Chapter 4: Devils, fallen angels, and the [Redacted]

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Scp-2732: "So who are you?"

Rias: " don't know me?"

Scp-2732: "Nope I have no idea who you are."

Rias: "Funny coming from someone who yesterday you saw me and ran away and said something weird."

Scp-2732: "Umm well we can talk later."

Rias: "I don't know what make sure you won't try to run."

Scp-2732: "God, devil, or something like that I won't try to run there's no where to go besides you aren't the only one after me."

Rias: "What do you mean?"

Scp-2732: "Nothing best that you never find out. My life is my life your's is your's. Now what are you doing here?"

Rias: "I can ask you the same."

Scp-2732: "Nearly got killed but by luck I managed to live."

Rias: "Then explain all that." *She pointed to the black blood 2732 left*

Scp-2732: "I...have a medical condition."

Rias: "Right and I dyed my hair red."

Scp-2732: "Wait really?"

Rias: "I was being sarcastic."

Scp-2732: "OH i'm sorry I didn't care for that info. Dyed or not it doesn't matter because first off who the hell are you and second how did you know I was here?"

Rias: "First rude though I can see where how you're seeing, second hi my name is Rias Gremory, and third let's just say I have my ways."

Scp-2732: "Guessing you had someone spy on me."

Rias: "Well looks like detective Sherlock Holmes-"

Scp-2732: "Can you cut it with the damn sarcasm look if you want to talk then talk to me tomorrow because honestly I have many things on my mind and I don't have time for this."

Rias: "Like what?"

Scp-2732: "Like MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS RED HEAD!!!" *2732 walks away and returns back home in 2 hours*

The next day

2732 was thinking about yesterday which irritated it the most as it was attacked by a fallen angel and was spotted by a devil which was annoying but didn't cared as class was just ending

Scp-2732's thought: "I swear if things get even unnatural i'm gonna cut my's a good thing i'm immortal otherwise that would be a crazy idea." *As it kept thinking of the life it now started to go through someone entered the classroom as then 2732 started hearing the female 

???: "Hello I was wondering if Alexander Bright is here?" *Then every female in the class pointed to where 2732 was sitting starting to think on what to eat*

Scp-2732's thought: "Let's see should I go for soup or pasta hmm..."

???: "Excuse me Alexander?"

Scp-2732: "Huh?" *It finally snapped back to reality* "Yeah who are you and what do you want?"

Kiba: "My name is Kiba and my club president Rias Gremory would like to see you."

Scp-2732's thought: "Wait hold up club president? So then that means he's her servant or slave or whatever I said. Great now I want to shank him but something tells me to just calm the fuck down and just stay on guard."

Scp-2732: "Sure it's no problem." He got up and the two walk to the ORC "So basically she wasn't bothered to come get me herself?"

Kiba: "Well she's busy let's just say."

Scp-2732: "Sure...and i'm not a psychopathic killer waiting to shank someone in the kidney."

Kiba: *He chuckle* "Sarcasm is new to you right?"

Scp-2732: "Trust me it is and I won't understand it." *They arrive at the ORC and enter with Rias waiting

Rias: "Thank you Kiba for bringing him here."

Kiba: "It was nothing." *2732 started looking around and see the other member of the ORC

Scp-2732: "Okay so can I get an introduction before you explain what happened?"

Rias: "Well I guess an introduction is needed so hello again i'm Rias Gremory."

Scp-2732: "Well we're back again thought that yesterday was the last time but then again we go to the same school so i'm not surprised so..." *2732 facepalmed*

Akeno: "Hey."

Scp-2732: "Hello and you are?"

Akeno: "Akeno Himejima dear but~"

Scp-2732: *She then place her hands on his shoulder which made him a bit uncomfortable* "Umm please don't touch me."

Akeno: "Sorry." *She remove her hands from 2732's shoulders as 2732 sighs in relief*

Scp-2732: "It's fine just please don't touch me i'm not comfortable from anyone touching me."

Rias: "Okay then thanks for letting us know."

???: "Sup."

Scp-2732: "Hello i'm Alexander Bright."

Koneko: "Koneko don't hang around with the damn pervert."

Issei: "Hey!"

Scp-2732: "What? She isn't wrong the fact I caught you peeking isn't a surprise also chances are i'll dropkick you out of the building."

Issei: "You would-" *Before he could finish his sentence 2732 had his regular knife out from underneath his fist*

Scp-2732: "Try it." *2732 was close to placing the knife near his neck but 2732 put the knife away by putting it in his pocket*

Rias: "...Well that was something."

Scp-2732: "Look is this your devil friends? Slaves? Or whatever you call them?"

