Chapter Five 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖎𝖗

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*Two Weeks sense last chapter*

[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 7 months

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)


Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (High Supreme being)], [magic (High Supreme being)], [extreme potential (High Supreme)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [Regeneration (High Supreme)], [adaptation (High Supreme)], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (high ultimate), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections (high Supreme)], [camouflage], [stealth (Supreme)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (Supreme)], [cold resistance (Supreme)], [heat resistance (Supreme)], [bioluminescence], [agility (Supreme)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (Supreme)], [Magic Sense (Supreme)], [Fallen Angel wings (supreme)], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (Low Supreme)], [light resistance (Supreme)], [Ultimate Holy power], [holy resistance (Godly)], [fire resistance (High Godly)], [Draconic Scales (High Godly)], [draconic flames (High Godly)], [Dragons Fear (Low Supreme)], [magic amplification (devil wings) (High Godly)], [demonic power], [demonic resistance (High Godly)], [demonic weapons], [spirit sight], [Ki manipulation (High ultimate)], [chakra manipulation (High Ultimate)], [hypersonic hearing (Nekomata ears (retractable)], [Ki amplification (spirit fox tails(retractable) (Ultimate)], [Angel wings (High Ultimate)], [Magic amplification (angel wings) (Ultimate)], [Demonic Power of Destruction (low godly)], [Demonic Phoenix reconstitution (High Ultimate)], [Heightened Physical Strength (Low Supreme)],

Absorbed magic: [Earth(High Godly)], [Air(Godly)], [Illusion (Ultimate)], [holy (High Ultimate)], [light (Low Godly)], [healing (High Godly)], [Fire (Heavenly)], [Draconic (Godly)], [lightning magic (Godly)], [Holy lightning magic (High Ultimate)], [Water magic (High Ultimate)], [Storm magic (Godly)], [summoning magic (Ultimate)], [Demonic magic (ultimate)], [Demonic Flames (High Ultimate)], [Draconic lightning (High Ultimate)],

Absorbed Ki techniques: [Spirit flame (ultimate)], [Ki sense (high ultimate)], [Fox fire (high)], [Ki ability enhancement (high ultimat)], [Spirit Step (high)].


Weakness (miner):

None; has gained almost complete immunity against all former miner weakness

Core Weakness:

Resistance to demonic: 60%

Resistance to holy: 68%


Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 118,731

Animals: 411,754

Insects: 1,01,893

Variant Human: 38,432

Devil: 39,300

Fallen angel: 51,010

Dragons : 32

Youkai: 72

Neko: 2

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 5,367

Objective: Locate the remaining two Ender eyes

[Update pending]

Many of things have transpired in the recent two weeks of Raphael's invitation to the Overlords side. So let's run them down.

All the assaults from his territory have stopped completely, and countermeasures against any sort of corruptions have already been in place to take back control and skewer things towards a good light. Additionally Arch bishop Henderson has been promoted too the position of first ranking Arch bishop, with his promotion, and his recent acts of recreation. Many of the people have found light once more in their belief. Alongside this Raphael has found a new calling, he wanted to protect them best so he would.use his gift of wings and sight to look upon the people who follow his ways.

In this short two week gap he has learned so much of the world he was ment to be the judge for, he saw the lives of the people that lived under his wings, the actions they took, and even their struggles to survive.

He was pained by this struggle, knowing it was his incompetence and also his separation that had allowed that tumor to weaken his great people. So he felt the need to helped however he can, but his people only smiled and gave their regards, thanking him for their help and showing how they where still strong. Despite the losses from the corrupt men and woman's words, he could now see clear as day how they are so strong even if they are silently grieving.

Furthermore threats from devils and fallens have been put to ease thanks to the Overlords cooperation with him, Her eyes and senses are vastly superior to his, as a result she can inform him of any incoming danger before he catches wind of it, and provide their protection much more swiftly. Overall they have been sharing a fine partnership with one another.

And it's this partnership that has made Raphael's life so easy, for he has seen many truths in this world as of his choice to remain here rather than obey the order to return to heaven.

Now many of you may be surprised,  but you see. Raphael has not returned to heaven by his brother's command. Instead he has decided to stay down here to observe. As a result of his choice to not fly above the cloud and into heaven's Gates, he and the overlord has had much to talk about, and once very angry father and siblings.

However, with theses meetings with the Overlord, turns out they were both actually very similar. They both shared a rich history of serves and a battle for the greater good, however Raphael always questioned how such a woman of serves and humanity could became the entity she was today, to which she would just chuckle and tell him it's a story for another time.

And he was all right with this, after all it seems her uprising wasn't exactly the easiest. Losing So many loved ones and forced into an isolated loneliness that had once threatened to swallow her hole. So he respected her boundaries, contempt with the friendly banter that he got whenever they would share the same room.

And honestly, he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying theses talks with the "Ultimate Evil" of this universe. And the games, oh by his father the games they played where interesting!

Standing under a tree recalling the first game she introduced him to made him smile. It was a "simple game" she said, a game called blackjack.

