Chapter Three 𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙

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There he stood, a high ranking fallen angel such as himself, against this being of absolute nightmare fuel.

Her stature, towering over his smaller feeble form, casting a shadow over him, dwarfing the fallen within a abyss that threatened to consume his being.

Though his heart sung fiercely with fear his pride lit the burning path, he conjured his signature spear of light, as he watched his fallen friends crouch down, like raptors ready to pounce, there nails had clawed the ground below as some kind of green oz leaked from them, forming oozing blade dark green weapons that leaked the infection that had taken over there bodies. And like the rabid dogs they had become they waited the order to pounce by there master.

His heart trembled as he watched the woman of nightmares look upon his eyes, he shook, his legs wanting to turn, but he shouted and flew forth, he charged as they jumped there wings giving a boost as they clashed in a two way lock.

However he expected this overlord to do something, anything, he was watching as she stood still, but her eyes spoke everything he needed to hear.

She wasn't even registering him as a threat, he was a pest, and she turned away from him and walked away.

As he deflected the infested light spear he gritted his teeth, first she murders and turns his friends into these abominations and now she would just walk away like he wasn't even hear!?

With a roar he threw his spear at her turned body, but her hand shot up, while her head remained turned. And grabbed his spear out of the air, causing it to freeze before her might as he was felt baffled.

"... I've already won."

Her saying made him question life itself, he had not been touched he-

And then, his chest began to hurt, hurt like something was clawing into him.

The pain was a light but soon it began to get worse, his heart had a force applied to him as if something was grabbing his heart, his might casing the spear to shatter in his hand giving the other two time to pounce onto him.

He screamed as his flesh was devoured/mangled, by both the zombie like beings his comrades became, ans by this infection that had somehow gotten him.

The overlord However crouched down before the child, she had covered her ears and eyes as she slowly picked her up, the small girl buried her face into the beings bosom as the gentle hand of the overlord creased threw her hair.

The overlord looked back as the man desperately reach towards the heaven wordlessly praying for God, but his soul would soon become another part of her dark empire.

With a smile she walked away, the child still held lovingly in her arms as she arrived at the point which brought her here.

As she commanded, space-time tore open as she walked threw the infection in reality as she arrived back in her city.

As she held the child in her arms, she saw the girl raise her head and look around, she saw the Sculk move in mass, it consumed any, and all within this alien realm.

She was scared, she clenched onto the overlord as she fearfully looked into her dark charming emerald eyes.

"Fear not child, I have no intent to consume you into my network. Instead, I sought you out for your own well being. Come, you must be tired. I shall take you to my room, there we can discuss what shall be done regarding your stay, or departure."

The girl just nod, either too scared, or to baffled to respond.

And the Overlord chuckled at this, she walked threw her city of Sculk as it praised her return, as she climbed up the temple in her honor she arrived, and the child was fast asleep in her arms as she reached her destination, making her chuckle as she sat down upon her throne and brushed her hair.

She would wait for the little one and then, time and discussion would tell what acts transpires next.

[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 5 weeks

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)

Looks (current):

Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (ultimate)], [magic(ultimate)], [extreme potential (ultimate)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [adaptation], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (ultimate), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections], [camouflage], [stealth (high)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (high)], [cold resistance (high)], [heat resistance (high)], [bioluminescence], [agility (ultimate)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (high)], [Magic Sense (ultimate)], [Fallen Angel wings], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (high)], [light resistance (high)],[Greater Holy power], [fire resistance (high)], [Draconic Scales (high)], [draconic flames (high)], [Dragons Fear (high)]

Absorbed magic: [Earth(high)], [Air(high)], [Illusion (mid)], [holy (high)], [light (high)], [healing (mid)], [Fire (high)], [Draconic (high)]


Weakness (miner):

- lightning

Core Weakness:




Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 123

Animals: 3,479

Insects: 9,752

Variant Human: 0

Devil: 0

Fallen angel: 3

Dragons : 1

Youkai: 0

Neko: 0

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 0

Objective: care for the young Kitsune

[Update pending]

*Two weeks sense the rescue*

Over the course of time the Overlords seemingly lonely existence had now been challenged by the addition of the new Young Kitsune who she found out was named Yasaka.

