Chapter Four 𝖀𝖓𝖈𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖍

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*six months sense last chapter*

[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 7 months

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)

Looks (current):

Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (High Supreme being)], [magic (High Supreme being)], [extreme potential (High Supreme)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [Regeneration (High Supreme)], [adaptation (High Supreme)], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (high ultimate), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections (high Supreme)], [camouflage], [stealth (Supreme)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (Supreme)], [cold resistance (Supreme)], [heat resistance (Supreme)], [bioluminescence], [agility (Supreme)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (Supreme)], [Magic Sense (Supreme)], [Fallen Angel wings (supreme)], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (Low Supreme)], [light resistance (Supreme)], [Ultimate Holy power], [holy resistance (Godly)], [fire resistance (High Godly)], [Draconic Scales (High Godly)], [draconic flames (High Godly)], [Dragons Fear (Low Supreme)], [magic amplification (devil wings) (High Godly)], [demonic power], [demonic resistance (High Godly)], [demonic weapons], [spirit sight], [Ki manipulation (High ultimate)], [chakra manipulation (High Ultimate)], [hypersonic hearing (Nekomata ears (retractable)], [Ki amplification (spirit fox tails(retractable) (Ultimate)], [Angel wings (High Ultimate)], [Magic amplification (angel wings) (Ultimate)], [Demonic Power of Destruction (low godly)], [Demonic Phoenix reconstitution (High Ultimate)], [Heightened Physical Strength (Low Supreme)],

Absorbed magic: [Earth(High Godly)], [Air(Godly)], [Illusion (Ultimate)], [holy (High Ultimate)], [light (Low Godly)], [healing (High Godly)], [Fire (high godly)], [Draconic (Godly)], [lightning magic (Godly)], [Holy lightning magic (High Ultimate)], [Water magic (High Ultimate)], [Storm magic (Godly)], [summoning magic (Ultimate)], [Demonic magic (ultimate)], [Demonic Flames (High Ultimate)], [Draconic lightning (High Ultimate)],

Absorbed Ki techniques: [Spirit flame (ultimate)], [Ki sense (high ultimate)], [Fox fire (high)], [Ki ability enhancement (high ultimat)], [Spirit Step (high)].


Weakness (miner):

None; has gained almost complete immunity against all former miner weakness

Core Weakness:

Resistance to demonic: 52%

Resistance to holy: 62%


Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 108,731

Animals: 321,754

Insects: 988,776

Variant Human: 37,432

Devil: 31,890

Fallen angel: 42,340

Dragons : 21

Youkai: 72

Neko: 2

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 2,367

Objective: uncover the secrets of the Ender eye

[Update pending]

So.... Lots happened, and mainly do to a few miner problems that quickly got out of hand.

First was the fanatic crusades, you see after the first wave in adventures arrived just to die the ones in charge per day where still at large, so being the person she was she wanted to investigate, using ner newfound stealth unit code named the {Silent Sculk} she had attempted to infiltrate the land of the ones who sent the would be heros to their death. Only to discover that the ones responsible were rooted deep within the territory of the ogd damn Archangel of Justice Raphael himself.

So cover was blown the moment her insects got into range, the damn holy barrier being a rapidly beeping signal that something was wrong, as a result people took actions and her scouts where purged. And the fanatical as hell leaders took this time to set up a claim that the evil had come to them, and that they must charge.

Now This isn't bad on its own, until the attacks became more and more frequent that the Overlord could predict them like goddamn pokémon arriving in tall grass. It was constant and because so many of these crusades were happening others began to take interest.

It started small, a few scouts here, a few their, however it grew more as did the increasing zealot rages did, until theses charges against her had practically warn every fucking faction currently present in this war, to her little quiet existence, so of course the cocky yet curious flees come over to either destroy, tame, or do whatever the hell else they think they can get away with, but actually just pose to be a minor annoyance because of the new guardians of this realm.

Meanwhile things up top have only gotten worse, Because news of her Sculks existence has gotten out battles seem to be raging closer and closer nearby her ancient city from various different factions. Ranging from devils, to fallen angels, to angels, to even some dragons who seem to be young and wishing to prove themselves by taking out what is apparently the "ultimate evil" of their world.

Now however the hell these individuals somehow bequeathed her the title of "ultimate evil" and can still talk with a straight face is laughable to her. However for six months straight, It has been non-stop assaults, non-stop headaches, and non-stop inconveniences.

However the amount of power she has gained only in this brief interval was staggering, their strength merging together to augment her own power pushing her to even higher heights, Her magic sense became so strong that she can sense entities thousands of football fields possibly dozens upon dozens of miles away before they even have chance to enter her sky's, or her massively expanded empires ground.

The amount of magic she had built up within her was frightening, She could essentially cast magic at whatever level and never feel as though she's losing any amount of mana. A by-product of the massive amount of land and expansion she has done over the past 6 months, the Sculk takes in so much magic from the air It's essentially paying the cost for her casting the spell without even getting into her own reserves which was the entire Sculk network, And then her own internal magic source as the Overlord.