It required a deck of cards which she had made, and with it taught him how to play, now the angel of Justice was quite the klutz when it came to this game a fake out, so it was an absolute slaughter on his part whenever he would go up against the teacher. But no matter how many times he lost he tried again, he pushed himself to learn the secret art of "the poker face", to stand on equal ground to defeat the conniving queen of blackjack.

But today's meeting wasn't about playing cards or handling territory, no, today was a day of purpose, a day for the Overlord to finally get her answers.

As the Archangels waited he soon heard the sound of space distorting as the sounds of something tearing caught his attention as he sensed a sinister aura, realizing who this was he turned and saw the Overlord emerge from her realm.


"Yes hello Overlord."

"Is today the day?"

Raphael nod his head, "yes, it's time you got your answers. The secret of the Ender eyes."

"Yes, you've kept me waiting."

"And I apologize, it's just I wished to understand your personality and objectives better, and to be honest even now I'm still a bit habitant however after all that you have helped me out with. I would be shaming my honor as an guardian if I didn't put any amount of trust in you."

"Yes that would be nice, your a real slave driver sometimes Raphael. You'd make a fine drill Sargent that's for sure."

"Drill... Sargent?"

"Don't worry about it, it's a position of something else far foreign to this world."

"Right... I forgot, your not of this world. Your from the realm of Sculk. A world separate from ours housing many different cultures and ideals. Honestly the whole thing sounds great but I figured we should get down to business."

"Yes, your right. I grow hungry for my answers."

"Very well, I shall tell you the secret of the eyes. And where you may find them."

The overlord felt a smirk slide across her face, this was her moment.

She's won.

"The Eyes are powerful relics when brought together will reveal the location as our father called it an ancient stronghold containing a gateway to the world where all things meet its end, unlike the dimensional gap where it is the space between realms of existence and universes. This is where all of creation meets its end, where life, laws, and all things die. In this world our father could feel a mighty presence their. A presence that rivaled that of a Dragon God. Or is to be believed. However our father dared not to enter this world fearing that the beast might make it out. So he removed three of the twelve eyes from the gateway and he took them away and stored them within a vault upon the lands of men. However this vault was raised by the Dragon King Tiamat, her greed for the value of the eyes plus their knowledge drove her to a rampage. She crushed her way threw and barged into the vault sealing the powerful trinkets and taking them to her personal treasury. It's here well find the eyes."

Raphael looked towards the woman, as he saw the satisfaction upon her face. Even though he practically told her that they were basically in the grasp of an entity that lust for treasure and knowledge made her go against God, it didn't cause her to tremble at all.

In fact, she looked excited at the thought of meeting this dragon.

"Tell me, Raphael, how powerful would you equate Tiamat to yourself?"

"Marginally more powerful, Tiamat is one of the first Dragons ever born. Birth from the last painful tear of her mother, the original Babylonian primordial goddess Tiamat, She is considerably more powerful than any mortal creature. Tiamat's power could very well rip the heavens apart, and If she truly desired, allow her to take her mother's mantle if she were to transcend into a true Primordial Goddess rather then remain tether to the world she is within. Her power is equal to that of the very beings born of The very ideals and concept of domination and supremacy, Ddraig and Albion. Overall it is no wonder she is classified as one of the most powerful dragons, if not the most powerful dragon. Excluding the twin pair who resides within the dimensional gap. Afterall she is a monster."

"Yes yes she sounds like it, however she is a monster who can be reasoned with. Her greed will be my key."

"And how do you plan on using that to get your prize? If you try to bargain with her you'll need something equally as powerful as the Eyes. You'll need something worth more then their entirety."

Once more the overlord did not falter in her triumphant stance, she looked towards the angel as he felt his blood freeze within his veins. He saw the Eldritch stair of a thousand stars worth of pressure, he saw the vastness of her network weave there her eyes like a wed trapping him in her clutches as he saw her lips slit into a dangerous smile.

"Because I am the only entity here who possesses the knowledge and information of death and rebirth, gods and beings who outrank anything you could conceive, I have a catalog of religion and experience within a time, a different universe where you all couldn't conceivably comprehend the idea of. And I know more of the uncertainties of the world you reside in, which you yourselves do not know. This is why I am so confident."

"I guess that is true.... However you'll have to bargen with the dragon so are you prepared?"

"Course, why else would I be here if I wasn't prepared."

"Very well, I will accompany you to the location of Tiamat."

"And by all extensive pretenses do pray tell where the dragon resides?"

"The Familiar Forest."

"Oh.... Neat."

"I was expecting more."

"More of what?"

"Surprise maybe, mainly because it's very close to your home."

"That my dear Raphael is something I'm used to, after all, life's either extremely convenient, or very inconvenient. Theirs no in-between in my life."

"Ah.... I see.... Well I ahhh.... Shall we get going?"

"No, I'm not one to teleport into an environment I have no advantage in, we will depart tomorrow, this will allow me to send my Sculk drones to the forest and allow my empires reach to extend our to their. This way, I'm not cut off from my hive."

"Yes you make a logical point, very well I'll tell you the location of the familiar Forest, afterwards take your time and built a connection between your home and it, this way in case a fight does break out. You'll be at your strongest."

"Hm, really think I could win against Tiamat?"

