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Not long after the Evil Masked Figure and the Pterodactyl Ghost disappeared, the police were on the scene asking witnesses what had happened and reporters were reporting about the incident. "Any clues to the cause of the attack? How did the dinosaur get through security? Where did Mystery Inc.'s plan go wrong?" Heather Jasper-Howe asks, as police secure the scene.

The gang had stayed after the incident and have been questioned, but were trying to find clues and recover after the attack. Velma took a closer look at the Pterodactyl Ghost's exhibit and opens a lid. "A secret hatch!" She says, and Ben walks over and looks into it. "The real Pterodactyl Ghost must have come through here!" Velma exclaims in realization. Ben noticed a green glow from the hatch, "Hey, what is that?" He asks, pointing at it. Velma looks to find it and carefully removes it. She brings it up to her face to her to examine it. "A reptilian scale. A most wonderful clue." She says breathless, starring at it in amazement.

"He stole two costumes," Fred says, making Velma and Ben direct their attention towards him, "The Black Knight Ghost and the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost." He says. "But why would some masked creep and a suppose to be extinct, giant, naked bird want with some old costumes anyway?" Kevin asks, the question on everyone's mind. "That's what we're gonna find out." Gwen says, laying a hand in his shoulder.

"Fred, Daphne. Could you answer a few questions for the press?" Heather Jasper-Howe asks. Fred was about to say yes until Daphne stops him, "Uh, Fred? I don't think that's really a good idea. We always face the press after we've unmasked the creeps. We looked ridiculous back there." She whispers to him. "Don't worry about us, sweetheart. The press loves us." He assures and smirks at the press, as he and Daphne walk to them.

In the morning, the gang have gathered in the living room at Mystery HQ and was watching the TV, showing the report from last night. "The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall. And Myself Inc. fell far...." Heather Jasper-Howe reports. "...In the embarrassing debacle that tarnished the reputation of the once-great gang. It was an utter disaster as two of the gang's key members, Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers and Scoobert 'Scooby' Doo, are seen here causing untold damage to Coolsville's hottest new tourist attraction, which took a whole two years to complete." The TV shows footage of Shaggy and Scooby being dragged by the Pterodactyl Ghost throughout the exhibit. Ben just sneers at the woman, her words are tarnishing Mystery Inc. making it seem as though the gang is responsible for the damage, which is NOT true. And not perfect, which no one is.

"When asked for comment, Fred Jones, leader of Mystery Incorporated, had this to say, 'little old Coolsville can solve its problems without us.'" "I didn't say that!" Fred exclaims quickly, as Velma gets up from the couch and walks to the TV. "I mean... I did, but.. that's out of context!" He defends. "This is Heather Jasper-Howe, disillusioned from Coolsville." Velma turns off the TV.

"It's all my fault." Velma says suddenly. "I'm the one who told Shaggy and Scooby to get the ropes." "No, Velma, it's my fault." Daphne intervenes. "Guys, it's no one's fault. We didn't know that would happen." Gwen says. "Besides, it's not like it's much anyway. Shaggy and Scooby are just accident prone." Kevin adds. "Kevin's right. We all know how Shaggy and Scooby can be. But it's all right. We just need to stay strong, in control, and work fast." Fred says, getting down to business.

"Come on, gang. Let's get to the lab." Velma speaks up. "We'll figure a way out of this Jurassic jumble." She says, as she heads to the lab with Daphne, Fred, Gwen, and Kevin following her. Ben got up and follows after them but stops and sees Shaggy and Scooby in the kitchen, looking sad. He realizes that they must have heard everything and goes over to check on them. "Hey." He gets their attention as they look at him, "You know we don't blame you guys. This stuff happens. But if anything has taught me throughout the years, is that you can't let anything bring you down." He tells them, and goes to the lab.

Even if Ben's words were well meaning, it didn't improve the two's mood. "Raggy?" Scooby asks his best friend. "We're screwups." Shaggy says gloomily. "Reah." Scooby agrees sadly. "I guess, looking back, every time they made a plan, we did screw it up somehow. I just.... I never noticed before." Shaggy reminisces, the times when he and Scooby ended up getting caught in some wacky shenanigans. "Re neither." Scooby agrees.

"There's got to be some way we can prove to them that we belong in the gang. We've gotta do something totally unlike us." Shaggy says, making Scooby think. "You know, Scoob... we could act like real detectives!" Shaggy exclaims hopefully. Scooby bursts out laughing, believing Shaggy to be joking but stops and thinks. "Really?" He asks in disbelief.