So yeah safe to say she was one hell of a mage, though as for being a warrior well her physical strength was nothing to scoff at. Because of the amount of dragons, dragon kings, high-ranking devil's, angels and whoever the hell else she's been absorbing. Their collective strength both magically and physically have been absorbed into her, She could now probably throw a Dragon King on the same weight class as possibly Tiamat without any inconvenience. She's pushing the same level of physical strength as the heavenly dragons, beings who can crush mountains with a twitch.

And yeah it doesn't really surprise her She's been absorbing countless numbers of heroes and high-ranking beings, over time that stuff slowly stacks up. She may not be at the same level of power as the heavenly Dragons, especially if they start using their boost and divide abilities from what she's heard. However she was confident that she could probably take on the biblical God and beat him in a fair 1v1.

So yeah since before and now her power game has been shooting throughout the damn stratosphere However her breakthroughs for the eye, not so much.

Despite her having countless thousands of hours in Minecraft understanding all of its mechanics, spawns and whatnots, applying that same knowledge here only gave her half the picture. The Ender eye for however long she held it out for or used it never seemed to crack or to break. And although she would love to see where the line is pointing her towards, with the non-stop bombardment it was really starting to hinder her plans.

Which is why she believed the Sculk we'll have to make its first true assault. Not sitting back anymore, they already lost their cover, their exsitence is now exposed to rest of the waring factions, might as well make themselves known and give them a damn good reason to stay the hell away from here.

So upon her darkened throne, with her Daughter on her lap, she raised her hand, upon doing so thousands of green lights lit up all around the city and even among the walls of this great cavern.

Soon what appeared to be eggs containing massive beast began to break out, they're fist slamming their way through the shell That contained them, and allowed themselves to become free.

Yasaka who sat quietly upon her mother's lap, just smiled, same as her mother's smile. After all, over the course of time with her newfound mother, she's gotten quite used to this feeling of being a dark overlord, and now it reminds her of safety whenever she does. So she embraces it.

Her eyes showed the same level of joy as her protector, as marching through the streets, thousands upon thousands of Sculk beings twitched and growled, there number large enough to seage an entire capital, now stood at attention before them.

The weaker forces stood in the front, they're smaller forms hunched over with their razor sharp claws and teeth at the ready, in the back the corrupted versions of champions, devils, angels, and fallen floated with there wings and magic, further behind them an entire strike Platoon of dragons stood tall, these massive scaled beast standing at heights well over 70 ft while on All four legs. And of course her most prized possessions.

In front of the dragons were her most powerful creations, Beast that she was sure upon a few more evolutions could take on the enemies of her empire, theses of course...

Where the Wardens

Standing Well over 10 ft tall, empowered by the entirety of her will, these wrathful Goliath's made real stood at the precipice of her military strength, these entities could flatten 10 winged angels devils and fallens with a single blow, knock dragons out of the air with their Sonic booms, and could take any abuse from their enemies thus far, Even a former Dragon King was nothing compared to these things. They tore him apart and assimilated him into there Queens empire.

A dark smile spread across the gamer face, while She was contempt Just sitting back and picking off small fries here and there. The fools have gone and aggravated her. She was now dragged into a battle between all of them.

This future massacre could have been avoided, But at last it wouldn't. Because that's the last of her dragonfly scout units reported back to her, she smiled.

Currently the forces of the Fallen Angels and devils were battling a little bit outside of her territory, reason for them being so close was because they had constructed massive bases to hold a position upon this very land. So they could attempt to do battle, and push back her spreading empire, while also seeing if they could turn her Sculk into a weapon of war for there side.

However the fools haven't taken account of one thing.

If they could kill you within, the hell is stopping them from killing you when you're just a few hundred feet away from them?

With this, the Overlord will make her presence known in the world, This will be her first big battle where she will have to command thousands upon thousands of Sculk entities in order to win this battle.

However looking down at her army and looking back at the dragonflies point of view at all the forces that they had currently, Even without a definitive combat plan. The sheer overwhelming power of her forces would be enough to wipe them all out.

Though reinforcements would be a problem, But she has no way of stopping teleportation magic as of now, So she will just have to deal with them if they do arrive.

"Well, No use in postponing The inevitable, Sooner or later I knew this was going to happen so it's best that I remove them from my territory and claim back the small amount of land that they took from me."

"That would probably be best, after all, Even if you don't need the resources, having more land for the Sculk to give you magic, ground, and so on, is always a plus. Especially in times like these."

The overlord chuckled at Yasaka's saying, she brought her hand down to ruffled the hair upon her head as she looked down at the now pouting nine-tails.

"You're starting to sound like me, sweetie."

"I know, But I don't consider it a bad thing."

With another chuckle, she picked her up and placed Yasaka on her throne once more, and watched as she made herself comfy on it, much to the overlords amusement.

"Seems like your enjoying my Throne."

"What can I say, it's growing on me."

"Ya, more like you're growing on it."

Yasaka pouted at the joke made. "I am not that small!"

"Sweetie, your very small."

"No your just a freaking giant!"

"Ah what can I say, good genetics."

"... Moooooo.... Baka-Overlord."

"Hey hey, let's not go throwing around such rude things younger lady."

"Tch, bitch."




Yasaka and the Overlord laughed at one another as the resurrected just smiled and turned away.

"Happy slaughter mom."

"Thanks sweetie."

