Freaky Encounters

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After the whole fiasco at the Faux Ghost, Ben, Shaggy, and Scooby continue their investigation. They change out of their disguises and get rid of any garbage still on them.

"Stop wasting my time! You HEAR ME?!" They stop as they hear shouting and look in front of them to find two guys, one was threatening the other who looks frightened. "Now I want you to question all of your scum-bucket friends. You'll find out what they know about those stolen costumes. Or else you'll be known as the Soiled Underwear Ghost! I want answers! Now, go!" "Yes, sir." The guy who was being shout at says scared. "NOW!" "Yes, sir!"

The guy being yelled at accidentally bumps into Shaggy and apologizes then continues to walk away. The man who had shouted turns around, facing the guys, and is revealed to be, "Patrick." Shaggy says shocked. "Shaggy. Scooby. Ben." Patrick says, surprised to see them and puts on his glasses, which he didn't have on before. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks them.

"Uh, long story. But short version: we found a clue and went to a place to ask someone some questions but we ended up in garbage. What are you doing here?" Ben replies. "Oh. Well, my museum got broken into again, so I had to come down here and try to get some answers. Gotta put up the tough-guy act, or these guys will eat me up alive." Patrick explains, laughing at the end. "Yeah, I hear that." Ben laughs too. Shaggy and Scooby smile and laugh along and try to walk past Patrick, "What's the matter, you don't believe me?" Patrick asks, blocking their path.

This catches Shaggy off guard. "No, no." Scooby says, also caught off guard. "I'm kidding!" Patrick laughs. "It's the thing. It's the tough-guy act." "Ha. Yeah, but be careful. Don't want to give us the wrong idea." Ben says, chuckling along. "That's good." Shaggy says, laughing a little. Then Patrick yells boo and fake roars, scaring Shaggy and Scooby they scream in fright. Patrick then laughs at his prank. "I got you."

Ben laughs along too, "These two are easy. But that was pretty spooky." He says. "Oh, that was good!" Shaggy says, calming down and laughing along. "You're a lot of fun. Try it, Scoob." He says to Scooby. "Roo." Scooby tries, but it wasn't very convincing. "It needs work." Patrick says.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ben looks to find Old Man Wickles walking away from the Faux Ghost and heads off in a different direction. His smile drops and stops laughing and then signals Shaggy and Scooby, who notice Wickles too. "Look, Patrick, we could stay here and do this all night, and something tells me you would...but we gotta make like your personality and split." Shaggy tells Patrick. "Reah." Scooby agrees. "Okay." Patrick says, being understanding. Shaggy and Scooby walk away to follow Wickles. "Good luck finding some answers. We've got a mystery to solve." Ben says to Patrick. He quickly hurries after Shaggy and Scooby. "Good luck to you too." Patrick replies back, watching as he runs off.

Soon after leaving Patrick, Shaggy, Scooby, and Ben quietly follow after Wickles and they soon make it to the old abandoned 'Coolsville Mining Company.' Shaggy and Scooby hid in bushes and Ben transformed into Nanomech to follow after Wickles without getting caught.

"Scooby. Scoob!" Shaggy says into a can connected to another can attached together through a string. "Rello?" Scooby says into his can. "Scooby-Doo, can you hear me?" Shaggy asks. "Everyone can hear you, Shaggy. Take it down a notch!" Ben whispers loudly in his tiny voice. Looking back to make sure Wickles hasn't notice them, but he keeps walking. "Rello, Raggy, Ren." Scooby replies, ignoring Ben.

"Wickles has led us to a terrifying ghost town!" Shaggy exclaims quietly. "Roast town?" Scooby repeats, wondering if he heard that correctly. "Yes! A ghost town!" Shaggy replies. After a moment to process what Shaggy had said, Scooby let out a terrified scream. Wickles look behind him, but thankfully they hid in the bushes and Ben was too tiny to see. "Darn bushes yowling at me again." Wickles complains, but continues to go further in the abandoned company.

Ben hid before transforming back and helps Shaggy and Scooby get out of the bushes and hurry after Wickles. "Keep quiet, Scoob." Shaggy whispers. "Rokay, Raggy." Scooby whispers back. "I think I saw him go that way." Ben whispers to them, pointing where he believed Wickles went. But when entering the building, Wickles was nowhere to be found.

"Like, where did Old Man Nutjob go? Through here, guys?" Shaggy asks the others. "I don't know. Let's look around to see if we find him." Ben says. As they walk through the building, Shaggy and Scooby walk back-to-back while Ben walks normally. Every window they pass, Shaggy and Scooby change positions. Shaggy carries Scooby at one window, but when they reach the next one something unexpected happens. Ben looks to find Scooby carrying Shaggy but widens his eyes as he sees a green, one-eyed skeleton man. "Uh, guys?" He speaks up.

Shaggy notices that he was touching something boney and looks to find the one of the Skeleton Men. They both scream and fall onto the floor. "Run, guys! It's a 'skelly' thingy!" Shaggy exclaims in fear. The three run away from the monster. The skeleton tries to follow them but slips and falls onto the ground, ending up in pieces. They continue to run but Shaggy slips and accidentally kicks Scooby, launching the canine as he falls off a ledge. Scooby crashes into a pile of pickaxes, knocking them everywhere.

But Scooby holds onto one which ends up being some kind of lever and it reveals a secret elevator. "Relevator." Scooby says, seeing the secret passage. "Good going, Scoob!" Ben says, helping Shaggy up and the two rush to grab Scooby. "Like, let's skedaddle!" Shaggy says, tossing Scooby in the elevator as Ben opens the gates to allow himself and Shaggy to get on. Once they're all in, the elevator starts descending down.

Shaggy and Scooby look to find if the skeleton monster is following, but Ben wonders why there was a secret elevator and where it was taking them. He could only wait until they arrive to who knows where.

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