Turns out that she was kidnapped by a fallen angel by the name Kokabiel.

Turns out that Yasaka is the daughter of Tamamo-no-Mae, a legendary Kitsune thought to be on the same level of power as Ddraig and Albion who the overlord learned where beings known as heavenly dragons. Entities that possess threats to entire realms of existence and could easily destroy the human world, and several parts of the underworld and heaven if left unchecked.

Reason this fallen angel Kokabiel set up this whole thing was to get her mother Tamamo-no-Mae to become a weapon for the Fallen angel faction. By using Yasaka as a hostage they could essentially control her into battling whoever or whatever they needed, making the fallen angels more likely to win this great war. Sense they would have a more powerful weapon in there side.

The news of what is happening outside, and finding out she's within the underworld herself made the overlord step up her game, realizing the possible threat ahead she waited for the beast of flame that slept lower down to fall into blissful dreams, before attacking it with a tsunami of Sculk that buried its way into It's insides and soul, devouring the great Dragon and taking it over. It wasn't an honorable battle by no means, however with the possibility of her potentially being dragged into this great war She had to step up her power as quickly as possible.

Alongside Yasaka informing her of the matters of the supernatural and all the existing factions, places and what's nots, the Overlord had a good sense of where to push and where to defend.

However she couldn't win this fight alone, her power as stated by her now somewhat adopted daughter told her she was around the same level of power as the Lucifer, the devil king who's powers could challenge gods, but that wasn't enough for her. Her old gamer and military habits kicked back in. She needed every advantage, power up, and or exploit she can to win this battle with a landslide. So she would need an army, but this requires souls. But luckily thanks to her Dragonfly's out in the world she found a massive adventuring camp that was stationed not to far away.

From spying on them she's come to learn that the human, animal, and life disappearence alongside the disturbance in the forest had not gone unnoticed. As a result a large band of people where brought together to find, and burn away whatever nest was made here in this forest.

This posed an interesting position for the Overlord, there group consisted over two hundred plus individuals all equipped with powerful magic armor, weapons, and various types of magic that she could take. On top of that some seemed like variant humans on top of that with them being blends of dragons, angels, fallens, and even devils. Unfortunately there where no demi-gods which thank the Sculk for that because she wasn't sure she could take on the likes of Hercules but this was enough.

Though the problem for these poor souls was that where they would be walking into was a forest completely consumed by her Sculk, as a result she had home terf advantage.

And not to mention her little trump card she not possessed.

Looking back as the Great Dragon raised its infected skull it looked upon the overlord as her eyes stared deeply into the beast, soon with a wave of her hand thousands of eggs formed within the birthing grounds, after some time replicas of the infected fallens sprouted with many carrying six wings, while a small amount had eight.

Her army of dark angels flew up into the cavern as there numbers blocked the sight of the stone wall behind them.

Yasaka who sat within her lap looked upon her somewhat new mothers creations with widened eyes as she watched the Overlord flick her fingers up as the angels flew out of the Cave and into the land above open sky, darkening the sky with there thousands of wings that blocked the light.

And like a school of fish they all flew together, as the Overlord sat back, she diverted her attention towards the lower land she conquered, mainly the old dragons layer as she could see six massive eggs still incubating.

"Looks as though my Dragons are growing nicely."

"When will they be ready?" Asked Yasaka.

"In a few more days, the Dragon here is equivalent to that army I sent out in just a single unit. It will take longer for these majestic beast to grow to there full maturity. But that wait will be well worth it. And so will my next creations."

"And what are those?"

"Hm, my wardens of course."

Yasaka looked alittle surprised, the overlord had told her about theses beast how there power eclipsed the might of a dragon who resided in the end of all things, a beast of Sculk and souls that blind furry knew no limits, a beast what could tear apart the mightiest of champions and that only an army could slay.

They sounded terrifying, but after being here for so long Yasaka expected nothing less.

With a smile she shared with the overlord both sat back, Yasaka sitting comfortably upon her new mothers lap, and the Overlord who had not begun brushing her new daughters tails keeping them as nice and clean as can be.