"Maybe if she's not going all out from the get go, however your infection is one of certain death even among the highest ranks of our world. It's frightening how effective the Sculk is at converting life to nothing more then a drone for your army. While I'm sure she could hold it off, with repeated uses of it worsening it each and every time, she'll be overwhelmed on too many fronts and eventually collapse under the weight of the pressure. However if she chooses to fight at full power from the get go, I'm not sure."

"What is the difference between her, and full power?"

"We've only seen it once, when she raided heaven's vaults. And soon battled Ddraig right afterwards. Tiamat seems to be able to activate the Divinity within her blood, making her more powerful."

'Interesting, I'm still new to this world so I don't know much about divinity... However, seems like it's a pretty big deal.'... "What would you say the effects of divinity are?"

"Hm? You mean like what kind of bonuses, or positives being who channel Divinity have?"

"Yes, I'm still new to this world the topics of gods and divinity has never once came up to me. I would like to know the effects of Divinity."

"Well for starter is being who are of divine stature are the only ones who can handle divinity, that is a given. Secondly Divinity is like an ascension of one's essence, It untethers them from the world and even to some cases the laws of the universe. Divinity is essentially the Ascension of one's soul, it is the unshackling of chains upon a beings existence. Those that wielded are stated to be absolute beings, ones who's souls could never be corrupted. Beings who can never be truly killed... However...."

Raphael eyes trained down, looking at the spreading essence below her feet She noticed fear crawl into those eyes of his.

And she smirked seeing it.

"My sculk Can harm divine beings~."

"Not just harm, assimilate them, I have only ever seen properties like this once in another being."

The overlord looked at him intrigued, There was another that shared a similar nature to her?


".... I'm not meant to say its name, however."

Lifting his hands a golden barrier surrounded the two of them.

"They should prevent any outsiders or any eyes from observing what I'm about to tell you."

The overlord chuckled at this. "Ahah, Who the fuck are you about to tell me about, Voldemort?"

"Voldemort?..... I do not know this person's name... However judging by the contact I can assume they're "bad"?"

"Ah.... No, it's ahhhh... A figure of speech."

"Ah, I see... I still have much to learn it seems, ahem, but back on track. The entity that I know definitively that shares a nature similar to you, That's able to affect ascendant beings like gods, and even corrupt their nature. Is a Beast of chaos, said to be born at the dawn of the universes violet eruption of existence, The chaos that soon came with non-existence merging with existence, with chaos in order being merged together. It is the black beast of Armageddon, The Emperor of All monsters. The devourer of galaxies, bring her of nightmares, and the devourer of infinity. It's name, is 666, or better known as Trihexa."

For some reason the mention of the creatures name, felt eerily warm to the overlord's stomach, like if she knew it like an old friend. However she shrug the feeling away, as she looked the archangel in his eyes.

"And where the hell is this Apocalypse machine at?"

"Beyond existence, trapped in the void of non-existence."

"..... The fucking what?"

"At the edge of the dimensional gap, where it's soon connects to the void, the end of all of existence. The one area were even the mighty great red or infinite God Dragon Ophis dare not venture to."

"Holy shit, Don't take this the wrong way, however after observing for so long I thought this world was kind of stupid, mundane and generic, but this... This is hardcore as hell!"

"Ahhh.... I... I see, well I'm glad one of us, can get a kick out of this... You really are quite strange Overlord."

"I'm an over 9 ft tall, bombshell of a  goddess of a newfound race never before seen in this world, that's already corrupted millions of entities into a network that threatens the very balance of the Great war. I go by the name of freaking Overlord, I'm the damn definition of "strange", Raphael."

".... I can't argue with that logic."

The two chuckled as she turned and opened a portal.

"Are you going to send me the location now?"

"Yes, of course I will."

The angel went beside her and showed her a map of where her intended target was, upon reviewing where it was. She gave a thankful nod before heading into the portal, we're there she would spend the rest of the day getting a strong hold over the intended target, before they eventually headed over and possibly confronted the most powerful being She has ever faced.

It was now a goddamn role of the dice to see how things go from here.

*The next day*

The overlord sat upon her throne as she commanded the last strain of her Sculk to Take over a quadrant of the nearby land before the familiar Forest allowing the connection between her land and it to strengthen. She she could already feel The effects of the connection of their land barren fruit as the rich quantities of magic within the air of the familiar forest merged into her ever expanding boundless banks of magical energy.

Upon feeling herself get even more powerful because of the rich quality of mana, She knew that now There was no turning back She was as strong as she could possibly be given the position in time maybe if she had a tiny bit more time to assimilate a few more Dragon Kings She could get physically more powerful.

However as of late she's been feeling her progression get noticeably less and less with each assimilated being, It was no coincidence. She has reached the end of what she can get grinding out these small fries. It was now time for her to get on with the main quest, side missions weren't going to cut it anymore.

Standing up she lifted Yasaka up as a dragon lowered its head, she placed her daughter upon the Titans sculk as she saw her flat sleeping face curl into one of a smile, as she was risen up by the creature.

She gave the command to protect her daughter, to which the Titan respond with a nod. And with it she opened a portal to Raphael's territory.

