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I never expected to be betrayed by so many of my friends, especially the ones that were close to me. Never would I have predicated even if I had the power of the fates, would have known the one person I trusted most, Annabeth, did the same. They casted me out of Camp Half Blood only a week after the sudden events. The booming voice of Chiron informed me to arrive at Olympus at the 11th of June. It wasn't long when it was nearly time to head up to the gods' home, it was the 10th of June.

Their words that replayed in my head from my friends crushed me. Annabeth's words the worst of them all, her words pierced right through me like a javelin. She let the words slip through her lips as if all of the things we had been through ever since we were twelve meant nothing to her. My life was shattered into fragments.

I was at my apartment. Paul had went out to get groceries with my mum. I asked if I could help, but they just told me to stay home to recover from the betrayal of my once called family, and now the only family I have is mum, Paul and my godly dad Poseidon.

It felt like days, but was really only a few hours since mum and Paul had left and I started to get worried. I slouched on the couch, and watching the clock tick away when a sudden knock on the entrance door brought me up onto my feet before I approached the door. When I opened the door I saw two police officers. A short haired brunette lady with her blond man partner.

"Hello, you must be Perseus Jackson?" The female officer asked with a strained smile. I nodded in conformation, the lady's smile wavered into a sad sigh. What was going on? I didn't do anything wrong did I? I thought to myself in confusion. The brunette officer galnced at her co-worker a pleading look and the man sighed before he turned to me with a pity clear in his expression. He spoke, "I'm sorry, but your mother and step father were caught between a local robbery. They were unfortunately severly injured from gun wounds, they passed away while they were being transported to the hospital." the officer ended.

It took me a moment for the words to sink in before the reality of the moment was merciless. "I-" My throat was dry from the sudden drop of the temperature. I didn't know what to say, the events of camp still fresh and now the death of both his mum and step dad overwhelmed me.

"We're sorry for your loss. We had heard reports of Ms Jackson boldness in attempting to stop the robbers, the people will never forget her bravery." The female officer tried to comfort me. I knew what mum was like, of course she had tried to help, it was one of the reasons she was great. Now she was gone along with the father-I-never-had, Paul.

I thanked the officers and closed the door when they gave me documents to view for details before the two left. I placed the documents on the coffee table without a second thought to glance inside it, before I went to my room and collapse on my bed and broke down into a sob.

The sun slipped through the curtains and brightened up my room. It was June the 11th. the fates being as cruel as they were had not given me time to grieve.

I later arrived at Olympus after a long series of events with the usual attacks from monsters. The sound of the gods and goddesses arguements were clear from outside the pair of doors. I was about to enter when a hand placed on my shoulder stopped me. I turned around to see my favourite goddess, Hestia.

"Hello Lady Hestia." I greeted her with a weak amd exhausted bow. She me to rise from my position. A soft smile appeared on my face but it soon falttered at the sight of the sympathetic expression she gave towards me.

"I'm sorry Percy. About everything." She apologised, I only sighed and told her not to worry about it. "Be careful Percy, Zeus will banish you to another world. I do not know wha-" Before Hestia could continue I stopped her.

"I don't care what happens to me next. I've lost everything I loved." I stated, every muslce on my body slacked, I was too physically and emotionaly exhausted to care. The goddess gave a me look of worry but nodded in understanding. She said goodbye before  she vanished.

The previously loud room had silenced when I stepped foot inside the massive room filled with gods and goddesses.

"Percy Jackson, you have commited treason against the gods. You shall be banished to a world unknown." Zeus's voice echoed through the room, I looked up at my father and the other God and Goddesses that had defended me. I was grateful, but I didn't have anything to lose. "Any last words?" Zeus asked.

"Thank you all that are on my side, but I don't have anthing to lose." I said with with a cracked voice, my father gave me a sad look, same as the others that were on my side. Zeus creates a portal, and I walked through it.


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