But as for the force on the outside, well...

They where assaulted by and army that abused them in the darkest reaches of the infested lands.

Many where either killed or taken by this infection, some ran as others pressed on filled by rage or a sense of divine purpose.

And all the while as they looked upon this land, feeling the dark magic they wondered what sort of monster had taken refuge within this sector of the forest.

All the while from the comfy reaches of her throne the Overlord just watched, brushing her daughters tails as she just waited for them to either reach her City, or for them to all eventually die out.

However something strange could be felt as she looked upon the white dresses girl as she wielded a holy staff.

She couldn't see it, but it was upon her neck, maybe she was wearing a strange pendant or neckless of some kind?

Honestly she couldn't tell, but as things where it seemed like she didn't need to worry all to much.

Though her eye did land on the red scaled armored man who held a massive longsword within his hands, he bore the armor made from the scales of dragons, and his aura was that of a man who's essence closely tied with the beast he hunted.

Realizing he was the strongest among them she snapped her finger, the beast she now commanded roses from behind, and as it did so did she.

She wasn't going to sit back for much longer she had her Intel.

Setting Yasaka down upon her Throne Yasaka was confused as she sat here as she watched the Overlord reach out and pat her head, before she descended down the steps.

"... Make sure you come back..."

Yasaka said in a low voice, but it was clear there was panic in it.

The Overlord looking back gave a smile, "of course child".

Yasaka reciprocated the smile as the Overlord now waited.

Let's see how many would come to challenge her, in the heart of Her Dark Kingdom.

*Two hours later*

Time had passed as it always does, she stood there like the final boss waiting for her opponents to arrive but they weren't here. Maybe they had been consumed?

No, that could be it, she did not feel there souls within her network, so she looked and saw them.... Above her, there ranged had his bow drawn and was taking aim.

'Ah, they are expecting to ambush me.'

Not moving to keep her opponents unaware of the danger there within she flicked her flingers down, the group of four was confused until the stone pointed pillar above broke off and fell right up on them, causing them to have to take action as they leaped off and onto one of the towers, as the stone pillar was soon grabbed by the infection and pulled against the wall so it wouldn't crush the overlords home.


That was all they got to hear as they watched the Sculk begin to flood towards them making them again jump out in order to escape certain death.

While they nearest the ground the ranger fired, his arrow coated in some kind of toxin nearest the overlords head but with a slight movement of her skull the arrow flew right passed her.

They landed in the alley she was within, the Dragon slayer readying his bladez the healer getting towards the back, with the mage who conjured a ball of flames, and the ranger who climbed up to get a better look upon everything.

They looked like a good party, coordinated, strong, and overall quite brave.

But they already lost as they are within her territory, the very land itself was hers to command. As a result she snapped her fingers as a portal opened below all five of them, and they where gone.

They appeared in a wide open space, deep, deep underground.

The overlord transported them to another sub cavern deeper down to avoid their battle destroying our city and the birthing grounds, here they could fight with no limitations and she still held home terf advantage.

But words where wasted on a fight like this, because the slayer charged her as soon flames and arrows all flew towards her, though because of her reflexes she dodged the range attacks with zero difficulty, it was not the slayer who swung his sword upon her that was the annoying one.

He was fast, very very fast, that blade which could be considered a Final fantasy special, swoshed swoshed through the air like a knife through butter.

He was pressuring her while the others tried to steer her towards the back wall to restrict movement, not a bad plan.

Unless the thing you're going up against is a fucking no life gamer, and growled military tactician.

As such when the slayer swung she used her wing magic to generate a vortex around her body, the rising wing wrapped around her body like armor pushing the surrounding space away from her violently, a carry the same strength as a tornado however instead of pulling it repelled, making his blades trajectory shoot severely off course and taking him with it leaving him open to one of the Overlord's signature attacks.

Her sonic blast.

Her chest opened revealing a mass of energy, that she then discharged which cracked the air before them, as there ears was slammed with a violent eardrum piercing boom. And the slayer vomited blood within his helmet as his entire body was slammed by an attack that bypassed his armor, magic and all defenses.

