Stories / Points / Updated Schedule

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Featured Stories

The featured stories for the next two weeks are by MattParker0708 and loeley  and I will give you a proper overview and send you to the right spot by tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. 


I update points once every month or two. It is YOUR responsibility to let me know what critiques you've done by submitting this information properly: make a comment on the Featured Story part for that period. I won't count points by people who message me privately; I get far too much communication on Wattpad to keep track of messages. You MUST submit that you've done a critique ON THE FEATURED STORY part of that time period. No where else. Better yet, submit your observation report for 10 points more and participate by reading other observation reports and responding to them. 

elementalcobalt = total = 40 points (25 best intro + 15 for critique John July1-15)

PeerGlen = total = 25 points (10 for an intro + 15 for critique July 1-15)

@shalonsims = total = 95 points (20 for the first intro + 50 for 2 critiques + reports July1-15 John and JA, 25 points critique + report Matt)

MattParker0708 = total = 125 points = 25 best intro + 50 for 2 critiques and 2 observation reports July1-15 for John & JA, 25 crit + report Shalon, 25 crit + report Paige)

zc4555 = total = 45 points (20 for great intro + 25 for critique and observation report July1-15)

jeshi99 = total = 150 points (25 for critique + report July1-15 for JA, 50 for critique Melissa & Shalon, 50 for Paige and Matt)

takeapaige = total = 45 points (10 for intro + 10 for partial critique July1-15, 25 for crit of John)

sdfrost61 = total = 75 points (25 best intro ever!, Crit & report for Melissa, 25 crit Paige)

Karimsuliman = total = 25 points (25 points for 1 critique and 1 observation report July1-15)

loeley = total = 50 points (25 crit +report Shaon, 25 crit +report Paige)

ronelvantonderza = total = 40 points (15 Crit John, 25 crit + report JA)

Updated Schedule

July 1-15 - DONE

jeshi99 - Space Chronicles The Beginning, the first two chapters including the forward

zc4555 - Beyond Earth, the first three chapters

July 16-31 - DONE

MelissaJaneFerguson - The Neaderthal Girl, entire short story

@shalonsims - The Dreaming: various parts

August 1-15 - DONE

MattParker0708 - Engines and Demons, chapters 1-3

takeapaige - Ahnera, the first 4 chapters --> possibly bumped to August, depending on participation

August 16-31 - IN PROGRESS

loeley - ? TBD

MattParker0708 - Engines and Demons, chapters 4-6

September 1-15

elementalcobalt - The Zoo, first three chapters

jeshi99 - Space Chronicles TBD

September 16-30

Karimsuliman - Bermuda, prologue + chapters 1-3

One participation spot vacant

October 1-15

One sign up spot vacant - do you want this? Get in touch with me!

One participation spot vacant - do you want this? Participate!

October 17-31

One sign up spot vacant - do you want this? Get in touch with me!

One participation spot vacant - do you want this? Participate!

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