With that the Overlord jumped up as the largest Dragon in the Fleet came forward, crouching down to allow the overlord to Land upon its Head it soon raised back up when it's Lord had gotten her footing, and with her now upon this death machine's head. The Order was given and the Sculk forces soon made there way out of the cavern and up towards the surface.

All the while Yasaka snuggled back into the throne.

When she got comfortable she clapped her hands twice as a small Sculk dragon creature crawled from behind the Throne and onto her lap, to which she started petting.

She now would just wait for her mother's eventual return.



[Dragonfly's, head inside, use your cloaking to mask yourself, find their document room if they have one.]


[Fist battalion move in, circle around them and cut off any escape on the ground or from below]


[First Draconic Aircraft division, take to the sky's, infect the land and provide more access points for the stealth division.]

[Angels move in, they're attempting to go to the sky.]


[Small force moving off to the right, six-wing angels break off and form a secondary strikes force, take them out.]


[Fallens circle around, strike from behind]

[Their attempting to use fire, sending my resistance to you all]


[Perfect, stealth squad move in, take out the injured]


[They've spotted me, that's fine, Dragonfly's you've made it to that back, what have you found]


[Interesting, observe all the documents, record them in your mind and send the information through the network, I'll review it later.]


[Second Draconic Aircraft division, head down, swap to flames, burn theses bastards.]


[Their numbers are dwindling, they're starting to panic and gather around, dragons at the ready.]


[First Draconic Aircraft division now, Circle back around strike the back side of the building. Destroy there info room and their injured, Second Draconic Aircraft division, switch back to Sculk Breath, bombing run theses fools.]


[Direct hit, 60% of their forces are now infected. Beginning the Sculk conversion.]


[Weaker forces already converted, newly converted rally with the ground troop and seage the gate. The mods and high ranks will fall behind quickly.]


[Their morale is dwindling, keep on with the assault.]

".... By the great Satan's.... What is this plague...."

[There leader is now vulnerable, Siege Mantis's, nows your chance. Attack the shattered Leader.]




[Mantis, fully sever his head with your mandibles, let the Sculk devour the corpse. You take out the weaker forces]


[Let him chase you, Angels finish this up. We are-.... Scouts just reported... fallen angel backup on its way.... Same with the Devils... Third Draconic Aircraft division, deploy, incinerate the devils. Scouts have visual on the fallens, seems that a ten wing angel is here.... I'll handle him.]

The overlord turned as too did her Dragon, looking forward she saw the fallen in question with a force of thirty eight winged fallens.

"Troops! This way! Be quick! We must-"

"I don't think so."

[Wardens, Deploy]

The ground which was covered in Sculk began to Treble, as one by one the Wardens punched there hands threw the earth and pulled themselves up as they now stood up on the battlefield, everything was silent as soon all the fallens and devils lost their ability to see.

[Wardens, Targets have been pinged, fire away.]

The Wardens growled as they brought their arms together before throwing them out as blast of energy tripped from their chest blowing apart dozens of their enemies.

The newly arrived fallen watched with shock as theses monsters tore through the remaining force of over 200 fallens and devils.

With rescue no longer an option he turned his head to nod to his troops who were preparing a magical circle to get out.

However One of the fallens yelled out for their leader, who wasn't quick enough to realize what was afoot until one of his troops flew in and pushed him out the way, as a dragons flame blast torched him to ash.

The leader quickly recomposed himself as he generated a light spear as he turned to see the massive dragon that carried the Overlord now before him.


"Draconic Thunder"

A Crimson blast of lightning slammed upon the ten winged male shooting him into the ground with spin breaking Force.

"As for you lot, Weather Magic: Tempest. Try flying in theses winds."

The sky's twist as they grew black, great winds uprooted the forest below, and knocked the remaining enemies out of the air, while they fell the overlord wouldn't let them out of her combo.

After all she's dabbled in a little bit of Tekken, so this Combo was never going to end.

"Holy Creation: Light case, Demonic Flames."

The thirty that fell where soon trapped in a golden cage that's insides burst into blood red flames incinerating many of them. But to the lucky few who were still standing, They should have died in the first shot because she was about to treat them as guinea pigs for her next technique.

"Magic Combination, Weather Magic, Draconic Lightning, fuse... Behold, Shenlong wrath!"

Combining the Essence of her Storm plus her draconic energy she summoned a storm befitting at the Japanese dragon god of storms, Shenlong. This technique and mental and body his wrath tore through the lands, the sky, and destroyed all in its path, twisting the skies into everlasting darkness that stretched on for miles.

The land was carved into her image, entire mountains destroyed in a single instant, and massive rivers sent to another exsitence. This entire section of the underworld was now forever changed by just one of her mighty attacks.

The only surviving individual who had witnessed this, was gone the second she looked back. But this is actually a good thing He can spread word among the Fallen Angels hopefully preventing any more attacks from them.

And if any other faction witness this annihilation, Well it's safe to say that they shouldn't be making any moves for the time being.

Looking around at the destroyed land She smiled.

What a happy slaughter.


In the thick of Raphael's church uproar was in order, fanatical church members argued back against other fanatics as to the nature of their truth really was.