He was thrown a good bit, his body slamming upon the ground as he layed there.

The group where confused, was just one attack really all it took?!

Even the overlord was surprised, she never imagined her blast to be this strong, but then again it was an upgraded version of the wardens sonic boom which could kill full Netherite players so there was that.

With there tank/DPS now presumingly dead, they would have to run, however the overlord had other plans.

'lets do some testing'

From the tips of her fingers a Sculk web like substance was created, she whipped her hand forward as a web of some sort wrapped around the rangers throat, before her could scream a purple venom like substance began to ooze from the web, however it acted more like acid, melting through his skin, muscle, voice box, and eventually his neck causing his head to detach and roll onto the ground.

The mage was next, the overlords eyes shines a bright green as the outstretched mages arm soon turned to stone, they looked horrified as there spell was canceled out and also the entire limb was no unusable, the cleric tried to use her healing magic to reverse the damage but the infected ground reached out and snatched her up and pulled her away, she was soon out of range and watched as the overlord calmly walked towards the mage, before passing them, but not before a massive spider leg sprouted and impaled his heart, as his from was picked up and taken with her, as his lifeless corpse dangled from the leg.

Left alone, and scared the cleric prayed, her shaking hands clutching her neckless as a shadow was cast overhead.

Looking up as tears where in her eyes she watched as a purple aura surrounded her before her eyes reopened as a frightful flash a crimson projected from her eyes as a deep sense of dread washed over her, causing her mind to cease function.

The overlord was currently using [Dragons Fear], a unique race trade belonging to all the draconic races, able to focused there might through the magic they create within there body to apply a powerful aura based attack that would cause any lesser being to fall before there dominance.

And it seemed this was no difference.

Though as she conjured her Draconic flames within her hand to see what this would do, she stopped.

The cleric still underneath the dragon's fear could only watch as she reached down and pulled out her neckless, and watched as her eyes widened at what was a upon the neckless.

"An Eye of Ender... I see, so the end does exist within this world."

The Cleric tried to speak but instead the Overlord simply ripped the necklace from her neck before activating her [Draconic Flames] and the Cleric departed the world in a nanosecond.

Now with the Sculk to take all four of there bodies she observed the eye as it seemed to begin glowing, as a pale line was projected that pointed through the wall of her empire.

'Is it pointing me towards the stronghold? Wait hold on a second... If it's pointing towards there, does that mean that the ender Dragon exist?'

Many things were to be considered after this attempted raid, and the overlord would need time to herself to review things.

However things seemed to be progressing greatly for her.


[Bio Updated: Sculk Overlord

Name: ???

Race name: Sculk

Type: Overlord

Age current: 5 weeks

Height m: 3m tall (9 feet 10.11 inches)

Looks (current):

Overlord traits:

[Body Recreation], [Immortal Soul], [Hive Mind], [Sculk Creation/control], [Sculk Omnipresent/omniscient]

Sculk traits:

[Soul Absorption/manipulation], [Experience Absorption/Manipulation], [Sonic Blast], [Infestation], [Dimensional Travel], [Otherworldly Nature].

Absorbed traits:

[Sight (ultimate)], [magic(high ultimate)], [extreme potential (high ultimate)], [exoskeleton], [Wings (insect)(retractable)], [antenna (retractable)], [limb regeneration (lizard)], [adaptation (high)], [compound eyes], [magic aura] (high ultimate), [claws (retractable)], [Night vision], [thermal vision], [scales], [venom creation], [hyperfast reflections (high ultimate)], [camouflage], [stealth (ultimate)], [raptorial legs], [echolocation], [Wings (bats) (retractable)], [weather resistance (high)], [cold resistance (high)], [heat resistance (ultimate)], [bioluminescence], [agility (high ultimate)], [pincers (retractable) (insect)], [petrification (basilisk)], [silk weaving (spider)], [spider appendages (retractable)], [spider fangs (retractable)], [presents concealment (ultimate)], [Magic Sense (high ultimate)], [Fallen Angel wings (high)], [holy power], [light weapons], [magic amplification (fallen wings) (high)], [light resistance (high)], [Greater Holy power], [holy resistance (high)], [fire resistance (high)], [Draconic Scales (high)], [draconic flames (high)], [Dragons Fear (high)], [magic amplification (devil wings) (mid)], [demonic power], [demonic resistance (mid)], [demonic weapons], [spirit sight], [Ki manipulation (mid)], [chakra manipulation (mid)], [hypersonic hearing (Nekomata ears (retractable)], [Ki amplification (spirit fox tails(retractable)],