*With Raphael*

The Archangel watched as a green portal opened before him as the goddess of the Sculk emerged through it, seeing her arrival and the subsequent second portal spawning behind him. He knew what had to be done.

Giving a nod he walked through the portal she created as she soon followed.

It was time to go to the familiar Forest.

*With the duo*

Raphael and the Overlord arrived within the dark forest of the familiar forest, here within this forest of glowing blue trees The overlord was able to spot many different types of creatures who upon sensing her presence immediately opted to escaped before they risked her assimilation.

Raphael sweat dropped at the creatures reaction at the Overlords presence. However she did not seem to mind, actually it made her life a lot easier for these small fries to get out of the way that way she could track the biggest one here.

Lifting her hand up the Sculk planted within this biome shifted, from its abyssal depths a small insectoid was formed. Lift dozens of eyes and a plethora of wings, She let this small abomination into the air as it flew forward, darting between the trees and vines, as it searched for the dragons lair.

Raphael looks to her as she nodded her head.

"This way."

"All right let's do this."

"Yes, let's go find a dragon."

And with it, They were off.

*Sometime later*

After walking for who knows how long within this forest, The Overlord looked over the seemingly endless number of trees to see a massive cavern mouth before they're very eyes.

Knowing that was the end of their destination She sent her scout only to have it soon disappear from her connection, As she felt the damn thing Get hit by some blue energy spear and got eviscerated from the world.

Raphael who sends the increased pressure in magic in the air realized that that was an attack, He summoned a light sword as he stood behind the overlord who had sprouted her wings in order to amplify her magical power by many times over to prepare for the battle ahead.

However upon them arriving at the foot of the great cavern it was quiet.

There was no movement, There was no wrestling, instead they were met with Erie silence.

Confused Raphael looked around, desperately trying to see if the dragon had maybe left with a transportation spell However the overlord knew damn well a dragon of this power would not retreat, So she walked forward and into the mouth of the great cavern.

To where she saw a pair of glowing blue eyes stare upon her.

"My, how bold of you to step foot within my home uninvited."

"How bold of you to shoot my subordinate."

"You mean that buzzing insect? Please darling if that's your subordinate You might as well turn around and lea-.... Wait are you."

The ground began to shake as The Overlord's eyes watched as a mighty body began to push itself up.

It's back arched up as massive colossal blue and black wings stretched wide, So why in fact that just a single one of these damn things could cover half of her fucking city!! The creatures legs soon revealed itself as massive blue muscled clawed legs landed right before the overlord, She saw the claws easily rend stone to pebbles, and shattered dreams. She saw the things neck, The thick powerful muscular neck that raised its head, and It's powerful mouth containing white fangs that would easily be able to rip even a God in half.

The Overlord looked up as the massive blue Western Dragon towered above her, This damn thing was easily 40 maybe 60 ft tall if she had a guess, with its length easily exceeding over 100 to 200 feet.

Jumping back Raphael was startled at her sudden backpedaling However he soon found himself backpedaling as the dragon came out of its cavern for its full form to be revealed.

With This absolute behemoth of a monster, no, this behemoth of a dragon before them the overlord felt a ping of nervousness for the first time ever in her life enter her gut. This damn thing was so freaking big It could easily obliterate the entire forest if it wanted to, Hell the amount of magical energy this thing was producing and packing was enough to equivalate to the entire sculk network she had set up within the familiar forest.

This Dragon was an absolute freaking monster!

And the dragons seem to know that the overlord was looking at it in such delightful awe, as she chuckled.

"My, What adorable eyes you look upon me with. Overlord."

With the Surprise mention of her name the overlord looked upon her with suspicious narrowed eyes.

"How do you know of my name? I have never given it to you, nor have we ever interacted."

"Well that is true that we have never interacted, but I wouldn't say that you have never given me your name. On the contrary A little bit of projection observation here and there can yield much on an individual. Especially one is interesting as you."

The Overlord narrowed her eyes, If this damn woman has been observing her this entire time, She had no idea The depths of the knowledge this dragon had on her.

Had she been observing her when she was telling her "backstory" to Raphael, did she know of the reincarnation process? Did she know that she was from another world?

What was the extent of her knowledge on her?

"And how much do you know of me?"

"Not everything, everything, however my hunger, and greed for the truth about you has lead me to observe your nature to try and... fill in the gaps. However there is something that I don't seem to understand."

"And what is that?"

"Just what in the actual name of Io are you?"

".... Come again?"

"Your entire biology, physiology, astral, and magical ties to the world makes no sense. There is no place of origin within the universe that you fit within. You're not even a hanging piece, You are a piece of a puzzle that materialize out of absolutely nothing. Your placements, your strange nature, that's similarly connected to the 666 Beast has me questioning if you are a dormant conceptual being. However your material flesh and bounce to this world are a direct severance to the idea. So I ask again, What the hell are you?"

The overlord thought of this... If what she was hearing was true that means that her existence in this world, in this universe, was a complete alien origin. A parasite basically, a foreign invader. If what this dragon is saying is true, That means that she very well literally and figuratively is a illegal alien.