Comments and questions of one's belief was thrown back at one another as they attempted to undermined the other groups merits in this war against the Sculk.

Clams of forced brainwashing was thrown next, and it set the already growing flames into roared of anger and disbelief.

Across the lone priestess stood away from the roars of unjust sin, the sight of fellow brothers and sisters at one anothers throats was revolting, and all because the grand bishop ordered the eradication of this spreading infection.

"We have lost to many people! Our followers question our decisions and questions are very positions! Is it not for the people, and the belief we share that we fight!? Whats the point in sending our men to their death and undermining more and more of our manpower in a pointless battle we cannot win! Our guide by sir Rafael is clear, We are to help those who cannot help themselves! Not indulge in mindless bloodshed!"

"And you would have us do nothing! Our men died to protect us from an evil that grows over the horizon one that consumes the very souls of all that are slain! You question our belief but here's a question for you, Who is to share in our belief if there is no one left to share the belief with!"

"ENOUGH! This is how civilizations and faiths like ours falls! This infighting has gone on long enough! We do not hold the power like Sir Raphael, we cannot fight this threat. We must pull back at once to prevent any more orphans from being made."

"That's cowardice!"

"IT IS REASON YOU FOOL! You would provoke the dragon again and again until what!? This Lord of death has only grown more powerful since the 6 months we begin waging war with it, every death fuels its power, and because of us we have dragged the devil's the fallens and even the brothers and sisters of Sir Raphael into this battle with it! Dragons have begin to notice the commotion and are opting to challenge it to seek out a worthy opponent! Don't you understand that because of your ignorance to understand the creed, and to understand the severity of the situation. You haven't undoubtedly made the most powerful threat besides the beast of Revelations even more powerful! What if it decides to attack? We have already seen that it has the capability of sending out scouts that can reach us from miles away from its nest, what happens if it brings its soldiers with it next!? Can you all fight against an army of consisting over a hundred dragons, thousands of fallen angels, devils and angels, various of our champions, and also those gargantuan abominations of life itself!?"





"I thought so. As the second in command among the bishops I decree that All battle with this entity is to be ended immediately. All the brave men and women we have sent out there will be brought back immediately."

"But Arch Bishop Henderson we-"

"SILENCE! This is over! My verdict is now."

".... As you wish."

"Yes, as you wish Arch Bishop Henderson..."

"By your Grace."

The other members left one by one, as the young priestess looked out she saw their glares upon the old man who remained, the Arch Bishop sighed as he walked to the pedestal nearest and picked up a holy scripture.

"I'm am sorry you had to see that, my dear." The Bishop said taking another deep breath. "The others seem to have let the power of their promotion, go to their head. To think, so many of our men would be killed because of this creature... It's unheard of... And yet it is reality nonetheless. Though... Why hasn't it ended us?"

"... Come again Father?"

"Ah, just the ramblings of an old man."

"No father you are not rambling, but what makes you believe this evil can attack us in Lord Raphael's heavenly sanctum?"

"My dear Marry, while your love for our Savior is noted. You are blinded to the truth, this creature... I would dare to say, despite how blasphemous this is. Surpasses the Biblical God himself in terms of might."

"What?! Father, such words are-"

"I know, But words can convey reality, and this is one we must face. Others are either relax or stressed worrying that our Sir Raphael will have to intervene to quell this threat. However if Lord Raphael were to engage this monster I fear for his imminent death at the hands of it. After all even our most powerful weapons have proven ineffective against this thing while it used to be weak to holy and light It seems to have grown. Evolve. It's weaknesses are becoming fickled things. With only holy and demonic energy seemingly being able to harm the creature. On top of that this wicked witch seems to be able to control a plague that can command even the afterlife. While our Lord is powerful and could surely do damage I do not think he would be able to put down the monster...."

Silence filled the Room, the young girl, marry, as she has come to be known as, looked upon this beacon of light as the people called him, and noticed his eyes shaking with fear, which in turn caused her very gut to twist.

"However.... This creature... It hasn't attacked us, actually it's only ever reacted to being attacked first. It's never tried to siege outside of its layer, And whenever it did it was to stop previous attempts on its land. Perhaps this creature for all of the talking names we give it at being evil. Are actually wrong, maybe this creature wishes trying to live a contempt of life alone in silence until we came and disturbed it. Maybe it is our own Foley that has caused this creatures rapid evolution."

"... It could... Very well be that... I know so... Because Lord Rafael has told me so much."

"Ah, so our Lord has come to you once more, what a lucky lady you are. Mrs Marry. I wonder if your title of innocent maiden, is incorrect, seeing as though you've charmed our Lord's Heart.

"Ahhh! F-father Henderson!! T-thats not it!"

The Arch Bishop gave a hardy laugh at the most blushing nun, he wiped tears of joys from his eyes as he smiled with a youthful chuckle coming from his lips.

"I know dear, however We both cannot ignore the signs. I fear that Lord Rafael has been strucken with the most devastating of curses, That is also the most heavenly blessing."

"... Love..."