Absorbed magic: [Earth(high)], [Air(high)], [Illusion (high)], [holy (high)], [light (high)], [healing (ultimate)], [Fire (ultimate)], [Draconic (high)], [lightning magic (mid)], [Holy lightning magic (low)], [Water magic (high)], [Storm magic (low)], [summoning magic (low)], [Demonic magic (mid)], [Demonic Flames (low)], [Draconic lightning (low)]

Absorbed Ki techniques: [Spirit flame (mid)], [Ki sense (mid)], [Fox fire (low)], [Ki ability enhancement (high)], [Spirit Step (mid)].


Weakness (miner):

None; has gained resistance against all former miner weakness

Core Weakness:

Resistance to demonic: 21%

Resistance to holy: 40%


Beings Assimilated/killed:

Human: 201

Animals: 3,479

Insects: 9,752

Variant Human: 122

Devil: 0

Fallen angel: 3

Dragons : 1

Youkai: 0

Neko: 0

Gods: 0

Spirits: 0

Vampires: 0

Angels: 0

Objective: uncover the secrets of the Ender eye

[Update pending]


"Brother... We must talk."

"What is it, Raphael?"

Turning around a man with twelve massive gold wings looked upon another brother of his, he shared the same twelve wings as he did however his cloths where that of a warrior.

"Have you not felt it? Another great evil has infected this world, it takes refuge in the dark forest of the underworld and it threatens all in its wake, out followers have meet there end and cannot go to the cycle of reincarnation. There souls are gone taken away by this evil, please, I must ask you. Ask father to allow me and my champions to quell this evil, if we allow it heaven may face another threat worst then even our fallen brother Lucifer."

"Brother Rafael, you know as well as I that doing so will invite the wrath of many, if we do this heaven and the forces he have down already fighting in this war would be divided, without you and your squad we may face greater retaliation. I'm sorry, but as father said originally we cannot..."

"So your fine with this?! Out faithful are dying brother! And worst of all they are not receiving the promised end at which comes from our faith! What is a religion if not to be cherished and defended so that all who follow it may be protected and granted it's blessing by its teachings! You would just have me not face this evil!"

"Brother, calm yourself if you let your wrath overtake you, you will fall like our brothers beforehand."

The raging angel quickly calmed there being, he took deep breaths as his wrath was quelled. However anger still burned brightly in those holy eyes of his.

"Doing nothing is cowardice, those brave men and woman lay down there lives for us and we would let them be slaughtered? What has our faith brought to them, nothing but lies."

"I know how you feel brother, I do, I wish I could lend my aid, but I can't. I and father are facing the increasing numbers of devils at the great field, I'm unable to lend or do anything..."

"Tch, then why doesn't father handle this? Surely his presence isn't required for such a battle, the four devil kings haven't even made a move yet, it's just there servants. So why does father feel the need to be there for such a thing?"

"You know as well as I our father is wiser and more mysterious than any being in this world, or the others. He has a reason for his actions."

"Then what could be the reason why we sit back and let our followers be slaughtered? There words and faith guard our system, They are important They are vital, And yet we just let them die?"

".... I don't know brother, I don't."

Raphael the guardian of protection gritted his teeth, he turned and walked away from the archangel as he took flight.

His brother watched as he flew down and vanished.

With a sigh the eldest look down shamed and saddened.

"Why father, why let this be? I fear my dearest brother Raphael, may fall... For his love for humanity, may drag him down and his wings will fall as a result."

*Meanwhile with Raphael*

The Great angel heard a call, smiling he allowed his form to be washed in a golden light as he arrived within a chapel, there kneeling at an alter was the voice at which called to him,

"Oh great Raphael, you have answered my prayers."

