The Trap, And The Ghost

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The group then went to the stage where the Hex Girls did their rehearsal. Braedey removed the dust cover their instruments were under and let out a cough from the dusty patches. Scooby glanced at Dusk's drums which had cobwebs attached to them. He then played them by patting his tail on the cymbals. Shaggy removed the cover for Luna's keyboard and started playing and laughed. Scooby kept playing and stopped once Dusk glared at him with her hands on her hips.

"HEY!" Dusk hissed.

"Rorry!" Scooby stopped and handed Dusk her drumsticks before dashing off.

"Like, why'd you stop, old buddy?" Shaggy asked as he kept playing rock and roll music.

"No one touches my keyboard." Luna scowled at him.

Shaggy smiled apologetically and ran away with Scooby.

"Thanks for coming, girls." Velma smiled at them.

"We should all be home resting for the concert tomorrow," Thorn said. "We only came because Ben asked us to."

"Hey, I'm just following orders." Ben replied in defense.

"Well, what do you want?" Luna asked.

Just then a gust of cold autumn wind came with some fall leaves, grabbing everyone's attention. There was wicked laughter again which scared Scooby and Shaggy just as usual.

"She's here." Braedey said.

Everyone looked up and then witnessed the ghost Shaggy, Scooby and Braedey had been talking about for a while now. The ghost then threw fireballs on the stage, making everyone scatter and run to safety.

"This town must pay for its foul deed!" the ghost laughed wickedly and started firing for Velma, Shaggy and Scooby, whist Braedey then leaped up into a tree.

Velma ran as quickly as she could. She then tripped over something and fell forward. "Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!" she cried.

Shaggy and Scooby then came to her aid, and looked back to see the ghost still hot on their trail. The ghost was about to finish them off.

"NOW!" Velma yelled.

Fred and Daphne held the tree branch far back and smacked the ghost in the face. Everyone cheered with victory as the ghost was pushed back against a soccer net.

"Yeah!" Braedey jumped down from the tree, and performed the 'Thriller' dance.

"Okay, let's see who's behind all this." Fred said as he and Daphne came from behind the bushes.

"Braedey, would you like to remove the mask?" Daphne offered to him.

"It would be my honour." Braedey said before walking over to the witch to remove the mask. "But I think I might know who it already is, isn't that right, Mr. McKnight?" He then removed the mask of the witch's ghost to see it really was the pharmacist Mr. McKnight.

"Like, it's the T-Shirt guy!" Shaggy gasped.

"Mr. McKnight?" Daphne sounded the most shocked. "The pharmacist?"

"Daddy?" Thorn said in pure shock as she walked up with Dusk and Luna.

"Hello, Sally." Mr. McKnight said his daughter's birth name.

"Your dad's the ghost?" Luna asked.

"Your name is Sally?" Fred added, which made Thorn look annoyed that she was called that.

Braedey elbowed Fred, telling him that Thorn didn't like to be called Sally by anyone else.

"I don't believe this, Daddy," Thorn came closer to her father. "Why would you do something like this?"

"Wait, you mean you guys aren't involved?" Daphne asked the Hex Girls.

"The girls have nothing to do with this." Mr. McKnight explained.

"What in the world is going on this evening!?" Corey rushed over to the group.

"Maybe, I can explain," Velma spoke up. "I found flash powder residue where Shag and Scoob saw the ghost," she then lifted up Mr. McKnight's arm to show a device around it. "This is a device to throw fireballs, which are just wads of flash paper."

"They burn too..." Braedey said as he rubbed his butt from earlier.

"He got it from his daughter's stage props." Velma added as Scooby clicked one of the buttons and made another fireball go through the air and land in a far away place to show the cherry picker Velma was talking about earlier.

"Like, what's that?" Shaggy asked, as they went to the cherry picker.

"It's the cherry picker that made the ghost fly above the trees with the use of an extension device," Velma showed with her flashlight. "And there's the fan that created the eerie wind. It took more than one person to pull off this scam. Isn't that right, Jack?"

The pudgy restaurant owner came over and rubbed his eyes from Velma's flashlight.

"Zoinks!" Shaggy couldn't believe that.

"It would take someone pretty strong to hoist Mr. McKnight around." Velma explained.

"Like, you should've been making pot roast instead of cooking up trouble." Shaggy snapped at him.

"That goes for all of you." Velma added. "There had to have been more people involved to make this hoax work." She told Mr. McKnight and Jack as she was referring to another person involved. But who? She shined her flashlight to the trees and a couple of people came over that no one seemed to recognized.

"Well, I for one, am totally shocked by this deception!" Mayor Corey snapped.

"You can stop the charade now, Mayor," Velma smirked at him. "Because you're the one who made me suspicious from the beginning."

"I...I...I..." the mayor stammered, like he had been caught red-handed.

"I'm very disappointed in you, mayor," Ben sneered at Jack, the townspeople and Mr. McKnight. "All of you, for lining your pockets by dragging Sarah Ravencroft's name through the mud."

Braedey and Scooby rubbed the back of their fingers to put shame on the people.

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