"Yes, I see it in his eyes whenever I had my time to commune with him, about you. He is a heavenly enforcer, an entity made to be a pillar of justice, meant to sacrifice and to never reap reward. Unlike Lord Michael who has his younger siblings to watch over, Lady Gabriel with all of her subjects love to be had, and Sir Uriel who has his library and job to keep the wisdom of the world. Lord Rafael's job, and by proxy existence is arguably the hardest. He cannot love like Lady Gabriel, for love is an emotion that's sways the scales of justice, he cannot care like Michael for compassion can tip the scales of balance. Nor can he be reclusive like Lord Uriel, for justice is never reclusive. He is meant to be the arbiter of justice and to be a tool of its divine hand. But this requires him to live a life that can put him on a dangerous path. But he is also as compassionate as lady Gabriel herself And this is what drives him to be different than what he was designed for, and it what makes his fate a forever twisting thing."

".... I... I didn't know sir Rafael was so... That's..."

"Horrible, despicable, uncouth, many words can describe The predicament Lord Rafael is placed within. I fear that one day if he does not die in this war, The pressure of being this divine arbiter meant to be reclusive and yet still has a heart, Will drive him to Insanity. And with the stern rulings of their father, It is becoming more and more clear to me that he is a blade that is being grinded too much against the stone. He's losing his edge, He's losing his once obedience to his father's will."

"What will happen to Lord Rafael if he... Goes off?"

"He will fall, And it will be as grand of a fall as Lucifer himself."

".... Sir Rafael...."

"...." The Bishop looked back at the young girl and Sighed. "Let us hope Raphael's fate does not come to that."

"Let's pray..."

"Yes child, let's pray..."

*Meanwhile with Raphael*


"Raphael please calm down."


"Raphael your wings-"




Looking back the Archangel saw half of his twelve wings turned to ebony black raven wings, overcome by shock he quickly calm myself as he looked at who has yelled.

It was none other then Gabriel, his sister.

"Brother please, remain calm we can't-"

"How in the name of our father can I remain calm? They're killing each other over nonsensical things! Our own followers are killing other humans because they decided to help a single devil! Where is the reason and justice for putting the whole village to the sword because of one act of kindness! Sure it might have been to a devil, But there was no telling whether or not this devil was innocent or guilty! Can we just sit back and watch as they kill each other like animals! Answer me brother! Answer me sister! Where is it! Because I can't see it!"



".... How can you two remain so come? Don't you feel resentful?? Surely you do sister, They love you. They love you, and you treat their love with this?"

"Brother please stop, I can't do anything just the same as you. Father is-"

"Father this, father that, It's always the same with him."

Michael glared at his brother. "Careful brother, You're starting to sound like Lucifer."

"No unlike that arrogant asshole I listened, I obeyed, I did as I was told I did as my design was instructed. I have passed judgment whenever it was needed I have been the arbiter at which preserved peace for thousands of humans. I have cared, I have meticulously reviewed thousands of cases and carried out the will of justice every time with perfect efficiency. And yet now at a time of injustice, at a time or we could be there teaching and showing them they're wrongs, It's now suddenly okay for barbarism? It's suddenly okay to have hundreds of innocent men, women, and children blood spilling through the streets because of one person's actions? I'm not allowed to act within my bands even though this is what I am designed for! How is that anything like Lucifer! He did all this for a selfish reason! I HAVE DONE THIS OUT OF RESPECT! OUT OF LOVE FOR THESE CREATURES! AND THIS IS HOW I AM REWARD!! WITH BETRAYAL!"

Raphael's holy aura leaked from him like a tsunami, His anger was known, They wanted to say something they wanted to help but... They couldn't.

Because the worst tragedy of all was this, their brother Raphael was the most human-like, like Lucifer in the past. And yet he was given the most inhuman position.

What a twist, a cruel twist.

Gabriel went to reach out to her brother, But he slapped her hand away, The anger in his eyes caused her to stumble back as he scoffed, he readied his wings and flew out of heaven.

Michael and Gabriel could only look down, ashamed.

They could do nothing, once again.

It seems as though Destiny was going to repeat itself.

And this time it would be Rafael's turn.

*With Raphael*

The Archangel did not care for where he went He flew down, down beyond any watchful eye of heaven, into the darkest reaches of the underworld to wear upon finding a quiet spot in the woods He sat down beside a Crystal lake and looked upon his own reflection.

How is he the arbiter of justice? What cruel design made him into such a was it his fate to have such emotions and yet be forced to abandon them time after time again in order to follow out to this twisted creed of their father?

Was he doomed to always shun this part of him, until eventually he broke? What was the point in his creation other than making his entire life a sick joke.

He was alone now, as always, But here he could reflect on his actions. He felt his stomach twist, Is outburst reminded him of Lucifer's before his fall. The day where the greatest tragedy in heaven had a rised.

Was he destined to become a fallen? Was he destined to be stripped of his grace, his gold, After everything that he's done? After leaving by the example their father for so long was he just destined to fall? To lose everything?

What of Marry? What of his territory? What of everything that he has strived to accomplish? Would it all just wither away, would his faith be twisted?

What was even the point of Faith? Does it even have any meaning?

What exactly is the point of the heaven system?

Why do they require humans worship?

So many things came to mind and yet so many questions had no answers to them and it felt like his mind was being plunged into the depths of insanity. He wished he knew the reason why, desperately sought the answers but there was nothing.