Akeno: "Wait how did-"

Scp-2732: "It's a long story."

Rias: "Right so you know about the fallen angel."

Scp-2732: "Knew she was off but yeah I guess so why did you want me here?"

Rias: "It's simple really I want you to join my peerage."

Scp-2732: "...What?"

Rias: "What part of that did you not understand?"

Scp-2732: "No I understood it's just that maybe the fact you should think about asking someone like a human about joining a group of people that are devils."

Rias: "Okay first off from appearance yes you are a human but I know that you're not."

Scp-2732: "I am human."

Rias: "Then explain the black stuff from where you were standing yesterday."

Scp-2732: "You know I have no idea but what I do know is that I decline but I would like to make a counter proposal."

Rias: "Okay?"

Scp-2732: "Why not we just be allies. I don't join you but i'll help out from time to time. Also I won't tell anyone about this or kill you."

Rias: "Well then I need to ask why don't you accept what I offer you? I can give you protection-"

Scp-2732: "I already have what I need. I know where to go when things get crazy and I have luck on my side."

Rias: "What about getting strong enough to protect yourself. Or fame and fortune?"

Scp-2732: "Getting strong is nice know that part I should do by myself. And as for fame and fortune no sorry I don't need the amount of attention."

Rias: *She sigh* "Well then I guess if that's all then of course i'll accept your offer as even though I can't make you in my peerage but hey an ally is better than having an enemy."

Scp-2732: "Wise words Rias, wise words." *They both shake hand* "Well if that's all then can I go I have things I have to plan."

Rias: "You may. But we'll make sure to ask you for help or if you need help from us."

Scp-2732: *2732 smile* "Huh thanks." *2732 left the ORC* "Wow first impression she's nice. I like that but the red hair it's odd but none the less I think any guy who is in a relationship with her I would get jealous but shouldn't make it into an obsession toward. Overall i'm nothing more than an unknown anomaly."

Timeskip brought to you by 049 helping with 096

School was over with and 2732 was walking back home a light spear stabbed 2732 in the heart resulting in its blood on the ground and for 2732 fell to the ground

Scp-2732: "Who...the fuck did that?" *2732 gets up and remove the spear from his heart which hurt like hell as it turn around and see a fallen angel*

Scp-2732: "Oh look whose trying to kill me."

???: "How are you not dead?"

Scp-2732: "Don't know but can I get a name before death?"

Dohnaseek: "It's Dohnaseek and looks like your death is now!" *Then he threw a light spear at his head specifically toward the left

Scp-2732: "Oww! My eye!" *2732 pull the spear from its eye which the spear got a part of its brain which wasn't a problem due to it regenerated completely* "You son of a bitch...i'm giving you one last warning. Leave or i'll kill you."

Dohnaseek: "Ha! You'll try to kill me?! I like to see you try!"

Scp-2732: *2732 was pissed off as it started to think which Scp to use* "You want to see me try to kill you? I won't try I will kill you." *Then it created a portal as then an Scp appears from the portal as it was Scp 682*

Scp-682: "Filth...I smell the filth of a human."

Dohnaseek: "What the fuck?! What is that?!"

Scp-2732: *2732 take the knife from its pocket because it forgot to put it away in its body* "682 you wanna kill this piece of shit?"

Scp-682: *682 laughs* "You had me at kill at this piece of shit." *Then Dohnaseek tries to fly away but sadly 682 was fast enough to ripped off both of his legs which was painful as it falls to the ground as Dohnaseek*


Scp-2732: *2732 walks toward him* "My name is Scp-2732, object class Euclid. Goodbye." *2732 stab Dohnaseek in the head with the knife repeatedly* "Alright 682 you can have the filth." *682 laughs and eat Dohnaseek entirely*

Scp-682: "So you brought me here to kill a filthy human?"

Scp-2732: "It's a long story. He looked like a human but he's a fallen angel. But whatever thanks for the help. Also what's with your behavior."

Scp-682: "You brought me something to enjoy. For that if you need my help i'll gladly kill."

Scp-2732: "Alright sadly I can't keep you here for long so you'll be back at the new facility." *682 understood and the same portal appear underneath 682 and like quicksand 682 was sinking and was in [Redacted]* "Alright time to go home." *Another day of a quiet life where nothing seems to be wrong*


The 05 council were using every single method of security to find 2732 as they then got a call from [Redacted] that 682 escaped from its facility but returned back but figured it could be from 2732 because of its ability but they don't know where 2732 so they decided to use the other foundation from across the world to be on the look out to find 2732 and either capture or kill it. Now 2732 was a danger because someone who survived from the facility 2732 escaped told that someone copied every Scp except for 001 and now would be able to use their powers for its own desire.

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