But it would explain why her powers have such an impact on this world, She had anticipated that it was just because her race was so absolutely brokenly overpowered. Which it is, However with the new information she was getting from not only Raphael but also Tiamat. She wondered if the reincarnator had made a mistake, It's said that the world would get more powerful as a result from her presence being here. But why is that?

She's never had a question it but why would the entire world have to suddenly get more powerful if she was added into it, It's like a group of game devs adding in a broken item into a game and instead of fixing the broken item They just made every item, into a broken item.

Has she somehow ruined the balance of power of the world by her existing here? With no physical or astral ties to the universe, could she even be considered a part of it?

It fit the theme of the Sculk yes, a foreign innovator of a different dimension within the world of Minecraft, However she didn't think it would extend this damn far to literally make her essentially the queen of an entire alien race that came from beyond the universe.

However she can sense the impatience of the dragon, looking up at her she sighed.

"Truth be told I don't know what I am, I'm still figuring things out."

"What, how does one not know their own existence?"

"It's a complicated process, let's just say the thing that is technically my "mother" in this equation, didn't do a whole good job at explaining the whole ordeal to me."

"You possess parents?"

The overlord thought about it, could the reincarnation system really be considered her parent? I mean if you really think about it, technically yes, at birth her from a human into this absolute behemoth that you see now.

"Yes, I do."

"Hm, Tell me then. Who exactly is your parent?"

"The will of reincarnation."

"..... The will of reincarnation?... I have not heard of an entity like this, explain."

The Overlord look at the dragons eyes who seemed to grow intrigued at her even more, causing her to smirk.

"I can't give the full detail, However I can say this before I had this physical form I was a consciousness drifting through the void of non-existence, I remember a voice I communicated with this voice and soon enough once I had communicated enough with it I found myself losing the small amount of consciousness I had left. Until eventually I found myself woken up within the caverns of this world."

"So this entity created you, And you somehow ended up within our universe."

"That is correct. I do not know why I ended up in this particular universe. However, I possess the memories of another life."

The Overlord looked upon the dragon whose eyes had changed from one of intrigeness to one of pure fascination. She lowered her head as she gazed upon the powerful form of the Overlord before her.

"You mean to tell me that you have lived a second life? And one outside of our universe nonetheless, ohhhh~ Now this is intriguing~ Do pray tell. Explain, I hunger to know about this other universe."

"Hm, And why should I tell you? What would I get if I tell you?"

The dragon looked upon her smaller from as the same smirk she shared upon her lips, was upon the dragons.

"Let's make this interesting shall we? Explain to me the secrets of this, and satisfied my greed for this forbidden knowledge of the universe, that birthed the great devour, And I will offer you something in exchange. Something of equal price."

"Something of equal price?"


"How would you dictate if it is worth the knowledge I give? After all can you truly quantify the worth of something that you don't even know?"

The Dragon looked on as if almost stumped, Truth be told the dragon had wish she wouldn't catch on to that, however The insightful Overlord seem to know all.

"I guess I can't..."

"Hmmm... You know what, I will humor this."

Tiamat looked on a bet shocked, After all This girl basically had all the leverage. After all she couldn't force it out of her and dwelling into her mind would be too dangerous especially now knowing that she's from a universe beyond theirs.

There was no telling what could happen if she dove into her mind.

However seeing that she is still willing to go through, Well being the opportunist she is She couldn't let this pass.

"Very well, You wish to humor my bargain. Bold of you to say If you had been anyone else I would have killed you here and now. However, It would be fruitless of me to do that. So what are your demands?"

"Simple, You tell me why a powerful strong dragon like yourself is here hiding within the familiar forest."

"..... Come again?"

"Did I strike a nerve? Or was I not speaking proper English, I asked you. Why are you, Tiamat, strongest Dragon King hiding here. Within the familiar forest."

".... Hm, So you should have seen through that as well. Go figure."

"Oh? No roar of retaliation, No smoldering arrogance, or incinerating rage? You just admit it?"

"Yes after all why even pray tell to those natures of ours, why roar? What would I do besides just make the conversation we've had so far obsolete, why respond with smoldering arrogance? All that has ever done to my kind is get them killed. Having pride is one thing, having arrogance that blinds them, leaves them susceptible to the death that could have been avoided is another. Why not bellow out in incinerating rage? Where would that get me? Besides a confrontation with you which would most likely result in my death. I am not arrogant enough to not admit when I am pressured, a battle between you and me would result in one of our deaths. And seeing how I don't sense an afterlife for your soul, Well... That just means one of us is immortal the other isn't. So pray tell Overlord, why should I do any of these?"

"Hm... No you are correct, All of those options sounded bad for you. However I must say compared to the other dragons I have met You seem to be well... Less dragony."

Tiamat rolled her eyes. "Yes I guess you can say that about me, After all living for thousands upon thousands of years have taught me a lot of things about my race. Like how we're on a doom collision course with the end of days, how other dragons are already beginning to sell their own free will to devils and fallens alike to join a faction that isn't on a sinking ship. A sinking ship that we've already punctured holes into with our own volition, how our ignorance and pride leads us to be slaughtered like cattle by the other factions out of fear. I do not carry these traits no longer for they have only caused the decline of my species I instead choose to embrace the side of us that yearns for knowledge and treasure. After all it is through my greed that I have survived, for my greatest act of greed is the greed for life. Because with my greed for life my greed for everything else will soon follow."