He sat here alone, surrounded by bushes, insects and animals, and just wonder what had happened in his life that got him to this point?

Was he really a failure?

Just like they're oldest sibling?

Was he-

"Well well well, What do we have here, I never expected to be having such a renowned guest within my territory."


The Archangel flung himself into action, He recognized that voice, The voice of the Overlord! Readying himself a light spear He quickly bathed his body in golden light as he dashed towards his enemy, he took the overlord off guard as he rammed his spear into her chest but... He began to hear laughing.

"Ahahahahaha! Oh~ so this is what pain feels like~ I forgotten it ever since I've arrived."

The Archangel stood frozen with shock, He noticed that the holy energy although damaging the creature, slowly being pushed back by its biology.

"Sorry unfortunately for you I didn't come for a fight, However get this weak ass spear out of me."

With speed he wasn't ready for, She reached up grabbed The end of his spear before twisting her arm down. Shattering the holy construction in an instant.

With his weapon shattered and himself pushed back by her sudden monstrous display of strength, He looked upon the giant before him as he prepared for combat... When he felt no hostile intent from her.

Confused he looked upon her, And she looked upon him with eyes that was a hidden invitation.

"... What do you want creature."

"I'm really wish to talk with you is all. I think there are things You and I can discuss."

"What could I possibly discuss with the likes of yo-"

"That territory you're controlling, ya its about to be hit by a coup."


"Ya, the first archbishop is planning to fully take over the religion, he's planning a coup right now as we speak."

Raphael narrowed his eyes at the Overlords claim. "How would you know that, You can't send your scout into my territory. My holy barrier would detect them."

"True if these were the same troops 6 months ago that is, I'm surprised you haven't learned already Archangel Raphael, I evolve. I am forever growing, and forever changing, What works on me one week will not work the other. Whatever strategy you use on me just slow me down beforehand. Ah, yell you'll be lucky if that same strategy has even half of the same effect as before. It was easy to get my troop to be partially resistance to your holy barrier, Just enough to slip them right through. Once they were inside all they had to do was just hide there presences with either invisibility, or complete presence eration. The moment that happened your people were none the wiser."

"Tch, Don't gloat."

The overlord rolled her eyes "Come now, enough with your pissy attitude. I'm here to offer you something."

"Why should I humor on this "offer"? you have already told me the only thing you to get leverage on me. Now I have it, So why should I even consider your offer I could leave right now, or battle you until one of us are dead."

"Will to answer your questions I'll put it like this, number one, you won't leave because you're not that kind of person, I know men like you. With a strong sense of duty that I greatly respect for I share the same devotion to a cause. You would sooner die then pass of a chance to potentially save what's closest to you even if it means taking aid from an unlikely source. As for your other points well heres the honest answers.You could try to kill me, It won't work because I'm immortal. And lastly if we were to battle I would undoubtedly kill you especially since you have landed in my territory, as a result I can just consume you right now but I choose not to. Now will you listen?"

Raphael was now with people would call a rock stuck in a hard place, on one end this entity before him was an absolute monster, It took away free will, souls, and even the peaceful means of passing on from an individual. However This entity might be the only thing that can save his territory from the destruction from within.

His mind raced back to Marry, the image of her frightened face surrounded by knives and blood stains caused the angels mind to race with fury.

The overlord saw his wings flicker black and she smirked, looks like she was right on this call.

"... Make it quick, What is this offer?"

"Simple, I would like in exchange for the information on your territory, for you, Archangel Raphael to be allies with me."


"What's so surprising?"

"Why would you assume that I would ever be allies with you? Also why me? Why make allies of me and not my brother Michael, or sister Gabriel?"

"You mean why would I pick you, the reasonable man with a strong sense of conviction and determination for his work, and who's love drives him to be better. Over his golden child brother Who was just Daddy's little Aaron boy, and your attention whore of a sister, Who gets to be loved by everyone but would sooner turn her back on them at her father's command. Do you see one I pick you, Because unlike your other golden children you're the black sheep of the herd. You're actually willing to stick your own grace and life on something that you deem right, And that actually is right, unlike whatever the fuck your father's failed religion says to do."

Perhaps Raphael had been consumed too much by emotions and wasn't thinking straight but... He detected a hint of aggression towards his religion. A religion that this entity has not even had any interaction with.

"... You speak with venom on the religion and the topic of my siblings as if you have met them."

"I've met similar religions before, let's just put it like this kid. Religions like that are bullshit. It's just whatever the hell The big one upstairs decides, and All the small ones have to abide by Daddy's Golden rule or else they're declared heretics, blasphemers, and so on and so forth. And even then when You believe you done everything by his rules you still lose in the end. To quote one of my favorite quotes on this subject. "There is no winning When you play by a twisting tyrants rules." That is exactly what this religion is. That is exactly how I view the heavens logic, gives emotions to you angels. And never expects you to act on them, your ment to be perfect little obedient puppets, and foot soldiers to be in their grand army. But the moment you try to experience life that you were given you're punished for it. Existence is all about virtue and sin, to live an entire life just by one alone is to miss out on life itself. However the moment you will even have the idea of moving beyond your virtue you're struck down and cast away and deemed as enemies, Fallen heretical garbage."

