Old Man Wickles' Manor

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The gang all gathered into the Mystery Machine and head to Wickles' home to start investigating. "It seems Old Man Wickles deserves a visit before any of our other creepy conquests make a comeback." Velma says. "Freddie, up on the right." Daphne says, directing Fred where to park. Once they park they start exiting the van. "Old Man Wickles' ancestral manor." Gwen says, looking at the huge and eerie house.

"Oh, man! Another creepy crib." Shaggy says, scared at the mere sight of the place. "How come we can't investigate, like, a KFC or something?" "Raggy!" Scooby exclaims and does some fighting gestures, trying to encourage Shaggy. "All right. Then again, creepy is my middle name." Shaggy says, acting braver. "Come on, guys. The sooner this mystery is over, the better." Ben tells them as Shaggy exits the van. "Reah, reah. Reah!" Scooby cheers, readying himself to fight. "Scoob!" Shaggy and Ben call out to him, which resulted Scooby to accidentally punch himself. Ben couldn't help but notice how odd their behavior has been, but right now this mystery takes priority first.

"Come on, Scoob!" Shaggy says, as he and the others walk up the stop at the front door. "Huh. Looks like a fixer upper." Velma comments the place. "Hey!" A voice was heard and everyone look to find it was two boys riding on their bikes. "Nice job last night," One boy says giving a thumbs up but then flips it down. "Losers!" They both said. Kevin was about to walk over to them to teach them a lesson but was held back by Gwen. "Quick, we need to think of a comeback. Hey! Shut up!" Daphne replies back at them. The boys laughed but they left. "That's a good one." Shaggy says. "I would have taught them a lesson." Kevin murmurs to himself.

Fred pulls a chain, which acted like the doorbell. "You are trespassing on Wickles' Manor. Leave now or pay the price." "What kind of jerk makes that his doorbell?" Daphne asks. "An old, grumpy, dude who terrified people dressed up as an oversized, medieval tin can?" Ben guesses rhetorically. Fred attempts to ring the doorbell again. "Dude." Shaggy speaks and Fred stops but keep his hand on it. "He just said we'd pay the price." Shaggy warns. "Shaggy, Shaggy, Shaggy." Fred speaks, shaking his head at him. "What could possibly happen by ringing a doorbell?" He raises his eyebrows then pulls it.

But then a trapdoor opens underneath them and they all fall in it. They all slide into a round cage which closes then rolls down a rollercoaster track and once they reach the end, they stop and make a dog-pile. Everyone groans and try to recover from the ride. "That's what can happen when ringing a doorbell, Fred! That!" Shaggy tells Fred. "At 7 p.m., the owner will be home to set you free." Everyone groans again. "Hey." A voice says and is revealed to be a little Girl Scout in a cage too. "You want to buy a box of cookies?" She says. "Excuse me. Have you heard the good news?" Another voice spoke and it is a man with his coworker in a cage as well. "Reah! There's cookies!" Scooby pants at the cookies.

"You think he would come up with a way to keep people out!" Kevin groans. Velma tries to get up but almost a steps on Fred. "Hey, hey! Watch the junk!" "Sorry." Velma apologizes, and manages to stand up. "Oh, brother. The lock's on a laser thumbprint scanner." She says, looking at the lock. "I could turn into Goop to melt the lock." Ben offers. "No need, Ben. I just need to get my makeup." Daphne says, as she stands up, bringing out her bag, and moves to the lock. "Daph, now?" Velma says, not wanting to deal with Daphne's beauty regime.

"You know what, Velma? It's never too late to properly apply makeup." Daphne says, putting her head through the cage. "Okay, the last thumbprint should still be there, so, a little blush," She applies blush to the scanner, "A pore strip." She presses the pore strip to the scanner, "And...." The lock activates, "Voila!" Daphne pulls her head back in the cage, as it opens and everyone gets up. "All right, Daph!" Shaggy says with a smile. "I enjoy being a girl." Daphne says proudly, as everyone exits the cage. "Nice thinking, Daphne. Using the blush as a residue that the scanner can sense and using the pore strip to apply pressure and cover your thumbprint." Gwen explains. "Yep." Daphne says smirking, and the two high-five.

After freeing the men and Girl Scout, everyone made their way to the main hall. The men and girl were making their way to the exit. "Ranks for the cookies." Scooby thanks the girl. "Welcome!" The girls replies, counting the money she received. "Okay, gang. Let's, like, split up and search for clues. Scoob and I will go this way. Come on, Scoob." Shaggy says, as he and Scooby go one direction. "He stole the thing that I say." Fred breathes out, shocked as the rest of the gang. "I better go with them and keep an eye on them." Ben says, and walks off in the direction Shaggy and Scooby went.