The angel smiled as he landed before her, as she rose to greet him.

Before him, she was only up to his chest, and Raphael played his hand upon her shoulder as his touch made the woman's stuff shoulders loosen as the tension she felt dissolved.

"Of course I answered, I would be a fool not to. Your call is my choir after all."

The woman chuckles at his words, but a sadness spiked in Raphael's gut as he heard it, knowing he could never truly share in her kindest love.

"I'm honored by your words."

"Don't be, it's my truth after all."

The woman's smile made his heart beat but he quelled his rising emotions, knowing this feeling was forbidden among his kind.

"I'm glad, I could share in your truth then."

His heart aches at that statement, if only this girl knew how much that meant to him.

"Indeed, now what have you called me for?"

Her lips turned a little saddened at the sudden wanting of business but understood that he couldn't share in her words for him.

"I called you because we face a peril, the devil's have cursed our land, and fallens steal our faithful. Dragons have been seen flying overhead and recently the faithless has sent a army of heros to there death. It's only strengthen the corrupt influence over the masses, and we the faithful fear anymore actions of manipulation will lead to the to the destabilization of the truth you wish to spread. I called you hear because I did not know who else to ask... I fear we will meet our end."

Raphael's eyes grew fear within his holy pupils, his heart grew tight with worry, the thought of theses evils... The thought of the corrupt taking away the goodness he's worked so hard to maintain here in this sanctum made his wings beat a jetted black.

Why was faith and truth so easy to take advantage of? Why was goodness so hard to share in this world of fucking madness!

Why can't he act! He can smite them! But there father's words prevent him from acting! Humanity must fend on there own then what's the point of there warship if all they could do if offer meaningless guidelines and worthless knowledge that won't help them defend themselves!

The evil in the forest, the evil here in his own sanctum, why was the forces of corruption so easy to let by, why can't the higher powers act to quell this?

The priestess felt his worry, her hands gently took his which made his eyes wide, she held his open hands as she looked up to him, this act would be seen as heresy, this could get her killed and yet she did it, because she cared for him. And wanted him to know... She was still here.

He clenched his hands, his mind in shambles, for the truth was here... he loved her... He, Raphael and Archangel, loved a mortal, but this act was forbidden, and yet his heart still defied when his mind said he shouldn't. His mind wanted to believe in the word of God, but his heart wanted to protect her, and yet he couldn't because he was created to protect all, and not the few.

He was trapped, if he defied he would fall, he would never see his brothers, sister, or father ever again. And yet... He was trying to live by the words.

And felt trapped.

She couldn't run, she was a high ranking priestess of his order, if she did She would be branded as a heretic by the false weavers. But if she stayed she would shirley face certain death.

But if he acted, if he took her away he would be interfering with lives of morals, and would be going again his father to allow humanity to grow on its own. If he protected her out of love he would fall because he would act on his desires.

Any way this happened... He would either fall, or die of a broken heart.

And it made the angel face the grim reality.

Why did he fall in love with this mortal... Why did his heart yearn for her touch... Why was he made to be above them, and yet influenced by them... Why was his brothers and sisters not shown this truth...


That's all he could ask, why.

He just stood there, as he held her hands, as she did his.

Why was there love a forbidden thing?

Though the light grew dim, he heard the call of his forces and was reminded of the war. And she knew he had to leave, as such she left go but as she pulled her hands back he reached out, almost in desperation to not lose the warmth of her touch and took them back.

The priestess was shook, her blind covered her eyes from seeing his face but she could almost make out a face of a scared man, who was desperate for what he hold dear.

"Let me be selfish if only for a second..." Was the archangels words.

She felt her stomach twist, she feared those words would make his glow grow dim, as the act of selfishness was not in the angel way. And she was proven right as she felt a part of his heavenly glow die out.

"My lord... You must go, you cannot abandon your men, nor can you fall here."

".... I know... But I wish I didn't."

Slowly and hesitantly he let go, as did she. Both pulled away as the angel glowed and was gone.

He appeared beside his men as a battle filled with blood would commence once more.