The Overlord took a deep breath, However her eyes never looked away from Raphael.

"And then there were your siblings, Michael who's supposed to be the leader of the archangels and Gods messenger. However instead of getting his happy ass down here and actually fighting the meaningful fight like oh I don't know, preventing corruption, and all that. He would rather waste his time killing devils, killing fallen angels, then actually protect what is required for your guy's existence. And don't even get me started on your sister, who's entire doctrine is about living life fully and embracing love. Only for said "love" that she supposedly shares with her followers to be left at their damn front door covered in dirt the moment one of them get heretical. Like how they where designed for, Don't you get it now Rafael?"

"I... Yes... It's all... Rather-"

"Hypocritical, every your father damn thing thing wrong with heaven, is all because of hypocrisy. Shit even Lucifer feels to this."

"Lucifer was arrogant, He was prideful, and thought he could do better than our father, he was-"

"Acting completely within the bounds of which your father designed for you all."


"Lucifer from what I've gathered from all of the devil's of his blood line, was meant to represent the humanity of being an angel, however when he stepped into sin instead of virtue low and behold your father cast him out. Sure did he rebel, absolutely. But look at it from his point of view. He wanted him to sacrifice his entirety of his free will, to be a pawn in shaping the early stages of humanity. He was ordered to give up his free will to be at the mercy of others. When he denied this Well guess he was a heretic. And Because of his own wanting, he was forced to fall. Now tell me, Who is that remind us of? Oh ya, you."


"Yes Raphael, you. I've seen how you act, I've heard and seen the memories of those who have viewed you. You have a wanting of your own, You have a human side of you that is constantly being shunned because you're meant to be a tool in your father's plan. A plan that involves a religious takeover, Because what are you like it or not. The fanatics working underneath your banner or actually attracting the main number of followers that powers your system. The fanatic belief of heaven, and those zealots who preach it attract the most followers. They're dark grim actions a reminder to those who stray from the path forcing obedience to the only religion that matters that being the biblical religion. What do you think god allowed an entire village to be put to the flame. Because it would remind everyone what happens when you stray from the religious path. We're in an age where belief is the strongest thing next to magic. And because of the nature of faith, and how easy it can be taken and twisted. Does it show just how truly corrupt things actually are. You all call me the greatest evil, pff please. I'm not even on the top 100 when it comes to your factions heinous ass crimes."

The angel Just stood there, The forbidden words of the Overlord pelted his brain like buckshot they're jello.

Her words carried sense, It was true, He wanted to deny it but he was seeing the entirety of the events play out with his own eyes, the religious marches, the zealotry that drew in countless numbers of new fanatics and religious partakers inside of there ever expanding religion.

All the heinous unjust Acts by all the other humans underneath their banner, how could they claim to be any better than the devils when they would allow such barbarism like this?

How are they any better?

How is he his brothers and his sisters any better than just simple pawns on a board?

Parasites that feed off of humanity's prayers, That would let those who stray from the path be killed mercilessly in order to avoid contaminating the other food sources.

It made him sick, He wanted to vomit. As his eyes wandered He felt a gentle hand lay on his shoulder.

Looking up he saw the Overlord looking down at him, This alien God, This all devouring beast of darkness showed compassion with her eyes. He was taken aback, He had expected this just to be a ruse, a trap but now... Now he wasn't so sure because he was seriously starting to believe every word she said.

"I reached out to you because I believe that we can make a change, or at least help each other out. As I said before I admire your determination, I used to share such determination with friends just like you in the past. You're not a bad guy, You're just a dude trying to make right in a world full of wrongs. Now I'll give you this for listening to me yapping on for so long, Tonight at 1:00 am several of your bishops are going to converge under the cover of darkness, they're going to pass on information to assassins. I recommend that you either interfere, and risk punishment, or You get those that you love out of there. And you can bring them here and I'll provide shelter. And with this I believe our business is done Raphael."

The overlord turned around and walked away, She raised her hand as the Sculk rose up with it forming a gateway to take her back to her empire.



"Hm?" The overlord looked back at him.

".... Thank you... Truly... This means a lot."

"Then make haste on my warning."

"What about our allegiance? Shirley you want to form a pack?"

"Why would I bind you to some kind of contract? All that would do is put you in a position no better than the one you're currently within with your father. I do not have to bind you to a contract or from a pact with you for you to be considered an ally of mine. For I believe that you and I, entities of determination, and conviction. Can understand and respect one another's words. And We can have a meaningful bond, and alliance form from that."

"So you wish for nothing?"

"There is one thing, After you are done saving your territory. I wish for you to return to this spot and I wish to discuss this item I have proclaimed."

She showed the Ender eye and as she did Raphael's eyes widened.

"That item, where did you get it?"

"From one of your dead adventurers that your head Bishop sent to my territory to investigate."

"I see, So that explains why you have the eye of Ender."

The overlord smiled in her brain at that. "You know this item?"

"Yes, It is a key to a powerful bastion. It is said by our father to be one of three others, that act as the keys keeping the portal close that is within. It is said that beyond the portal a great power resides there."

"I see, Tell me, would bringing all three eyes together reveal the location of this bastion?"

"It would yes, why do you ask? Do you seek the power on the other side? And if so, for what?"

