Welcome to Oakhaven

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Soon enough, the Mystery Inc. gang, along with the two Martins, with Ben Ravencroft, were leaving the bustling city of London, heading off to the British countryside.

Braedey continued to follow the Mystery Machine, whilst his mother was fast asleep in the passenger seat. He didn't mind this, then accelerated the car after the van, whilst Ben was ahead, with Velma in his car, a black Rolls-Royce of the 40's.

Soon, they parked in the lot for the Oakhaven festival. Once Braedey stopped, Valka woke up, then she and Braedey climbed out of the Charger.

Ben looked around his hometown, it sure had changed a lot, but in a crazier way than he expected. It wasn't the quiet little town he grew up in.

"This is a pretty popular spot." Fred remarked.

"Sure, we always get a few leaf peepers, but never like this... Circus..." Ben sounded slightly insulted.

"We should go see the mayor then, maybe he might know what's going on." Braedey suggested.

"Good point, there he is now." Ben looked ahead.

"Like, maybe he'll know a place to eat." Shaggy smiled hungrily.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"With him being the mayor, the possibility is a 100% yes." Valka said.

The Mayor was welcoming new guests, then looked with a smile to the author.

"Mayor Corey!" Ben called to the portly man.

The mayor looked over and smiled. "Ben, my boy! I'm glad you could come home to see this," He then noticed the rest of the group. "Oh, you brought friends, and their dog." Mayor Corey smiled.

"Rog?" Scooby looked around. "Rhere?"

The Mayor laughed. "The more the merrier."

"Um, Mr. Mayor, it isn't usually this crowded is it?" Braedey asked.

"It's great, isn't it?" Corey grinned. "Business is booming! Now like a few months ago when it was slower than maple syrup on a cold day."

"Hey, Ben!" an aged man walked by with a box of supplies.

"Hi, Mr. McKnight!" Ben sounded very happy to see him.

"Welcome home, have a T-shirt before my store sells out, you can wear it to the concert tomorrow." Mr. McKnight offered.

"Concert?" Braedey asked.

Fred looked ahead with a smile. "The Hex Girls."

"You've heard of them, Fred?" Daphne asked him.

"Just now." Fred pointed to the banner ahead for the Autumn Festival.

Braedey looked at the banner. "'The Hex Girls performing a concert here in Oakhaven'." He read.

"A local group," Mr. McKnight smiled. "I know you'll like 'em... Spooky..." He looked to Ben when he said that.

Braedey took out a T-Shirt and read it aloud. "'I saw the Oakhaven's Witch's Ghost and Lived'?"

"Ghost?" Shaggy and Scooby were already scared.

"Looks like there's a ghost in YOUR own backyard, Ben." Velma remarked.

"Not only that, but it's his own ancestor, the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft." Corey informed them.

"Why would the ghost of Mr. Ravencroft's ancestor want to haunt Oakhaven?" Braedey asked him.

"Oh, it's witch nonsense." Ben looked to Braedey.

"What can I say, Ben?" Corey shrugged. "Ever since we built our puritan village, her ghost appeared many times."

Velma cut in and had an idea of why Sarah might be haunting the village.

"How did you know?" Corey sounded surprised to her.

"We, Mystery Inc., specialise in ghost hunting." Braedey said to him.

"Oh, I see." Corey sounded impressed.

"Yeah, we have solved many mysteries and have never failed once." Braedey said.

Ben decided to have them look around the village.


"When did this all go up?" Ben asked.

"About six months ago." Corey replied.

Velma liked it. "This is amazing, Mayor!"

Daphne went to corn husk dolls with Fred, she found them cute. Braedey began to explore around while looking at all the things they had.

"Hey, look, guys!" Shaggy called to Scooby, and Braedey as he put himself in head stocks. "I've been a ba-a-a-ad boy!"

This made Scooby laugh while braedey snickered to him.

There was a puritan woman with a churner and she looked over to the four of them. "Wouldst thou like to churn?" She asked Scooby.

"Huh?" Scooby wondered if she was talking to him.

"Like, it's your turn to churn the butter, old buddy." Shaggy encouraged him.

Scooby went and did that, then turned the butter churn into a guitar as he pretended to play it and made moves like Chuck Berry in Johnny B. Goode. And where everyone enjoying this as they laughed while Scooby was pretending to play the butter churner like a guitar. Velma was talking with Mayor Corey about the 'ghost'.

Ben didn't like to hear it though, he was very defensive of his ancestor and claimed she was a healer. Corey and Mr. McKnight walked with Ben and Velma as he told them about the history and things they collected from Sarah.

"How about a book?" Ben asked. "You know how long I've been searching for Sarah's journal to clear our family name."

"Sorry, Ben, nothing like that." Corey frowned.

"Nothing like what, sir?" Braedey asked, coming in from the corner.

"Ben is convinced himself Sarah Ravencroft has a book in which she had medical talents before she was arrested for being judged as a witch." Corey explained.

Ben was really hoping there was one and looked to the kids. "It's really important to me."

"I can understand. The book must be like a long-lost family heirloom." Braedey said.

"It's the only way to prove her innocence." Ben looked down to him.

"We'd like to see a puritan pizza joint?" Shaggy spoke up. "We're starved."

"Reah!" Scooby agreed as his tummy grumbled.

Braedey somehow knew that Scooby and Shaggy were going to be wanting to know of where the nearest food place was.

"Don't worry, boys," Corey smiled to them. "We've got the best restaurant in all New England. It's back town, I'll walk you."

"Do you kids want to go?" Ben asked the group. "Or do you want to see my studio?"

"I would like to come to to your studio." Braedey added.

"Shaggy, we'll meet with you later!" Velma called to the leaving Great Dane and cowardly teen.

"Mayor, tell Jack anything they order is on me!" Ben called out, making Shaggy and Scooby very happy.

"You're gonna regret that offer, Ben." Daphne chuckled as they walked off to see his studio.

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