Chapter 5: A fallen angel and a Scp working together

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Starting off with a usual school day 2732 finished with class and was eating a terrible look of a bento lunch as since he never had a lot of culinary experience...actually 2733 did it was just not in its interest to cook due to it living with families. Yep 2732 had multiple families so it never had the chance to learn about cooking. Anyways enough of 2732's sob story 2732 didn't even continue eating after five bites as it threw the bento box in the trash. As it saw its "favorite" pervert being dragged by Koneko to which 2732 went up to her

Scp-2732: "Koneko why do you have an unconscious Issei?"

Koneko: "Peaking on the girls changing so I'm gonna throw him in the trash. Care to help?"

Scp-2732: "Sure." *And so the loli and the average guy carry the pervert and straight up threw him in the trash* "Well what do we do next?"

Koneko: *She shrug* "Eh if anyone ask you took him down."

Scp-2732: "Wait why me?"

Koneko: "Think of it as obtaining a reputation. Besides people would know about the new student beating up a pervert. Plus if you want I can help you with training no offense but you look like a pretzel stick that or pocky."

Scp-2732: "Ouch. Painful yet not wrong. I'll take up that offer."

Koneko: "Alright then." *Then it became a walk and talk* "So why did Rias-senpai said you're not human?"

Scp-2732: "Don't know don't care."

Koneko: "I'm guessing you're hiding something are you?"

Scp-2732: "Maybe? Maybe not? I don't tell."

Koneko: "You'll soon tell it's just a matter of time."

Scp-2732: "Screw time screw this world and screw society."

Koneko: "Now you're just saying random things."

Scp-2732: "Life is random and yet we all take a gamble."

Koneko: "Well speaking of random, question what's the one thing you can't live without?"

Scp-2732: "Breathing, eating, drinking, or sleeping the concept of what people need to live...actually just living I guess."

Koneko: "Well that was weird."

Scp-2732: "Yep."

Koneko: "Well anyways I'll see you later." 

Scp-2732: "Alright see ya."

Timeskip brought to you by Issei trying to get out of a trashcan

As school ends for the day 2732 went walking home as he then saw Issei

Scp-2732: "Hey Isse- OH MY DEAR LORD HELP ME!!!" *2732 was able to smell trash and by trash it meant Issei smelling of trash*

Issei: "Shut up I know I smell like trash but I woke up in a trashcan. Man I can't believe Koneko would kick my ass."

Scp-2732: "Well...i'm not shocked but I saw something like this coming sooner or later because seriously why the fuck would you think of being a pervert."

Issei: "Fuck you watch me one day i'll become the Harem King!"

Scp-2732: "Nah you're the trash king. Actually you're no king you're a trashy servant. Boom. With that i'm out see ya later."


While walking back home which was a long walk 2732 hid his knife in the arm as it vanish when it place it in its hand. 2732 was walking alone until it felt that same feeling again the one that makes him feel like someone is watching him

Scp-2732: "Okay whose there?"

???: "I guess this is the person I have to grab."

Scp-2732: "Who are you?"

Kalawarner: "My name is Kalawarner and I was tasked to take you alive. Someone wanted to see you."

Scp-2732: *2732 sighs* "Well whoever wants to see me I'll go but not because you're forcing me but because I don't want to leave my friends hanging after we were going a movie?"

Kalawarner: "Whatever just follow me." *2732 sighs and listens as she grab 2732's hand and then fly away as 2732 admire looking from above*

Scp-2732: "So this is what it feels to fly without crashing to the ground." *2732 had a history involving planes so it had this skepticism on flying planes so it started to enjoy the water traveling by boats than plane*

Kalawarner: "Eh it's nothing that great. Guessing you never been flying before?"

Scp-2732: "Planes aren't my thing I mostly get into a plane crash but that's another story."

Kalawarner: "Ha."

Scp-2732: "Well how long are we gonna get to your...boss?"

Kalawarner: "We're almost there."

Scp-2732: "Okay." *After a few minutes they arrive at their destination as Kalawarner lets go of 2732 and they were at an abandoned church and walk inside and see Raynare, another fallen angel, and a priest* "Alright so Raynare before you explain why i'm brought here could you explain those two?"

Mittelt: "Well I guess I shall introduce myself the greatest fallen angel. Mittelt."

Scp-2732: "...Who forgot this kid?"

Mittelt: "HEY!"

Scp-2732: "Aww it's cu-" *Then 2732 was stabbed by Mittelt's light spear* "Oww."

Mittelt: "What the?! How aren't you dead?! Are you even human?!"

Scp-2732: "Yes i'm human and I don't know how i'm not dead."

???: "Alright i'm not convince he's human so i'll just..." *Then the priest just shoot 2732 three times in the head

Rayanare: "Freed stop!"

Freed: "Eh whatever he's definitely dead-"

Scp-2732: "What was that?" *its wounds were healed the spear wound was also healed the light spear was in his hand* "First a spear and then three shots to the head that would kill me if only. So can you explain why the hell i'm here and make it quick I have a life to get through."

Raynare: "Long story short some girl is coming to Kuoh bring her here and that's pretty much it be friends with her or whatever as long as you get her here the rest will be taken care of."

Scp-2732: "Any description like clothing, hair, anything."

Raynare: "A nun with blonde hair and green eyes you probably find her who knows."

Scp-2732: "Well thanks but why do you need her."

Raynare: "Don't ask just do it for me please."

Scp-2732: "Eh sure. By the way I hope you could do me a favor and please don't try to kill or manipulate people." *2732 left as he then went far enough to summon an Scp. Scp-207*

A/N: "Fun fact while writing this chapter I am drinking a can of cola. No glass bottle."

Scp-2732: "Well time to drink this Scp. From what I read this could give me a boost as long as I take 5 millimeter and since this has 200 I have 40 shots." *2732 than open the cap and drink a small amount as then it was able to think, move and react fast* "HOLYCRAPTHISISGREATNOWICANMOVEASFASTASIWANT!!!" *Yeah 2732 was able to speak fast as it first put the cap back on the bottle then ran as fast as possible reaching back home with record time doing whatever it does*

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