Raphael and the overlord now stood at a standstill, His suspicious eyes looking upon her form as her still body Just stood there in silent anticipation.

"Well if you must know, I wish to slay the dragon on the other side."

"The dragon?.... Wait do you actually know what's on the other side of that portal!?"

"Yes, I do. It is a mighty beast, said to be able to bring the end of all things. I wish to slay it, to not only free the people of the dimension, but also to claim it's power to use it to protect my faction and my daughter, much the same as you wish to claim higher holy power to protect your faction and Marry."

".... I see... To think that beyond that portal such a thing could be possible.... I understand. Although I cannot fully believe it as of now for obvious reasons, I'm sure we can come to some form of arrangement in the future."

"Yes, I believe so. Now off you go. You have a faction to save after all."

Raphael took off in order to go prevent the tragic faith that was supposed to befall his faction.

As he did so the overlord smiled, she walked threw her portal and Infront of Yasaka who was waking up from a tiny nap she had on the throne.

"Hello Mom, did your talk with Raphael go well?"

"Yes, He is quite the fellow. Suspicious yes but I don't blame him for the circumstances that surrounded our meeting. However he believed my words and he He and I could possibly be partners now in the near future."

"Did you ask him about the eye?"

"I did, He has information on them. Hopefully on the location of the last two. So hopefully in the near future we can bring the eyes together in order to find the stronghold which they believe is a bastion."

"And When you go through a portal inside the stronghold, you'll kill the Ender Dragon, right?"

"Yes, That way you can have your own guardian when I am away."

"Hehehe When do I get my own pet dragon?"

Yasaka asked with sparkles appearing around her and in her eyes, Her face contorting to that of pure 110% excitement.

"Ahahahahaha, hopefully here soon. Whenever our dearest friend Raphael has time for another meeting."



[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 7 months

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)

Looks (current):

Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (High Supreme being)], [magic (High Supreme being)], [extreme potential (High Supreme)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [Regeneration (High Supreme)], [adaptation (High Supreme)], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (high ultimate), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections (high Supreme)], [camouflage], [stealth (Supreme)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (Supreme)], [cold resistance (Supreme)], [heat resistance (Supreme)], [bioluminescence], [agility (Supreme)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (Supreme)], [Magic Sense (Supreme)], [Fallen Angel wings (supreme)], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (Low Supreme)], [light resistance (Supreme)], [Ultimate Holy power], [holy resistance (Godly)], [fire resistance (High Godly)], [Draconic Scales (High Godly)], [draconic flames (High Godly)], [Dragons Fear (Low Supreme)], [magic amplification (devil wings) (High Godly)], [demonic power], [demonic resistance (High Godly)], [demonic weapons], [spirit sight], [Ki manipulation (High ultimate)], [chakra manipulation (High Ultimate)], [hypersonic hearing (Nekomata ears (retractable)], [Ki amplification (spirit fox tails(retractable) (Ultimate)], [Angel wings (High Ultimate)], [Magic amplification (angel wings) (Ultimate)], [Demonic Power of Destruction (low godly)], [Demonic Phoenix reconstitution (High Ultimate)], [Heightened Physical Strength (Low Supreme)],

Absorbed magic: [Earth(High Godly)], [Air(Godly)], [Illusion (Ultimate)], [holy (High Ultimate)], [light (Low Godly)], [healing (High Godly)], [Fire (high godly)], [Draconic (Godly)], [lightning magic (Godly)], [Holy lightning magic (High Ultimate)], [Water magic (High Ultimate)], [Storm magic (Godly)], [summoning magic (Ultimate)], [Demonic magic (ultimate)], [Demonic Flames (High Ultimate)], [Draconic lightning (High Ultimate)],

Absorbed Ki techniques: [Spirit flame (ultimate)], [Ki sense (high ultimate)], [Fox fire (high)], [Ki ability enhancement (high ultimat)], [Spirit Step (high)].


Weakness (miner):

None; has gained almost complete immunity against all former miner weakness

Core Weakness:

Resistance to demonic: 52%

Resistance to holy: 62%


Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 108,731

Animals: 321,754

Insects: 988,776

Variant Human: 37,432

Devil: 32,300

Fallen angel: 42,652

Dragons : 21

Youkai: 72

Neko: 2

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 2,367

Objective: uncover the secrets of the Ender eye

[Update pending]

THEIR You have it ladies and gentlemen This newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it.

Sorry for not updating in a while I have been bogled down with life stuff and also getting sick but I'm back I got this out for you all and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Our first meeting with Raphael has been concluded and it seems that our dearest Archangel boy has conflicting emotions currently. Will he listen to the Overlords words and possibly become an enemy of heaven or will he find her words to be blasphemous and attempt to kill her once more.

Find out next time on Sculk Invasion!

Joking but as you can see the wheels of Fate are turning and here soon the mystery of the Ender eyes Will be solved It's just a matter of time of how much longer until it is completed.

On top of that our MC seems to be getting more powerful with each and every chapter I wonder how much longer until certain dragons take notice of her.

Until then ladies and gentlemen take care have a wonderful evening or afternoon or morning or whenever the hell you are all reading this.

Word count: 9105

DIO OUT!!!!!

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