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Even as a dragon and being banished to another world, the fates just want to make it even worse by giving me a horrible dream. The dream was blurry but I could make out dragons and chaos from every direction. Flames, screams and metal clashing against metal. The dream shifted and I was now looking at a huge white dragon figure, it had humongous tusks like an elephant's but much, much bigger, the size of the Golden Gate Bridge back on 'Earth'. The huge, white, blurry dragon was facing a similar dragon but this one seemed to be grey and more intimidating. My guess is that these two were having a battle to the death and that usually doesn't end very well for anyone.

The dream ended just before the two large dragons clashed at each other. I wake up to see the blond girl, Astrid placing down two baskets, the size of a barrel, one at a time in front of the blue dragon and me. I tipped the basket in front of me and fresh salmon spilled out of the basket.

"Dig in." Astrid said, so that's exactly what I did. It tasted kinda good, but I also feel like I'm eating my dad's people since he's the sea god and all. Cannibalising? But I was too busy thinking about my dream though. Was there going to be a dragon war or something?

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as Astrid started to talk. "Today we're having the dragon games this afternoon. Percy you have to stay put while me and Starfly are competing in the games. If you understand what I'm even saying." Astrid said as she walked over to Starfly then turning to me to see if I understood. I rolled my eyes and nodded in understanding.

Astrid mounted on Starfly and they took off towards the arena where other dragons and Vikings started to gather around. I sighed and slumped my head to the ground in boredom. What to do? Then a thought came to me. I could practice flying, that would help in situations if there is a dragon war or something like that.

I went to the edge of the island and gazed at the endless ocean. I expanded my wings and started to do a advance towards the cliff while flapping my wings to gain momentum. I got closer and closer to the cliff with a large drop. I kept flapping and running until lifted of right before the last piece of land disappeared behind me. I was flying! But the feeling of accomplishment soon ended as I lost altitude and I plummeted down towards sharp rocks. I frantically flapped my wings to pick up the wind.

I'm going to die!

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