The Overlord couldn't help but applaud the dragon, making her confused as she raises scaly brow at her.

"Why do you applaud?"

"Because I am the exact same way, I was too greedy to pass on so I ended up becoming what I am now, I was too greedy to stay weak so I had ended up becoming stronger by following my nature. I what's too greedy for companionship, So I had found my companion. You and I share a very similar nature. That nature is one of greed. And what it does to one in order to make them survive."

The dragon paused, reviewing the words of the Overlord as a chuckle soon escaped her lip.

"Yes, I suppose you were correct. Now with this being said. Let us get back on topic, With this being answered What do I have to offer, to gain the knowledge I desire?"

".... Hmmm, how about this Tiamat. You say that you are not like traditional dragons, correct. That you will do anything that is required for you to survive, What you stay to be the downfall of your race. Correct?"

"Yes, I hold no loyalty to them, If I survive and the rest do not that will have no impact on my psyche while I sleep. My goal is for survival, and to learn and satisfy my greed for all the treasure and knowledge of the world."

"Good, This makes the next part of my asking very easy. For exchange of the knowledge I carry about the other universe, and the will of reincarnation. I asked for two things."

"Those are?"

"Number one, the eyes of Ender. I know you possess the other two."

"Granted, Now what is the second?"

"You of course."

Raphael slowly turned his head to look at the overlord eyes widen, as Tiamat stared upon her with a baffled expression.

"You... Want me?"

"Yes, I course I do. You and I are very similar Tiamat. I cannot help but feel a kinship, or a potential partnership between us, We both hunger for existence. Hunger to fill the emptiness within us with something we desire. And you've already stated yourself. The dragon race is already beginning to serve others to find a place within this universe. And seeing as you are an opportunist, I offer you a place at my side. Beside the Queen's Throne. Beside myself, as my right hand of my great army. You will command an army powerful enough to challenge the forces of heaven and hell, and with me I will allow you to know the secrets of the eyes, and the secrets of the other dimensions I believe that are connected to this universe. All I ask is that you follow me. Become my familiar."

Extending her hand out existence itself seem to come to an absolute silence.

Raphael looked upon the embodiment of greed and saw her face and body frozen still, as if a great Arctic Blizzard had frozen her muscles solid.

He couldn't blame the dragon. The offer the overlord was giving was one of astronomical proportions, one that the dragon was most likely weighing in her mind.

On one end she would easily become one of the most powerful beings in existence with this pact. After all a contract of familiar and master allowed the familiar to draw upon the power of its master, and the master the power of the familiar. They would be able to harness each other's powers, their essence merging together. Until one of them died only then with the contract break. However If this was anyone else other than the Overlord it would act like this, however merging with the overlords essence means merging with the Sculk. A dark web of magic power, possessing a will that only serves the Dark Queen that sits upon it.

This contract would very well bind her to the Overlord side, forever. And the Overlord's power would grow exponentially. More than that of the heavenly dragons, More than that of God or Lucifer.

More than that of most gods.

Raphael considered all the possibilities of this, looking upon the dragon once more He saw her icy blue eyes almost soften.

Perhaps he was not able to understand, or read the room. However it seemed like the dragon was touched by her offer... Maybe because the two of them shared a similar nature to each other? Perhaps they had understand and connected in some kind of way that he couldn't understand?

Why were emotions so complicated to him?

However back with the two ladies, Tiamat had lowered her head. Her eyes scanned the dark emerald eyes of the Overlord looking for any lies, She found zero. The woman before her was a woman of her word, However she was not blind to the dangers that come with becoming the familiar of the overlord.

It would bind her permanently, She would become another one of her beings. However She would retain her personality and will. Her idealisms and so on. The only thing she would be giving up is her independence.

But comparing taking this deal, to not taking it, Tiamat knew she had exponentially more of a likelihood to survive to the end of the universe taking it than not. After all power was basically the only thing that keeps you alive in this universe, knowledge and treasure is one thing, However having the strength to back it up is the main thing.

Although she could incinerate heaven and hell, She knew that in a long drawn out battle she would eventually lose. However the Overlord excelled at long drawn-out battles, After all the longer the battle the more her infections spreads, meaning that one of the only methods of death she would be immune to.

Smirking tiamat's body began to glow a bright blue light, Raphael covered his eyes to not be flashbanged but the overlord didn't even budge, compare to booting up her flashbang light mode computer scream at 5:00 in the morning this was nothing.

However unlike booting up her bright ass computer, The site she gained upon the light dying down was arguably much, much better.

"Is this one more to your liking? I figured I'd take something similar to you before we finalized our bond."

This Human form of Tiamat was well over 7'8, however compared to the Overlords towering 9-ft tall body, she was still short by some feet, however looking down at the shaped dragon she smirked.

"Damn, Who the hell knew you were this fine."

"Not many, You're one of the lucky few."

"I'll count my lucky stars then."

