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Eventually, the Mystery Machine made it to 'Coolsville Mining Company' and they exit the van. But they were all pretty down from what happened at the museum. "So, what's your assessment, Velmster?" Fred asks. "This place seems harmless enough." Velma answers with a sad look, she had also changed back into her normal look. "I mean wether the Evil Masked Figure could've gotten his randamonium from here at the mine?" Fred clarifies, not noticing her sadness. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Patrick. He seemed so upset when he left." Velma says. "Right. So..." Fred trails. "And...he doesn't like me." She says sadly. "Okay. So your assessment is?" Fred says, obliviously not understanding the situation. "Love stinks." Velma finishes.

Gwen smacks her forehead and groans softly at Fred's obliviousness. "Fred?" Daphne says, getting the blonde's attention. "Do you think I'm just a pretty face?" She asks him. "No. I mean yes." Fred struggles to answer. Daphne gives him a shocked and hurt. "I mean, not fat! Definitely not fat. Is this sorta what you're looking for?" "Fat? Why would you even use that word?" Daphne asks, in disbelief.

Velma, Kevin, and Gwen all shared a look. "He doesn't seem to read the mood very well." Kevin states. The girls could only nod, but then, "Never again will they underestimate us. That's right." A faint voice was heard nearby. "Think that's Wickles?" Kevin asks. Gwen closes her to concentrate and senses people close by. "Probably. But he's not alone." She says, opening her eyes and tells gang. The gang then quickly and quietly make their way to the building where they heard the voice. "I've gathered you all here today for something big. At last. All these years of careful planning have culminated in this one glorious moment."

"Ah-Ha!" Fred exclaims, as he and the others enter the building to find Wickles himself conversing with some men hiding in the shadows. "Old Man Wickles, caught red-handed in your foul monster-making scheme. With your ugly, evil henchmen." He says. "Henchmen?" One of the men say. He and the others come out of the shadows, wearing business get-up. "Young man, we're investors, and we're listening to his pitch. Shh."

The gang was speechless. "So as I was saying..." Wickles continues. "The Old Tyme Mining Town, a summer camp for kids where they can have an authentic mining experience. They can dig for 18 hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives, and we get free miners!" Wickles says, laughing at the end. "Mr. Wickles, we need to ask you a few questions about your ties to the recent monster attacks." Velma speaks up, deciding to get down to business.

"I don't know nothing about no monsters." Wickles states sternly. "Then how come there was randamonium on the floor of your home?" Gwen asks. "There's-There's randamonium all over the place. Look it! I come home with it in my shorts." Wickles defends and gestures to the floor, which had the same footprints from his manor. "Are you continuing the work of your old pal, Jonathan Jacobo?" Fred asks. "Old pal? Jacobo? We hated each other. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my tater tots! And got the lead in 'My Fair Lady!'" Wickles exclaims, bitterly.

"Then why did we find the monster book in your library?" Velma questions. "Wait a second. You're the runts that vandalized my home." Wickles says. The others avert eye contact with him, partially feeling guilty. Although, they were trying to not get killed by the Black Knight Ghost. "Which one of you stole my toilet brush?" "Um.... Gentlemen." One of the investors speaks up. The men pack up their suitcases, things getting a little weird for them. "I'm sorry, Jeremiah." One apologizes and leaves with the other me .

"What happened? I haven't finished! Wait, fellas!" Wickles pleads for the investors to stay. Kevin leans towards Gwen, "If this guy isn't behind this, then who is?" He whispers. Gwen thought the exact same thing, but then a realization hit her. Where were Ben, Shaggy, and Scooby?"

Meanwhile, somewhere deep within the mines, Ben, Shaggy, and Scooby end up in some kind of creepy lab. "Wow-ee, guys! I think we're onto something." Shaggy says. "Definitely something big." Ben adds. The elevator reaches the bottom and the three get out. They jump a bit seeing it go back up. They look around at the lab in shock-awe. "This place is like clue-topia, Scoob." Shaggy says, looking at the lab.

"Reah." Scooby agrees. He looks around until something catches his eye. "Refrigerator!" He opens it and looks to find it filled with a bunch of colorful drinks. "Mmmm, lemonade." Scooby then drinks a yellow drink, but then his body started changing. "Check it out. Look at those weird letters, Scoob..." Shaggy trails off as he turns around. Ben wonders what got him speechless and looks back and is shocked along with Shaggy. "Raggy? Ren?" Scooby says. He had turned into some monster with a bunch of tentacles, which held a bunch of potions. "Uhhh, Scooby?" Ben says slowly. "Scooby-Doo, you turned into a freaky monster." Shaggy says. Scooby looks at himself in a mirror and screams in horror and drops the potions.

"You don't eat stuff that glows!" Ben lectures him. He takes the one potion that Scooby didn't drop and puts it back in the fridge. "Now there's got to be an antidote in here somewhere." Shaggy says, looking around the in fridge. One catches his eye and grabs it. "Here. Try this, Scoob. It looks medicinal." He says, presenting it to Scooby. "Uh, Shaggy, are you sure?" Ben asks warily. "Positive." Shaggy replies. He hands it to Scooby, but a little bit landed on his hand and he licks it off. Scooby drinks the rest of it. "Hmm. Tastes like-" Shaggy says got interrupted as Scooby belched and shutter as their bodies go through a change.

Ben takes a few steps back and watches on. "Strawberries." Shaggy says, as he stops and looks in a mirror. "I'm okay, Scoob." He says. "Shaggy. You might want to do a double take." Ben speaks up. Shaggy looks down and finds that his body has changed into a woman's. "I've got a chick's body!" He exclaims. Ben facepalms, "When I said 'you don't eat stuff that glows!' That applied to you too!" He lectures him. "Sorry." Shaggy apologizes, then lets out a scream at Scooby's appearance.