But inside a crack formed along a glass heart.

*With the overlord*

*One month after the Discovery of the eye.*

The Sculk has spread, as it always shall, the overlord and her now fully accepted daughter walked the empty streets of this city together talking as they arrived towards the surface.

Upon there arrival the lightened sky made the two looked upon the forest of Sculk, here they stood as the overlord held out the eye, and the line shines once more.

"It's pointing towards the west."

"Yes it is, tell me sweetie, do you know where this may lead us?"

Yasaka glanced at the overlord, the new name she called her was a result of their talk, you see realizing the danger posed by returning by her mother's side. Sense she was kidnapped and wished not to put herself in the same situation once more. She agreed to take refuge with the Overlord, and stay by her side until they could safely return her back to her original mother's side. though they could keep in touch with the legendary Kitsune though short messages here and there. Which Tamamo-no-mae returned, there was no telling when they would be able to return yasaka, sense in the last message sent to them by Tamamo-no-mae. it seems as though a full on war had broken out over in their sector of the underworld, so it may take years for her to be able to safely return to her mother's side.

So this was just the best course of action. And as a result Yasaka would be by the overlords side for the foreseeable future, which is why they've gotten comfy with each others presence calling each other nicknames as a result.

Though to answer her new guardians question, Yasaka summoned a map of the underworld. which was originally part of her study material, but now proved to be a good guide on certain areas and territories for her guardian to gain knowledge from. And looked towards the west, there she saw that in order to head towards there destination, They would either have to go near, inside, or passed the familiar forest. Which was a huge problem because of one entity in particular.

Tiamat, the Dragon Queen of the Azure Flame.

She was a powerful beast, said to have hoarded thousands of powerful magical artifacts, and possessed a vast understanding of arcane power. She was Even an entity so powerful that given the right circumstances she could even pose a threat to the Heavenly dragons themselves. Her thirst for riches and other sorts of valuable aspects, items and knowledge made her a formidable opponent. And because of her reputation as an absolute destroyer, and ruthless tyrannical queen, confrontation with her would either result in an all-out battle or a bargaining session either one deadly for the opposition who's in the position against her.

Upon relaying the information to the Overlord, said Overlord knew that heading their was a death sentence. Tiamat from what her little fox has spoken of her was dozens maybe even tens of dozens of times stronger than the dragon she had assimilated down below in the caverns. Although if she brought her to a realm of Sculk she was sure she could whittled down the dragons resistances, and fearsome might, but there was no telling what else she possessed that could change the battle in her favor. As a result she wasn't to keen on finding out.

Realizing the threat she may face the overlord sighed, although she now possessed an army of Sculk dragon's which where copies of the original, and a Armada of sculk angels, she wasn't sure if theses were enough.

As a result she needed to think...

One v one against this potential threat was a no go, so she would need advantages, her sonic blast could bypass any and all defenses so this was a guaranteed attack that could cause damage, if she merged dragon slaying energy then this could be the best course of action to take to defeat her if it comes to a fight.

The problem was she didn't possess anything that had dragon slaying properties, as a result she couldn't replicate that magical power into her sonic blast.

She would need a powerful dragon slaying weapon, or artifact, with that she would have more confidence in taking on such a threat. The problem was now trying to find an item that would have that kind of property.

So She would put this on the back burner, instead she crouched down and stood beside Yasaka who turned the map to face her, as she observe the map.

And a village caught her eye.

"What villages is this?"

"That? If I remember correctly from what mother told me, this is a village inside of the Archangel Raphael's territory."

The mention of an Archangel made her eyes narrow.

"How powerful is an archangel?"

"Huh?" Yasaka looked at her guardian. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I have a weakness to holy, although I can use it, It's still harmful to me, however This is the first time I've heard of an archangel, So I'm wondering what kind of radiant shenanigans they can do."

Yasaka chuckled childishly never expecting an entity like her to use the word shenanigans. But she called herself and spoke. "In Archangel is the highest ranking of Angel besides the biblical God, They are able to bathe entire continents in holy power. Rafael is considered the second strongest Archangel behind his brother Michael. He is the Archangel of protection, journey and healing, he is also said to be a Angel of Justice who wishes to help all those who seek his belief. However by Angel doctrine He's unable to directly interfere with the lives of humanity, though he bears a love for them."