Tiamat chuckled at this as she soon returned her composure to that of one of serious discussion.

"Let's get back on track, the contract, I will go through with it."

"You sure? Like sure sure? I don't want you having second thoughts."

"Yes I'm sure, I've considered all the possibilities and this is the best outcome I could possibly have. Going solo is getting me nowhere anymore, And you seem like a very powerful ally to have. This bond will be evident of that."

"Very well then So how does this work? Do I like put my hand in front of you and say be my familiar, orrrr?"

"Put your hand in front of mine. I'll show you what to do."

"Very well."

Following the dragons instructions, She raised her hand and pressed it slightly against her extended hand, This resulted in their magic coalescing into a green and blue magical sigil that appeared in between their connected fingertips.

"Do your call now."

"My What?"

Tiamat rolled her eyes "You're binding words."

"Oh. Alright." The Overlord took a deep breath, before opening her eyes. "Tiamat, strongest of the Dragon Kings, daughter of The Babylonian goddess of the sea, hear my voice. Bind your will to mine and together let us exploring the confines of existence with the greed that had pushed us to the limits that we are now attempting to break through. Become the dragon that stands at the queen side, and taste the treasure that comes with the conquest of our existence!"

"... Hmph... I harken, My will is yours, and your ideals are mine. I will devour you whole, I will devour your knowledge, and your treasures, and in exchange, My will, my fire, and my powers is yours. My new master."

"Then why waste anymore time? Come to my side, Oh dearest queen of chromatic."

A discharge of Magic energy who ripped apart the surrounding environments, Raphael was blown into the air as was the surrounding trees and debris, as the Archangel recomposed himself with his wings to look down to see the two beings looking before one another.

However upon tiamat's collarbone, He saw the dark green mark of the Sculk upon her body, as the blue flames of Tiamat were upon the Overlords collar bone as well.

"It is done, master~."

The overlord shivered at her tone she used.

"Left not go throwing around that particular word with that kind of tone."

The Dragon chuckled, She was about to open her mouth when she suddenly saw the Overlord collapse on one knee and began to pant.



'W-what the fuck is- aghhhhhh!!! WHATS HAPPENING!?'

[Greetings Overlord]


[Requirements have been meet, evolution underway.]


[Evolution of Sculk Overlord is now underway, transformation into evolved variant {Tyrant Overlord} currently underway.]


[Please standby, consciousness will fade in approximately 10 seconds, upon waking up evolution will be complete.]

'Oh you son of a bitc-'

*Some time later*

"Aghhhh... Fuck... What the hell happened... Did I drink too many whiskey shots again?"

"Whiskey? To what is this beverage Master?"


Jumping up the Overlords sprung up like a damn cat landing on her feet and turning around only to see ruins, looking around She saw that she was within her ancient city, and not the familiar forest.

Looking back she saw the dragon she made the familiar contract with as she soon felt a pressure on her back.

Looking back she saw Golden floof as something wet Hit her shoulder.

"Mom! Your ok!!! I-im so happy your awake now!!"

Her eyes softened into that of sadness, She reached back and plucked the young nine tails off of her back holding her in front of her, as she soon brought the young girl into a hug What she happily accepted wrapping her legs and arms around her mother figure.

The dragon watched the interaction between the two of them with intermittent, not knowing that the overlord has such a caring motherly side to her.

"Yeah I'm okay, just... Wow I feel a lot stronger as well."

"Yes as you should, After all, seems as though you've gone through an evolution."

"Ya... I did."

[Notice, hello again overlord. Glad you seen that you've recovered after your evolution.]

'No thanks to your sorry ass.'

[Mmm K'ay bitch then I won't tell you about your new stuff you have.]

'your an ass sometimes'

[And your a bitch, Don't see me complaining though.]

The Overlord rolled her eyes.

[Anyways, evolution from Sculk Overlord to Tyrant overlord has resulted in The gaining of two new race traits added. Would you like to view them?]


[Notice, Tyrant overlord has been granted the race trait [Eternal Darkness]

[Eternal Darkness]: The Overlord exude a Dark presence that robes any and all targets within an area of effect dictated by the overlord will of their sight, or abilities to sense incoming danger.

'Oh, finally got the darkness effect'

[Tyrant Overlord has been granted the second race trait, [grasp beyond life]

[Grasp Beyond Life]: The Overlord can now resurrect the dead with the Sculk, allowing the Sculk to act as an anchor to tether the soul to its now corrupted body. However The more powerful an individual, the more power it will take to resurrect them as a servant.

'Holy shit... Looks like I'm a necromancer now as well.'

[Additionally all assimilated abilities have gained substantial boost, would you like to view?]