"Ri'm the Rasmanian Revil!" Scooby says, then imitates the cartoon character's voice. Ben lifts a brow at his new form but then shakes his head to focus and looks into the fridge to try and find an antidote. He grabs one and splashes some of it on Scooby and gives the rest to Shaggy, who gulps it down and tosses the glass away. However, instead of turning them back to normal, Shaggy ends up with a larger and muscular body and Scooby reverts to his normal body but with white hair on his head and wearing glasses.

"Check it out, dudes! I'm buff!" Shaggy exclaims, his voice deeper. "My God. It seems I've become ludicrously intelligent." Scooby says, speaking clearly and with a British accent. Ben looks at the two and scratches his head nervously, "I don't know if I helped or made things weirder." He mumbles to himself. Scooby then grabs a bunch of potions and mixes them in a fast pace. "It's awful! Oh, I long for the blissful ignorance of my former self. Chasing cats, licking my own rear end, eating my own vomit. Oh, those were wonderful times." Scooby says.

"Check out my pecks, little man!" Shaggy exclaims, flexing his muscles. "Hush now, buffoon. This is a highly combustible synthesis." Scooby tells Shaggy. "A what?" Shaggy asks. "Meaning?" Ben asks. "I'm going to transform us back!" Scooby declares as if it were obvious. "No way, geek!" Shaggy exclaims, snatching the green potion from Scooby, the now intelligent dog looking in confusion as he holds onto the light blue potion. "I'm gonna stay this way forever!" "NOOO!" Scooby screams at Shaggy who tosses the potion and Ben quickly ducks in cover.

The explosion was so loud that Fred, Daphne, and Velma, along with Kevin and Gwen heard it. "Let's go!" Velma exclaims. They head in the direction of the explosion, leaving Wickles behind as he watches them go.

They soon found the elevator and rode on it to head to the bottom. "Careful, gang." Fred says, once they reach the bottom. They exit from the elevator and look at the massive hole that was made from the explosion. "*Cough!* That was close." Ben coughs out, revealing himself from behind one of the tables he used to shield himself. "Ben?" Gwen says, surprised to find him here. Ben notices her and the rest of the gang. "Oh. Hey guys." He greets them. "So, mind explaining why there's a massive hole in the wall?" Kevin questions him. "Yeah, why don't you ask them." Ben says, pointing behind them.

"This 'Schwarzeneggian' oaf almost destroyed us!" The gang looks behind them to find Shaggy and Scooby on the wall after having been caught by the explosion. They were shocked at their appearances. "Go boom." Shaggy says, laughing. "Oh, you are embarrassing." Scooby says, then splashes Shaggy some light blue potion. Scooby drinks some of it too and the two change back to their normal selves. The rest of the gang watches speechless.

"That was almost exactly like my freshman year in college." Shaggy says, his voice back to normal. "It's good to have you guys back." Ben says, relieved that the potion fiasco is over. "What are you guys doing here? You're suppose to be sick, Scooby." Daphne points out, not looking pleased. "Ri invented ra rotion." Scooby says, looking proud of himself. "You lied to us. We're a team. You don't just go off half-cocked doing whatever you want." Fred lectures them.

"Hey! We are trying to help solve this mystery." Ben defends. "We found a clue at Wickles' mansion and went to question him at the Faux Ghost. But it turns out, Wickles had put aside his life of crime. Some....'stuff' happened and we ended up seeing him head to the abandoned mining town. We lost sight of him and had an encounter with one of the Skeleton Men." He explains.

"The Skeleton Men? How many other monsters have you seen?" Gwen asks, worried about more monsters on the loose. "Just that guy. While we were running we found a hidden switch that revealed an elevator and ended up here." Ben answers, gesturing to the lab they're in. The gang all looked around and thought about what he said. Wickles had wanted to turn his life around, even if he did still have some bitterness towards Mystery Inc. But, if Wickles isn't behind this, who is?

"Hey, gang." Velma calls out to them, getting their attention. While they had been talking, she had walked up and inspected the hole. Seeing the strange letters, which she was able to read. "'Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive.'" She translated. The gang follow her through the hole and enter the Monster Hive and felt a chill down their spines at what they saw. "Oh, my." Velma says. "Now this is creepy." Kevin comments. "Look!" Fred exclaims, pointing in t something. The others look and their eyes widen, "It's the costumes from the museum!" Fred says.

"Zombie." Velma says. "Miner 49er." Daphne says. "Captain Cutler." Shaggy says. "They're all here." Kevin says. "The Evil Masked Figure must have used them as vessels to bring the monsters to life." Gwen states, connecting the dots. "He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume somehow, which implies...." Daphne adds. "Patrick's the one." Velma says.

"Ohh. Velma's in love." Daphne says, not noticing Velma's mood. "No, I mean the one. The bad guy. That's why he wanted to go out with me. To see what we knew." Velma says heart broken. "We just saw Patrick at the bad guys' hangout. He was working both sides of Psycho Street." Shaggy informs. "No. I don't think it's him. He may be a little two-faced, but he's a nice guy. Besides, what would he have against you guys?" Ben says. He may have known Patrick for a short time, but he could tell that the guy isn't evil.

"I don't know who's behind this, but we don't need him transforming anymore costumes. Let's find a way to shut down this monster-maker for good." Fred says, taking charge and the others agree. "Guys? What's over here?" Daphne speaks up, noticing something in a tunnel nearby. "That light is strange."

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