Scooby and Shaggy separated to cover more ground. "Rearch for clues. Rearch for clues." Scooby tells himself, as he enters a room. He stops in front of a safe that has a 'SECRET. DO NOT OPEN.' label on it. "Aha! A clue." But instead of opening it, he flips a on pair of sun glasses that were on top of it. He laughs as he adjusts the glasses on him.

The rest of the gang were still in the hall, but then Daphne notices a trail of glowing trail of footprints. "Shiny footprints." She says. "That glow looks identical to the pterodactyl scale." Gwen says, observing the prints. "Looks like we've got a lead." Kevin says.

Scooby continues to look for clues then opens a drawer with a diary that reads 'PRIVATE. DO NOT READ.' "Aha!" Scooby instead grabs a pair of underwear with red polka dots, and puts it on his head. "A clue!"

Back with the others, they follow the footprints to Wickles' library. "It looks like Wickles shares his old pal Jacobo's fascination with the supernatural. He collects everything from Piri Reis to Aleister Crowley." Velma says, looking at the many books. "He collects dust too." Daphne notes. "The dust is good. We can tell what he's been reading lately." Fred points out, looking at the books until he finds one that sticks out, "Like here!" He grabs it. The others walk and stand next to him, examining the book. "What is it?" Kevin asks. "It's an obsolete Celtic text used by secret societies in the mid-19th century." Velma answers. They open the book and look at the list of names of previous owners. "Look. Jacobo was the last owner of the book. He must have given this to Wickles before he died." Gwen says. "Why else would it be here?" Kevin questions.

With Shaggy, Ben had found him and the two were looking for clues together. But then their attention was drawn to a phonograph. Shaggy cranks it up a little, waiting for it play. When nothing happens, he looks into the horn to see if something was stuck. "Uh, Shaggy, I don't think-" But Ben didn't finish, flinching back as a large puff a smoke blasts Shaggy's face. Shaggy backs away and coughs badly. Ben turns off the phonograph and grabs the record, giving it to Shaggy who takes it and fans away the smoke. "You okay?" Ben asks, patting Shaggy on the back. "Yeah *cough* like, peachy." Shaggy says, still coughing.

Back with the others, they had placed the book on a desk. Velma flips through the pages to find something. "Can you read it?" Daphne asks her. "It's an amalgamation of magic and science." Velma explains. "Here's a list of ingredients on how to create your own carbon-based organic, composite....predators." Velma trails off, realizing the purpose of the book. "The is an instruction manual on how to create..." "Monsters." They all say in sync.

Scooby walked down the hall with a bunch of stuff in his arms, heading towards Shaggy and Ben. "Scoob." Shaggy greets him tosses the record away, causing it to break. "Clues!" Scooby exclaims, and drops the items he collected. "Scooby. Those are just stuff you want. Not clues that can help with this mystery." Ben states, unimpressed. "Exactly. Like, why is a toilet brush a clue?" Shaggy asks. Scooby then grabs it like a microphone and sings in it. "Just cause you can sing in it, Scoob, doesn't make it a clue. It just makes it awesome!" Shaggy says, then joins Scooby in singing. Ben just rolls his eyes at the two, but then something catches Shaggy's attention, "Hey... Like, what's this?" He reaches down and removes a sticky note on Scooby's rear paw.

"What did you find, Shag?" Ben asks. "'The Faux Ghost.'" Shaggy reads, "And we're in luck. It's tonight, Scoob! We are detectives." "Really?" Scooby asks. "You found an actual clue!" Shaggy exclaims happily. He and Scooby got excited and started doing a dance. Ben just laughs and shakes his head at the two and their goofiness. "Do the clue dance! Do the clue dance!" "We're going back! We're going back!" The two exclaim happily.

But then a creepy laugh was heard, making Shaggy and Scooby stop dancing. They let out a scream and jump. Ben ended up catching Scooby in his arms. "What....was that?" Ben says, slowly. But then they hear it again behind them and Ben turns back to find no other than the Black Knight Ghost, a green glow surrounding it. "BLACK KNIGHT GHOST!" Shaggy screams in fear. Scooby jumped out of Ben's arms and the three ran off. While looking through the book, the others heard Shaggy and Scooby screaming. "Let's go!" Velma says, grabbing the book, as everyone leaves the library.

