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Caedmon(minus the beard)on the left and his brother on the right.

Saturday... The start of two days without the stress of school. I wake up to my alarm and remember it's the twins birthday, I've got them something but I can't remember where I put it.

I get out of bed and search my room for hours, I look at the bottom of my closet and finally found them.

I went onto snapchat and sent to The boys...

They sent back, THX YOU COMING OVER FOR T?!



God I love them, ok now what am I going to wear?

"Dawn!?" Mum yelled from downstairs.


"Do you need wrapping paper for the boys?"

"Please." I love my mum, even though she's broken like me. We still take care of each other.


I got into a black short dress, it didn't have sleeves. I walked over to my desk and wrap the boys gifts, I walk downstairs and mums dressed she looks beautiful. She's in a white long sleeved jumpsuit.

"Oh honey, you look beautiful." She says and I smile.

"You too."

" Thanks, you ready to go?" She asks with a smile.



We arrive in front of the house of Ethan's(twin of Caedmon), Ethan and Caedmon came running out the door. They aimed at me, when they reached I squealed as they hugged me. They both lifted me up at the same time.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I tell them.

"Thanks beautiful!" Ethan replies.

"Thanks!" Caedmon replies.

I saw from behind them, Ethan's partner coming out of the door.

"Hey Danny!" I waved.

"Hey Dawn!" He says coming from behind.

I know what people think when they see the happy couple down the street. They find it strange, but it's there choice. So I'm happy for them, they are happy. Caedmon's happy, that means I'm happy.

"Come on everyone gifts!" The twins mum yelled.

I look over to Caedmon, he smiled at me. We both laugh, he wraps his arm around my waist as I did to him as well. We walked inside and the boys sat on two cushions they used to sit on when they were younger, I laughed as the boys rolled there eyes.

"Seriously mum?" They ask and their mum nodded.

"Yes Boys." She says and Ethan sits down and drags Caedmon down with him.

"I hate you Ethan." Caedmon joked.

"Here boys." Danny says giving them his gift.

"Thanks Danny." Caedmon replied as Ethan kissed Danny's cheek.

They both ripped it open...

It was one massive canvas between them, I realised I was the one that took that photo.

"Here honey." Their mum told them as they both got a gift voucher.

"Here Caedmon and Ethan." I tell them both giving them different gifts.

"Thanks Dawn." They both replied opening them.

For Ethan was a photo of us three, then for Caedmon.

The photo is from Dress fancy party.

They both got up and hugged everyone, I got up and they both hugged me. They both kissed my cheek.

"Boys let go of her." My mum and their mum laughed.

"Never!" They yelled and I laughed.

"I need Dawn to help me." She says and the boys let me go as I went to help their mum.

She passed me the cakes, as Danny turned the lights off. I lit the candles, everyone started singing happy birthday. The boys laughed as I brought out a cake one on each hand, they blew them out. Everyone clapped besides from me, of course.

"Photo!" Their mum yelled.

We posed and smiled,

They took their cakes.

"Happy birthday boys!"

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