plain evil,and that's not the evil I like.

I look out into the river,thinking about the past. Not about my love for Sephrina...but the mistakes I made to get to that point.

I think about my past:

The day I saw Sephrina,the day she disguised herself as a man(that was so real that I couldn't see the inside of him),the day I died,the same day she saved my life,the day I never saw her again...and the day when I met her again.

I was a jerk by the time I saw her again...but that's because I couldn't believe I was in her planet and...seeing her parents...

A tear falls down my face as I think about her parents....and how evil and powerful they are...

The following is a flashback from Napoleon's visit in School Story.

The writing will be underlined and written in Napoleon's point of view.

Napoleon's Flashback:

"Hello,Mr. and Mrs.Spade." "Hello,dear. What's your name?" Sephrina's mother says to me.

I'm sitting in a chair while Sephrina is cleaning up her parents bedroom. Like...she needs to do that.

"She asked you a question,and you're suppose to answer it. Now,what's your name?" "Your not my father,sir."

Not moving a step off the couch,he slaps me in the face. I feel pain in my right cheek but,I get over it and say,"You're not my father."

He gets up and says to Sephrina,"Kick him out...I don't like it how he's reacting to us."

Napoleon:It would have been funnier if he had said,"Your name is You're not my father?" Okay...that's a little bit funny.

We hear dead silence until her mother said,"Let me take care of that for you and who is this for?" "None of your business,ma'am." She,too,slaps me in the face and says,"Now answer my question...Who is this for?" "As I said before,none of your business." She uses her powers to burn the poem and make the Rose burn to ashes. "Well,its no ones now. Now,get out of my sight,boy. You disgust me." "OKAY,THATS IT!"

I pound my fist on the table and yell out,"I'm Napoleon Bonaparte,future Emperor of the French,King of Italy,and conqueror of Europe. I don't take this kind of disrespect in my world. But,I came here because of one person...your daughter. My parents are dead and you guys are making me look like I'm the bad guy when it's really you. Making your daughter do your bedroom,do all of the dirty work in the house...I won't allow it! Now, I demand that you give her a good life,by the order of the Emperor and King of planet Earth...Level 5 planet."

Well then...that was a long time ago. Now it's been two years since that's happened and a lot more than 15 years since I last saw Sephrina.

They look at me with a angry look on their faces. "Well,I shut you guys up. Sephrina,you're taking a break from all of this...come on. And I will take this,thank you." I take their prized possession that they took from Sephrina.

"Well,you can't keep her for long,we'll take to the ruler of the place and you'll be sentenced. You'll pay for this,shorty." I look at them with an angry look and said,"Who are you calling shorty?" "You,Napoleon. You were known for being short."

I go up to them and I say in their faces,"If you want to stay alive,I better not hear you complain about what happened,you hear me? I'm not just a short emperor...I'm the tall fighter. Which means that I got your butts off your couch and out of your bloody house." Which they already did.

"Sephrina...will you do the honors?" "Okay." She says.

That was probably one of the best things I ever did in my life.

She uses her powers and makes a barrier that her parents can't get through.

I shut the door and I look at her and say,"I'm sorry about everything...I just fell in love with you...I think I'm overreacting like you said before."

She takes one look at me and puts her hand on my hand and says,"My sister left my family,everyone is like they were before. I only have two years before I can go to see my future come to life. I know we'll meet each other again...soon. I promise. When you're back on Earth,I promise I'll be with you." She hugs me and I hug her back,"I promise."

We keep hugging like this until she says,"I think I should go now. They will never let me go back to school after this." I laugh at this.

When we hugged,I still loved her the same that I do now. I hope,when I see her again,that we can love each other again and never be apart again.

Napoleon's Flashback ends.

I feel a hand go on my shoulder,then the hand goes off,disappearing in front of me. I turn around and whisper,"Sephrina?" But when I do turn around,she's not there. "Oh...she's...gone."

"Who's gone?" Scarlet says,making me turn around to look at Scarlet. " one. Just my imagination,I guess." "Okay then..." She shrugs her shoulders and looks back over to Red.

I hold my hand out and walk towards the tree that I was leaning on. I see a light coming from behind it,hoping it's Sephrina or someone I love. As I get closer to the tree,it starts to fade. No. Please don't leave. The light glows again,making me go behind the tree to see a path.

"Hey,guys!" I yell out,motioning my hand to them. They come over and Techno says,"What is it now?" "I found a path." I point towards the silver-ish path in front of us,making them smile brightly.

Napoleon... "Sephrina?" I whisper,looking closer to the silver path. Her ghost comes over and it shows her in chains,sitting on the ground.

Why won't you come? I can't use my powers,I can't use my strength,I'm weak... You're not weak,Sephrina. We're coming for you,I promise. Believe in me. Trust me. I trust you. I believe you. Please hurry...

Her image disappears,making me yell out,"We have to follow the path. It might takes us to the prison." "But the prison is-" Techno starts to say,but Shadow cuts him off by saying,"You idiot! It might be the catacombs or a secret passage towards the prison." "Right." I say,going towards the path.

We follow the path,hoping no traps come our way...

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