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"Oh my god why does school exist" Ethan says rolling his eyes.

Sub, Seto, Brice, Sky, Ethan, Kyle, Ty and Tyler were sitting the cafeteria, a couple minuets before they had to go to their home rooms, on the first day of school.

"So we get jobs" Seto says reading threw a Physics book reading over pages he already knew.

"so we can pay bills" Brice says doodling on one of his excise books that wasn't going to ever use again.

"So we don't blow our self's up?" Kyle says, reading a borrowed book from the library.

"Okay I get it School is needed, I'm just saying that they could make it more fun" Ethan defended shrugging his shoulders.

"But don't you start your options this year?" Sky asks a bit confused that if he didn't like certain why he didn't just drop theM.

"yeah" Ethan said "And?"

"Well if you don't like certain subjects you should have dropped them!" Brice said matter of factly "well I did anyway"

"I did, but I would rather be at home sleeping"

"What did you pick anyway?" Kyle asked staring at the book.

"Umm, PE, Spanish and Computer Science" Ethan said

"Hmm" Kyle hummed nodding "Why PE, PE is stupid, I Hated PE"

"I love PE how do you hate it!?" Ethan said stepping up to defend his favourite subject "plus I'd get fat if I didn't I eat wayyyy too much like, geeze, I'm the reason there's no food in the house"

"AHH we got to go home rooms now for form see you later my people!" Brice said standing up with Seto to go to there home room.

And everyone dispersed to there forms.

Ethan was in year 10 and was in the same home room as Sub who was in year 9 and also in special ed because of his Stutter. It literally made him stutter on every word and made most sentences that, for most people take 30 second, would take him 1 minuet. He had a friend called sk3tch in his class who had ADHD and dyslexia so he had someone in classes. Sub had to talk in language because it was just easier. Subs mum was dead, she died of leukaemia and now he was looked after by his dad, who has 'emotional' issues, but only Sub knew that. He also had a little sister who was 6. She was lovely and vert very sweet and resembled Sub quite alot. His and his sister, Clover, have amazing eyes. They are bright bright bright bright emerald green. They had been inherited by their late mother. Sub was also on the track team. He was one of their best runners and was better than most year 13s.

Ethan lived in a care home. He was abused by his parents. Well, his mum. His dad had left his mum before he was born. And Ethan was about 6 when he got taken from her care and she was put in prison. Ethan, being a 6 ye old, didn't know any better and thought he deserved it. And had a few issues when he got out but they all got sorted out.

Sky lives with his mum and dad and sister and pet fish. He never let anyone forget his pet fish when they described his family. His fish is called Steven. His family was quite Norma. Well normal as it could get. Sure they had ups and downs and his older sister put make up on him one or two times but that's family right? Sky is in year 12. And is 16. And really loves Steven.

Tyler lives with his aunt Janet. She was a bitch. But a nice bitch. Ish. She cooked him good food, let him had good clothes and have him a stable roof over his head. And sometimes she chatted to him over dinner. But that was only sometimes. The rest of the tine she just left him to it and only acknowledged him when it was for essentials. But it was okay to Tyler. He is in year 11 and he is 15.

Ty lives with his mum and his dad. Separately. His parents were divorced. He mostly lives with his mum but most weekends he stays with his dad. They both loved him and Ty loved them. They just didn't love each other. Ty is an only child because he was born just after his parents split and his parents hadn't remarried and they had said many times they wouldn't. But his mum had a dog called Dalek, named after doctor who because Ty was a doctor who geek, and his dad had a cat called Salem because Ty and his dad couldn't think of a good name so named him after Sabrina the teenage witch. Ty is in the same class as Sky and was a month younger than him.

Seto lives with his sister, Twin sister that he hated with a passion and vise versa, his twin, Cheska, hating him. He also lived with his mum and dad and older brother Nathan. Technically, he was the middle kid. Because he was born 30 seconds before his sister and his brother is 2 years older than him. He and his sister also do that weird twin thingy. They are constantly completing each other's sentences or saying things at the exact same time. Seto had a dog called Dug because he had no idea what to call him and Up came into his head when he was thinking. His sister has a cat called Universe but he hates Seto and Seto often ends up with a scratch on his face when trying to feed him. He doesn't know now, it just happens. He is in year 11 and is 15 and is 16 at literally the end if the year.

Kyle lives with his dad and his grandad. His mum cheated on his dad and also abused his dad so she was a very un liked person. Well Kyle, his dad and his grandad hated him. And so did his hamster, who was called Kitten because he wanted to ironic. His dad laughed at the idea and told him to 'crack on' and his gran dad didn't really care and also told him to 'crack on' but added a 'lad' at the end of the sentence. His house was made up of all boys. Him, his dad, his grandad, and Kitten. His grandad and granma had split up so, they usally visited her during the holidays. His granma was nice and somehow made cookie that were amazing even thought Kyle hated them. Kyle was in the same year as Tyler and Seto, although he was 16 in a month.

And last but not least, Brice. Brice lived with both his parents, his little sister who was 7 and resembled Brice so much other than the fact that she was a girl and he was a boy. Brice's sister, Willow, and Subs sister, were best friends. Brice got dragged into Clover and Willows princess tea partys. They were always at his house so Sub was in the clear, saying, or rather writing, that he would pick Clover up later. And Brice would also death glare him as he walked away from his house with a smug smile as Brice got dragged away into 6 year old land. Brice would still be finding glitter on him days after the tea party he was forced into. He says forced because his parents force him. They give him no choice. He usally gets out of it when he has yo leave to go to gymnastics but that's only on Thursdays. His family considered of his mum, his dad, willow, him and his dog Georgie and she was the family dog, but usally got walked by him, which was annoying because she was a husky and they need at least 4 miles of exercise. AT LEAST. He was I the same year as Ty and Sky and was 16 in a couple of months.

And that was it. The group. Sub and Ethan were best friends, Brice and Seto were best friends, Ty and Kyle were best friends and Ty and Sky were best friend, but they were all friend. Just weird ones. Far from normal. But what is normal anyway, its best described as a setting on a washing machine because washing is boring and so is being normal.


did I do good?

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