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I woke up groaning, blurry globs of large brown figures soon came into focus as trees. The sound of nature surrounded me. I tried to get on my feet, only to stumble forwards and fall into freezing water, I mentally cursed to myself. The water helped regain my senses, only enough for me to inspect my environment while the haziness started to pass.

Suddenly my attention was drawn by the water below me, and I realized I was in a river. The river's quite shallow. I noted in confusion, but the violent waves of the water crashed against my scales had me confused. Wait. Scales? I reached out my hand and gazed at it in horror. They were no longer my hands, but claws, sharp, menacing claws that were covered with glossy, aquamarine blue scales. This couldn't be happening. 

I pulled myself out of the water to get a better look of the rest of my body, and I was massive. I was covered in the same glossy, blue scales as my claws, while my underbelly was a clean white. What's going on? Why am I a dragon? My train of thoughts were interrupted when I felt a sudden jerk from my back and a drag of something heavy behind me. No way. There were two major features that I had completely forgotten about a dragon, wings and a tail. The Fates are cruel.

"Just great!" I roared only to be taken aback. Is this what I sound like? It was an odd sound, I never expected a dragon to sound anything like this.

Suddenly my ear twitched at the sound of leaves and twigs cracking. Voices soon became audiable as it headed my way. My senses telling my to hide and my body responded quickly to the feeling as I had slithered myself into the river.

"Hiccup are you sure you heard something?" A male voice says.

"I'm sure I heard something Fishleg." Who I think is Hiccup replies back to who I think was Fishleg, I try to peek out of the bushes to see what they look like. But since I was still getting use to my new body, I freaking tripped. AGAIN!? WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I groan in irritation, I look in front to see a pair of toxic green reptilian eyes, I jump up on my feet, startling the dragon and-

the person riding it? "I guess that's what I heard. A dragon." Hiccup says. Fishleg's eyes widen,


"Say what?" I said while tilting my head in confusion, but instead a weird growl came out, Oops. Forgot I'm not human anymore. Well sort of human. I received glares from the boys and their dragons.

"You can understand us?" Hiccup asks me if I understand, I shook my head.

"Nope." I weirdly growl. I just realized what I just did. I mentally face palm myself. I'm a idiot. Then I hear both of the boy's dragons laughing.

"Are you serious!HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hiccup's dragon says in between laughs, I gave him a glare. The boys glared at their dragons confused then back to me.

"What is happening? I'm confused." Fishleg says. I tried to keep my laughter in but failed horribly, I started to laugh so hard I accidentally tripped into the water. The boys and the dragons froze for a second and then they started laughing their heads of. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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