"Scooby-Doo, raise your right paw." Shaggy says, as he and Scooby stand up. But while Shaggy raises his right hand, Scooby raises his left paw to mirror him. "No, your right paw. Scooby-Doo, your other paw." Scooby switches to raising his right paw. "Now, repeat after me. From this day forward we will no longer be our goofy selves. We will be awesome detectives." Shaggy starts and Scooby repeats, albeit it sounded like gibberish. "And we will act more like Fred, Gwen, Kevin, Velma, Ben, and Daphne. We will be terrific and fantastical and spectacular and cease to be 'loser-iffic' 'lame-tastic' and 'suck-tacular.'" Shaggy finishes. "Reah, Reah. Suck-tacular!" Scooby says with a smile.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the rest of the gang are working in the lab, Shaggy and Scooby enter dressing differently. "Right! Like it's time to solve this mystery. Let's kick this investigation up to an 11!" Shaggy exclaims enthusiastically. "Reah!" Scooby agrees cheerfully. "What the heck are you guys wearing?" Fred asks, while trying not to laugh at their goofiness. "Well, we figured the first step in solving a mystery would be to wear the right attire." Shaggy explains, then turns his attention to Daphne, "I'm sorry, Daph, but your go-go boots didn't" To understand his words, Scooby reveals that he's the one wearing her boots. "Scooby! Those so don't go with that sweater!" She exclaims in distaste. "Really?" Scooby asks. Ben and Kevin cover their mouths to prevent them from bursting into laughter, as Gwen shoots them an unimpressed look.

The fax machine was heard making a beep and everyone went to it to find out the results from the scale they found at the museum. "Ah, clues!" Shaggy says, as he grabs the paper from Velma. "Alas, what are these strange markings?" Fred grabs the paper and flips the paper for Shaggy. "Words." He whispers to him. "Ahh, words! Scooby-Doo, take notes." Shaggy says. "Rotcha!" Scooby says, grabbing a pencil and a notepad to write on.

"Come on, you kooks." Velma snickers a bit as she takes back the paper. "Okay." She examines the results, but her smile vanishes as her eyes widen. "It's come back positive. This is a real pterodactyl scale." She says in disbelief. "Precisely!" Shaggy exclaims, but his expression became confused at the realization. "Wait. So, we're dealing with an actual pterodactyl?" Kevin asks. "Apparently so." Gwen says. "But hold on, isn't there a guy we know who can alter DNA to bring extinct animals back to life?" Kevin says out loud. "Yeah, Dr. Animo. But last we heard of him he was still locked up, if he had escaped we would have known." Gwen says. "Besides this isn't his style. He would rather announce himself and not hide behind a mask." Ben adds.

"But speaking of that masked figure, he seemed to have it out for you guys." Ben says, looking at Mystery Inc.. "Ben's right. This masked figure was out to humiliate us." Fred agrees with Ben. "Maybe it's someone we unmasked." Daphne pitches as she and the others walk to a computer. "But who would be able to create a real pterodactyl ghost?" Velma questions. Daphne types on the computer, "The original Pterodactyl Ghost, Dr. Jonathon Jacobo." She says.

"Hey, I've heard of that guy." Kevin voices, taking a good look at Jacobo's picture. "How do you know him, Kevin?" Daphne asks him. "Well, I was an ex-con so I was well versed in the crime world and I would search up some criminals in my spare time. Anyway, I heard this guy was once a great scientist. However, he was kinda crazy. He went on a statewide crime spree, stealing millions of dollars along with wreaking havoc all over. He used the stolen cash to finance his experiments to try and create real monsters." Kevin explains.

"You think Jacobo's behind this?" Fred asks. "I wouldn't be too confident." Ben speaks up, reading the information on the computer, "It says here that Jacobo attempted a prison escape a few years back. He made a set of wings from the scraps he found all over the place, but it didn't workout and he ended up plummeting into the ocean." He says. "That's right. His body was never found. Lost at sea." Velma states.

"How about this?" Daphne speaks as she types, "Jacobo's cellmate was released from prison two months ago. Jeremiah Wickles." She says. Said man's picture show along with his alias, "The Black Knight Ghost. That was one of the costumes that was stolen." Fred points out. "Hey, wait a minute." Ben says, looking at Wickles profile. "I saw that guy last night at the grand opening!" He realizes. "So he might have something to do with this." Gwen adds. "Right!" Shaggy exclaims, making everyone look at him. "And... Uh... Scooby-Doo! What's your conclusion?" Shaggy directs the attention to Scooby. "Bunny." Scooby answers, showing a drawing of a bunny and moving the notepad to make it look like the bunny was hopping. Ben smiles and shakes his head at the display.

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