[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 7 months

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)


Tyrant Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient], [Eternal Darkness], [Grasp Beyond Life]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (transcendent)], [magic (transcendence)], [extreme potential (transcendence)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [Regeneration (transcendent)], [adaptation (transcendent)], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (transcendence), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections (High transcendent)], [camouflage], [stealth (low transcendent)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (low transcendent)], [cold resistance (low transcendent)], [heat resistance (low transcendence)], [bioluminescence], [agility (Hi transcendent)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (transcendent)], [Magic Sense (Transcendent)], [Fallen Angel wings (transcendent)], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (low transcendent)], [light resistance (transcendent)], [Ultimate Holy power], [holy resistance (High supreme)], [fire resistance (High supreme)], [Draconic Scales (low transcendent)], [draconic flames (low transcendence)], [Dragons Fear (transcendence)], [magic amplification (devil wings) (high supreme)], [demonic power], [demonic resistance (high supreme)], [demonic weapons], [spirit sight], [Ki manipulation (high supreme)], [chakra manipulation (high supreme)], [hypersonic hearing (Nekomata ears (retractable)], [Ki amplification (spirit fox tails(retractable) (high godly)], [Angel wings (low supreme)], [Magic amplification (angel wings) (low supreme)], [Demonic Power of Destruction (low supreme)], [Demonic Phoenix reconstitution (low supreme)], [Heightened Physical Strength (transcendence)], [Divinity (low transcendent)]

Absorbed magic: [Earth(supreme)], [Air(supreme)], [Illusion (supreme)], [holy (supreme)], [light (supreme)], [healing (low transcendence)], [Fire (transcendent)], [Draconic (transcendence)], [lightning magic (supreme)], [Holy lightning magic (supreme)], [Water magic (supreme)], [Storm magic (High supreme)], [summoning magic (low supreme)], [Demonic magic (low supreme)], [Demonic Flames (high supreme)], [Draconic lightning (transcendent), [Divine (low transcendence)] [Divine draconic flames (transcendence)], [Divine Lightning (low transcendent)], [chromatic flames (High supreme)], [Space manipulation magic (high supreme)], [anti-magic (high supreme)],

Absorbed Ki techniques: [Spirit flame (ultimate)], [Ki sense (high ultimate)], [Fox fire (high)], [Ki ability enhancement (high ultimat)], [Spirit Step (high)].


Weakness (miner):

None; has gained almost complete immunity against all former miner weakness

Core Weakness:

Resistance to demonic: 81%

Resistance to holy: 82%


Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 118,731

Animals: 411,754

Insects: 1,01,893

Variant Human: 38,432

Devil: 39,300

Fallen angel: 51,010

Dragons : 33

Youkai: 72

Neko: 2

Gods: 1

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 5,367

Objective: activate the stronghold

[Update pending]

Upon viewing what had become of her She was dumbfounded at how powerful she had become. However looking upon her name she got annoyed.

'All of this only to not have a name?'

[Would You desire a name?]

'Of course who the hell doesn't want a name?'

[Then name yourself]

'That's just that simple?'

[(•-•)..... Really? Do you know how names work?]

'Okay jackass. Go away I'll name myself now.'


With the system buzzing off The Overlord looked upon her newfound familiar and her now stopped crying daughter, as she had an announcement for them.

"I have gone too far and too long by just overlord, today here and now after my evolution is the day I mark my name in the history books."

"What's your name going to be then Mom?"

"Yes I'm interested as well, What shall your name be?"

"One that is powerful and I will strike fear into everyone who dares to mention it... A name from my world, I name I used to embody greatly."

Yasaka looked on confused at her mother's words, However the grin that sprouted across the dragon's face was that a sinister interest.

"And what is that?"

"From this day forward my name is the following. Osamu No Akumakyo. Or Akuma or short."

"Osamu No Akumakyo... What does your name mean?"

"Ya mom it sounds super similar to our names however slightly... different."

"Hm, I expect that after all the language that this name is based in is essentially the prerequisite of yours. The name Osamu No Akumakyo, means The Queens of Plagues and poisons. A name that is fitting for me for I control the greatest plague and poison this universe has ever seen."

"A fine name indeed master."

"I don't know sounds kind of edgy, I think Mama would have been better."

The now named Akuma chuckled. "That's my name for you sweetie and only you."

"Hehe I know!"

The fox buried her way into her shoulder and neck snuggling in as the overlord walked up to her throne and sat down upon it, as Tiamat stood beside her.

They were looking upon the darkened city when Tiamat leaned down next to the Overlord, Of course the Overlord turn to try and look at her but got a face full of tits in the process however with a shove she was able to look upon the dragon who held something within her hands.

It was the remaining eyes of Ender, and seeing them float out of her hand and in front of her, Osamu No Akumakyo, The Queens of Plagues and poisons smirked.

How the world was coming into her favor more and more by the day.

And cut.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you will enjoyed it.

Sorry for the upload Life has been crazy especially with back to school s*** D&D and also my job as well However I have gotten enough time to post out this chapter for you all so I hope you guys enjoyed.

Sorry if you were looking for some climactic battle this chapter However again this is not always going to be a battle book sometimes chapters and situations can't be resolved with just words so long as the person that is on the receiving end of the now named Queen of Plagues and poisons can actually be reasonable like Tiamat for example.

Also if you're all wondering why I'm making her so absurdly overpowered right now just know that in the future she's going to need that like really really badly especially for what she's about to get into next.

And speaking of which we are coming towards the end of the great war saga here soon we will be entering the standardized Canon of DXD so I hope you are all ready for that.

With this being said Take care everyone.

Word count: 8754

DIO OUT!!!!!

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