Lunch dude Lunch

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"I love Georgie but I hate her"Brice exclaimed sitting down on the grass with his pasta and cupcake he got from the cafeteria "I had gym last night and then had to run 4 miles with the damn dog"

"The thing is, Sub could probably do twice that easily, and he's like 3 years younger" Sky laughed.

"But he doesn't have a dog" Brice said rolling his eyes

'no but I have a sister' Sub signed looking up from pulling cucumber from his sandwich 'which is probably worse to run with'

"but I also have a sister" Brice stated.

"Do you have a thing against cucumber?, if you didn't want the damn cucumber why did you get it?" Kyle said

'Cucumber is the devils food, and they didn't have any tuna sandwiches so I got tuna and cucumber' Sun signed standing to throw the cucumber in the bin 'And I know you also have a sister, but at least I can run faster than mine'

"point taken" Brice said "But i bet none of you can do a bridge kick over or a one handed cartwheel"

"I can actually" Ethan said looking down at his phone

'same' Sub signed getting his phone out to scroll through instagram.

"Why!?" Brice said, "prove it"

"I would but I'm wearing skinny jeans" Ethan said absent mindedly tapping his phone while when scrolled threw social medias "That and I have a track competition to dat and I dint want to die before I compete, dunno why because Sub will probably win but you know" he shrugged.

'Why are you even bragging with those certain moves live, they are pretty basic' Sub signed

"Why do you guys even know now do do that shit then?" Seto asked a bit curious as he skim read through a science book.

"We went to gymnastics when we were younger" Ethan said "like a couple years ago before... You know"

Everyone other than Sub nodded.

The 'You know' was when Sub's mum had died. It was actually about 4 ish years ago maybe a bit more. Sub quit when his mum died and never joined again. Ethan decided to quit a couple weeks after Sub did because he didn't find it fun anymore. They just knew how to do the things Brice had said because they were relatively basic and they double jointed so it was just easy.

"Want me to tell you guys a joke!?" Tyler said smirking at his phone screen

"Great, this is going to be amazing" Ty said sarcastically.

"Okay okay" Tyler said smirking "I had a dog called Minton, and ate a shuttlecock, and do you know what I said to him?"

"Here it comes"Kyle said

"Brace yourself" Sky said as if they were about to get bombed

"Bad Minton" Tyler said before bursting into laugher.

"That is so bad!" Ethan. Said

"Oh my god!" Sky said

"Oh come on!" Seto said

"My dad and Grandad come up with better jokes, and they are both dad jokes!" Kyle exclaimed.

Sub rolled his eyes not bothering to sign anything because he knew it would go unseen.

"Okay okay!" Tyler said after calming down, "I gotta another"

"Great!" Brice said

"okay" Tyler started "How do you plan a space party?"

"this going to be so bad" Seto said

"I don't know Tyler, how do you plan a space party?" Ethan asked

"You planet!!!" Tyler said before bursting into laugher again.

"oh my god" Sky said before sniggering "its so bad its funny"

"slightly better than my grandad but 100X worse than my dad" Kyle said

"SEETTTTOOOOOOO" a girls voice shouted getting closer to where the group were sitting.

"Chheeesskkkaaa" Seto mocked in a whisper in a higher voice.

"Seto" Cheska said out of breath when she finally got to him.

"Cheska" Seto said back "what do you want"

"Did you take my phone charger" She said when she finally caught her breath.

"Considering your phone charger is bright cupcake pink, and I have a fragile grasp on masculinity, why the fuck would I take you phone charge?" Seto said

"Because I have yours" Cheska said casually

"uh-hu- wait what" Seto said before looking up to her to see her holding a navy blue iPhone charger.

"And there goes you masculinity, now I have a twin sister" Cheska Said smirking making Kyle, Tyler and Sky laugh.

"You bitch, I took mine!" Seto said standing up, "It was probably the beast who ate yours"

"No, don't blame Universe, he's only a kitten, it wad probably your rabid dog" Cheska stated smugily.

"Your beast gave me a scar!" Seto said annoyed.

"Only a small one" Cheska said rolling her eyes.

"A small one!? Have you seen it" Seto said pushing up his fringe thing to show her the scar on his fore head that was the size of a large nail (the ones you hammer) "That is not small" he stated pointing to it for emphasis before taking his hand way from his fringe

They ended up death glaring each other for about 10 seconds before they both said "I refuse to be related to you" before storming off from each other.

"You do the weird twin thing!" Brice said.

"huh?" Seto said cluelessly

 "you, when you say things at the same time" Brice said "weird shit"

"Shuddup" Seto said before playfully hitting him.

Ethan put his phone Down before clicking his fingers (You know how pianists do right) making Everyone but himself and Sub cringe.

"Dude, dont do that!" Sky said squeezing his eyes shut

"What?" Ethan said before realizing and laughing "hah, can you not click your fingers"

"No, its gross!"Seto exclaimed while shifting around.

"Sub can do it too" Ethan said "we are double jointed too! That's fun to play around with. Like look!" Ethan continued before bending his fingers back at an un natural angle.

"Nahhhh, dude, quit!" Tyler said cringing again, as well as everyone else.

"This is Sub, we have found their number one weakness, we can rule the world now!" Ethan laughed

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