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Hiccup's P.O.V:
I look at the ocean blue dragon. The dragon had huge scars and burn marks all over it's body. I slowly walk towards the dragon as it gets out of the river. It notices me coming closer. The dragon looks at me with it's soulless, sea green, reptilian eyes. The dragon walk up to me and gestures me to look at it's scars and burnt marks. I guess it noticed me looking at them earlier.

I hesitated for a moment, just in case the dragon might attack me, but it didn't, usually dragons don't trust us at first. Did this dragon used to have a rider? And what happened to it's rider? I snap back to reality and focus on investigating the dragon's scars and burnt marks. I slowly put my hand on the marks. Some where recent and some where there for a while, there are so many. What happened to this dragon? Whatever happened to this dragon we have to bring it back to the village.

"Hey Fishlegs." I say to Fishleg.

"Ya Hiccup?" Fishlegs ask.

"We have to get this dragon back to 'Berk'." I said, Fishlegs nods, I hop onto Toothless's back. I turn to the ocean blue dragon, I gesture it to follow us, and it actually understood me. We fly up, I look down to see the dragon still on the ground, Fishlegs and I are a bit confused, does this dragon know how to fly?

Percy's P.O.V:
They took of to the sky. I extend both my wings and start to move them up and down, trying to fly. This will take a while. I'm just making myself look like an idiot. Dang it. I make both of my wings go up and down faster and faster, but still haven't been able to fly. WELL THIS IS JUST GREAT!

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