The Monster Car, and Meeting Ben Ravencroft

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Inside of an old warehouse and junkyard, Mystery Inc. were investigating the mystery of 'The Monster Car', a wrecked and scrapped 1958 Plymouth Fury, who is supposedly possessed by Satan himself, and haunted the roads around the junkyard.

Braedey Martin, along with Scooby-Doo, were both running through the empty warehouse, hoping to hide from the demon of the Monster Car. The two hid next to a shipping container, hiding from view of the car.

"I think we lost it." Braedey whispered to Scooby, who nodded to him. "Okay. Remember the plan: we run to the magnet crane, luring the Monster Car there, and then, we'll find out who's responsible for the haunting of the roads around here."

But then, the two fell silent, as the sound of a growling engine was heard. The two hid from view, as they heard the sound of the car getting closer. Scooby, thinking fast, placed a paw over Braedey's mouth, so his breathing won't be heard, and the brunette looked to the Great Dane in confusion. Then, they froze, as they heard car tyres slowly crunching on concrete, like menacing footsteps.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" A demonic voice echoed out. "COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE."

Braedey felt like he was gonna scream out, but he sucked it all up, as he heard the sound of the old Monster Car's engine almost a few feet away. He didn't dare move, and nor did Scooby. Then, after 30 long agonising and stressful seconds, they heard the sound of the car rolling away, and as they carefully looked, they saw the car had disappeared.

"Phew. That was close." Braedey sighed to himself, and looked to Scooby. "Nice. Come on, Scooby. We have to hurry." But, they then heard the demonic and evil revving behind them, and they turned to the exit to see the Monster Car there, it's one headlight shining at them.

"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME!!!" The Monster Car roared to them, its tyres squealing, as it then burned rubber, and began to accelerate towards them.

"RUN!" Braedey screamed, and both he and Scooby sprinted as fast as they could to the other exit. As they do so, they saw the Monster Car was right on their tail.

As the two ran out, the Monster Car continued to follow, it's engine revving, whilst flames shot out of its supposedly ruined exhaust system, and the headlight was still locked on them.

"Fortalus Eruptor!" Someone chanted, and suddenly, a rocky ramp erupted from the ground, forcing the Monster Car up into the air, and it flew overhead of Braedey and Scooby.

The spell turned out to be from Valka, who had used one of her Earth chants to create the rock ramp. Also, she was wearing a new outfit: a purple dress with a pink ribbon around her waist and a black crown on her head. In addition to that, she was wearing black fingerless gloves. At the top of her dress, she had a cerise pink gem with a golden border, and she also wore long dark purple tights.

"Fred. NOW!" Valka called out to the blonde leader, as the Monster Car flew into the air, getting under the magnet of the crane.

But, as Fred pulled the lever, the magnet didn't work. The Monster Car landed on the ground, then spun around 180˚, to face the Mystery Inc. gang, revving it's engine. But, as it was about to accelerate to them, a large forklift suddenly slammed into the side of it, and pinned the wrecked car against a wall, shattering all the windows in the process.

"Whoa. I didn't expect that." Braedey muttered, then walked over to the wrecked Plymouth. "Consider yourself scrapped!" He then kicked the front of it, then ripped out the driver. The person was one other than...

"Mr. Kenworth?" The gang was surprised.

"It makes all complete sense." Someone spoke up, and everyone looked to see a man climbing out of the forklift, amazingly without anything broken.

The person was a tall Caucasian male with a sturdy build. He had long black hair tied in a ponytail with a mustache and beard. He wore thin-framed glasses. His attire consisted of a brown coat over a black shirt and brown trousers.

"Wait. You're Ben Ravencroft." Valka realised.

"That's right. I take it you've read my books." Ben said to her.

"Yes. I loved 'The Ghouling'." Valka then got back on track. "So, how did you know it was him?"

"The reason why I was doing all of this haunting, was because there's oil under the junkyard." Kenworth said.

"And, that's why he created the Monster Car." Shaggy deduced. "He wanted nobody around the junkyard, so he can try and get the land for himself, and drill for oil."

"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids." Kenworth snarled, just as the Police arrived to take him away.

"I guess we can't thank you enough for getting him." Braedey thanked, and shook Ben's hand.

"Well, I guess it was a consequence for me being here." Ben replied. "I was just walking about nearby, until I heard the sound of a ghostly engine, and when I saw you and your dog in trouble, I decided to intervene."

"Well, thank you." Velma thanked him. "So, where are you heading off to now?" She asked.

"I'm heading back to Oakhaven, my hometown back in England." Ben replied, then he had an idea. "But, I had been thinking. Why don't you all come along with me? Consider it a thank you for what I've done."

"Really?" Valka asked.

"Well, I guess we can't say no to that." Fred shrugged to the others, and they nodded in agreement.


A few minutes later, Mystery Inc. were packing up all of their gear and tools, ready to go to England. Even though Braedey had gone down to Spooky Island for his first trip out of the USA, this was his very first trip abroad.

He decided to take his 1970 Dodge Charger R/T with him, since it was his car, and even though the gang will be together in the Mystery Machine, he wanted to drive alongside them. They didn't mind this, since he was a good driver with his muscle car.

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