Split Up And Search For Clues

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"Those Hex Girls seem kind of suspicious." Fred remarked.

"I'll say." Velma agreed.

"Daph and I should keep an eye on them." Fred puts his arm around Daphne.

"Gee, why is it that you always pair off with Daphne, Fred?" Braedey teased.

"Uh... Well..." Fred looked away, bashfully.

"Never mind," Daphne cuts in. "It's a good idea."

"I wanna take another look at where the guys saw the ghost." Velma said.

"I'll go with Fred and Daphne to help them." Valka told Braedey, and he nodded to her.

With that, the gang all split up, and head off to do their part.


Braedey and Ben looked around the ground, looking for something, as they, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma were looking all around for any clues. Braedey had his magnifying glass and scattered all around.

"Come on, guys, let's take a look behind those trees." Velma pointed to the trees in the far back of the forest.

Ben nodded and followed Velma. Braedey did some last-minute checks, then quickly caught up with them. They spotted strange tire tracks. It really puzzled the three of them.

"What are all these tire tracks doing back here?" Velma wondered.

"Strange, the road's back there." Ben observed and pointed.

"Something smells fishy." Braedey added.

"Let's see where these tracks lead." Velma ordered, taking charge.

"Like, can't we follow them tomorrow?" Shaggy asked. "Like, after breakfast?"

"Get over here!" Braedey told him with a laugh, following Ben and Velma.

"I guess not." Shaggy gulped as he unwillingly followed the rest of the group.

There was then howling wind in the air. Braedey, Ben, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby looked all around to make sure they weren't being followed by any uninvited visitors. The group then stopped as they saw a far away barn house and saw Mayor Corey.

"Jinkies! It's the mayor!" Velma gasped.

"What's he doing here?" Ben wondered.

"Scooby, Braedey and Shaggy will follow the mayor." Velma replied.

"We will?" Braedey asked.

"Okay, then you search the barn and we'll follow the mayor." Velma compromised.

"On second thought, we'll take the mayor." Shaggy answered, after looking at the creepy barn. "He'll never know we're on his tail, huh guys?"

"Reah." Scooby answered with a laugh.

Braedey followed Shaggy and Scooby to go after Mayor Corey.


Braedey was now with the Great Dane and cowardly teen, snooping around to see what the mayor could be up to. They kept looking and spied all around. Braedey noticed a lot of suspicious happenings and jotted them down in his notepad to keep track to show Ben and Velma. They followed the mayor well into town, but they had to avoid being seen. Shaggy and Scooby disguised as a teenage couple and Braedey hid under the bench they were sitting on as they mayor passed by them.

"Ah, young love." Mayor Corey smiled, then walked on.

Shaggy, Scooby and Braedey looked back at him as he continued to walk on. They then continued to follow him carefully.

"Like, he won't ditch us that easily." Shaggy added.

There was then screeching noises as they drew closer. Braedey crept around and looked to make sure they would be safe. Braedey looked about. The Mayor was nowhere to be seen, much to their surprise.

"Like, where do you guys think he went?" Shaggy wondered.

"I ron't rhow." Scooby replied.

"It's like he vanished in thin air!" Braedey gasped.

They kept going closer. They heard wood creaking noises and heard a frightening, familiar voice.

"How dare you disturb my resting place?" the ghost demanded, making them all look up in fear and alarm.

They all screamed and tried to run extra fast this time to get away.

"This town will pay!" the ghost hissed.

"Send them a bill, but leave us alone!" Shaggy screamed.

The trio kept screaming and running. Just then they were back on the streets to avoid the ghost, and bumped into Ben and Velma. Ben and Velma's glasses were all knocked off. Ben and Velma patted the ground to get their glasses back.

"I can't see a thing without my glasses..." Ben groaned.

"Oh, me either." Velma added as they grabbed their glasses.

Ben and Velma then realized they had on each other's glasses. "Sorry." They apologized together and put each other's right glasses on.

"Hey, what's going on?" Fred asked as he walked with Daphne and Valka down the street to meet up.

"Ask Scooby and Shaggy." Velma replied.

"Where are they?" Daphne asked.

"That's no mystery. They're right there." Braedey pointed to the cowardly teen and Great Dane shaking and whimpering with fear inside the mail carrier.

"So, what happened, guys?" Velma asked.

"Like, we followed the Mayor to some warehouse and that ghost attacked us." Shaggy responded.

"He did?" Velma scratched her chin. "There goes my cherry picker theory."

"Cherry picker theory?" Fred asked.

"What?" Braedey looked around.

"Oh, nothing." Velma giggled.

"Wait til you hear what we saw at Thorn's place." Fred added.

"Braedey, there's also something that you might want to know about Thorn." Valka added, making Braedey look at her in confusion.

"Hey, like, we were reporting first." Shaggy said. "Right, Scoob?"

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"The mayor's one busy guy and dropping things off." Shaggy explained as he and Scooby got out of the mail carrier and landed on top of each other on the sidewalk.

"Like what?" Velma asked.

"What's going on, here?" Mayor Corey walked over, brushing himself. Braedey stood behind Daphne as he saw him, Scooby and Shaggy. "What's the big idea running over me?"

Scooby and Shaggy then hid back away as Braedey buried her face in her hands. Later, everyone met back at the warehouse, standing by the Scooby and Shaggy holes in the wall.

"As you can see, there's nothing here except a damaged wall." Mayor Corey told the group.

"Sorry about that, Mr. Mayor," Braedey apologized. "Scooby and Shaggy just lose it when they get scared."

"I'm worried staying in Oakhaven might be just too much of a frightening experience for friends like Scooby and Shaggy," Velma stated. "I think we should leave."

"Sorry to hear about that." Mayor Corey walked off.

"But, I need to get one more clue before the night is over," Velma said. "Then I think I can solve the mystery of the witch's ghost before tomorrow's autumn fest."

"Oh, great, I'll do anything to help." Ben put a hand on her shoulder.

"Like, I should've known leaving wasn't an option." Shaggy groaned.

"What was all that about, Velma?" Daphne asked her friend.

"Here's what we're gonna do." Velma said as she was about to tell her plan to everyone.

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