".... He sounds like a genuinely good guy, however this "angelic doctrine" seems to be fucking him over."

"Ahhh in a way ya, Angels have to abide by the word of the Biblical God, His words are their laws. As a result No matter how much Raphael shares his love with humanity, and his people, and wishes to help, he is unable to because of it."

"So they're like a religious thing right?"

"Ya, Angels require the prayers of humanity to exist, why do you ask?"

"If they require humanities prayers then why don't they help them more? Seems like everyone is getting screwed over in this war, the humans especially. Why not have the angels help them out more so that they would have reason to give prayers to them instead of just expecting it to happen, and never doing anything to receive it?"

"... I don't know, A lot of people have asked that question as well. But it's never been answered because no one can challenge the biblical God."

".... Guess religion in this world is stupid as hell as well, Just a self-driven idealism that expects everyone to abide by it, and yet they could shafted when they do. And when those who are genuinely good to try to make said religion and ideal important and meaningful, it gets screwed over by everyone else in control. Thinking their way is best, how the world doesn't change."

"Rrrigghht.... So what now?"

"... As of now we should wait, the Wardens are nearing their awakening, when they are born we can progress out more. However if this Rafael guy is the way he is, I would recommend we steer clear of him. Seems as though he's a genuinely good guy that only acts when acted upon, If at all possible I would like to make allies with him."

"You would want to make allies with Rafael? You do realize that not as many people in this world are going to be as open to being chummy with you as I am... right?"

"True, However I'm sure that someone as open as him can see that I'm not what my appearance makes me out to be. Although I have done some heinous shit, I've only done so out of self defense. I do not seek problems, The problems have come to me and I have dealt with them accordingly."

"Self defense.... Righttttt..."

"What? They attacked first, didn't they not? They said fire to my territory, They got what they deserved trying to burn down my land."

Yasaka just sighed at this, knowing many would share her same view.

"Ya ya, But just be careful with him. His holy power is equivalent to Michael, And I would rather not have my guardian be smited by him."

"Don't worry dear, I'm not that easy to get rid of. So long as my soul doesn't get destroyed or taken away, I am immortal."

"Oh, isn't that just nifty." Yasaka responded with sarcasm and sass.

"..... Screw you too little miss sassy"




Both shared a laugh as a portal opened.

"Come, let's head back, We can plot down within my city."

"Alright, I need a good nap anyways."

Chuckling the overlord watched her go in, once she went in she followed soon in as well.

And with it the great game had met its first and official beginnings.

And cut.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done and I am back from my vacation and hello to all!

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit but Shadow of the Erdtree and I are having a fist fight and currently it seems as though I am winning, For now.... But this is the victory nonetheless And I hope you guys are prepared for what I have next.

To yes Raphael the archangel that was basically never mentioned in DXD is going to be getting quite the update in this book, As you can see I am flushing out the world and other characters which DXD has not really used, and also characters from other Legends are being introduced like Yasaka's  mother being the legendary Kitsune Tamamo-no-mae, Because well this is really fits and The yokai's need more flushed out regardless of what others may say about them.

Now then As for some other things, Yes this book is going to revolve around her progression and I'm sorry if the dragon that was sleeping down in the caverns kind of got done in dirty, However let's be honest now not every single enemy is going to be killed in some grand spectacle fight, sometimes I'm scummy shit will happen to topple powerful foes. Just look at Darth sidious and his master plegas. Dude made him drunk and then killed him, same logic will apply here not every opponent is going to be killed in a 1v1 match. Sometimes assassinations will happen.

Besides that yes the overlord is going to get hella overpowered in the next upcoming chapters because you know there's a lot of shit in DXD that you can take, And I'm making that known So if you don't like it boohoo go find a different book.

Anyways moving on past the haters I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter will be out whenever I get to doing it same with Beast family and yeah take care everyone.

As is around here any questions or concerns let them be known and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Take care everyone.

Word count: 7169

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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