"Like, block the door!" Shaggy exclaims as he, Scooby, and Ben enter a room. Shaggy and Scooby move furniture to seal the door. Ben on the other hand, believes there is another way in. "Heavy stuff, Scoob!" Shaggy says, grabbing a barrel and putting with the other stuff. But while Shaggy and Scooby continue to block the door and Ben searches for a secret passageway, the Black Knight Ghost entered from a bookshelf passageway, Ben not noticing for his attention was elsewhere. "We outsmarted that moron!" Shaggy says. "Reah, what a moron." Scooby laughs, but fail to realize the Ghost giving him a lamp shade but ended up on his head. The Ghost gave Shaggy a suitcase. "Thanks." Shaggy says with a smile. "You're welcome." The Black Knight Ghost replies, mockingly

Shaggy freezes and becomes scared as he turns back to look at the Ghost, who laughs at them. Shaggy and Scooby back up into the pile and it falls on them. The Black Knight Ghost was about to finish them off until another pair of doors opens and the rest of the gang enters. "Yo metal-head!" Fred exclaims, getting the Ghost's attention, "Yes?" Fred holds up a shield, "Bring it." The Ghost then hits the shield and it hits Fred's face several times. "He brought it." Fred said before he collapses onto the ground, knocked out.

The Ghost was about to finish him off until a large blue-green crystal stops him. He looks up and sees Ben has turned into Diamondhead and pushes him back, giving him a challenging look. Daphne decides to help out and grabs a halberd. Kevin touches a metal suit and coats himself in a second skin of metal, ready to fight. "Guys! Hold him off! I'll look in the book! Maybe there's a formula to finding his weakness!" Velma says, as she opens the book. Gwen quickly grabs her and leads her to the main hall as the battle moves there, they put the book down a nearby table. Kevin attempts to punch the Ghost, but it dodged and gives him a punch in the face, which resulted him to back away.

Daphne and Ben double team and bring down their blades, but the Ghost blocks with its sword and pushes them back. "Here. To find a creature's weakest point..." Velma starts, reading the book as Gwen covers her. "....Take the angle between the current position of the sun...and your geographical point-" "Duck!" Gwen pulls Velma down onto the table just as the Black Knight Ghost swings at them. Kevin jumps on his back, leading the Ghost to stumble backwards from the added weight. "Add this point, 28 and a-half feet up from sea level." Velma continues reading.

The Ghost gets Kevin off him, sending him back into a wall and the Ghost slashes him with its sword that cut through the metal skin. Thankfully, it wasn't deep enough so it didn't slice his real skin but he had hit his head hard and needs time to recover. Daphne uses the distraction and plunges her halberd through the Ghost's stomach, but it went right through it. "That tickles." The Black Knight Ghost laughs, not affected by the attack at all. "This is bad." Daphne says quickly and pulls out the halberd.

"Multiply this number-" The Ghost slices the halberd in half. Ben then launches crystals at it, which did leave some marks on the Ghost's armor, which angered the Ghost. "Add the square inches of-" Velma!" Gwen creates a mana shield to block the Black Knight Ghost's attack, but it was a lot stronger than she anticipated. "Take the square root-" "Velma!" Daphne grabs Velma as Ben grabs Gwen as the Ghost brings down his sword again, the table taking the hit and splitting in half.

Daphne and Ben then went upstairs and the Black Knight Ghost follows them. He swings his sword at Daphne who does a front split to avoid it and Ben forms his hand into a blade and clashes it with the Ghost's. But the Ghost pushes back against him and up the stairs and Daphne moves out of the way. "Now, it's good night, Shard!" The Black Knight Ghost exclaims. Daphne takes the opportunity and kicks the Ghost's sword out of its hand, "...that's your X-axis." Which lands in front of Velma, barely missing her and the book. She moves the book and herself away.

Daphne then slides down the railing, flips and lands perfectly and Ben jumps down. But the sword then removes itself from the floor and readies itself. The others stare at it in shock then it starts attacking and Daphne parries it as best she could with how fast it's moving. "And subtract 9034. That's your Y-axis." Velma continues reading. "Look. No hands." The Black Knight Ghost mocks, at the bottom of the stairs now. "Any time would be great, Velma!" Daphne exclaims, not sure how much longer she can last. "I'm trying!" Velma replies.

The Black Knight Ghost grabs hold of its blade and swings at Daphne's split halberd, cutting it into smaller pieces. "Subtract one, divide by B, follow upward eighty degrees north." Ben gets in front of the Ghost and braces himself to take the hit as it raises his sword. "Which means its weakest point is-" Gwen says, realizing the weak point is, "Right here!" Velma finishes as she runs in front of Ben and kicks the Black Knight Ghost's crotch, shaking its armor and making its head fly up, while freezing on the spot. Everyone looks stills for a moment, "Right in the roundtables." The Ghost groans in pain, clutching where Velma had hit him. "RUUUUN!" Velma screams.

Shaggy and Scooby had manage to get out of the pile and help Fred regain his bearings and help Kevin up too as they rush to the others. They run to the front door, leaving Wickles' manor. "In your face!" Scooby slams the lamp shade on the Black Knight Ghost. "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" With that, the gang leaves the manor, Shaggy shutting the door.

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