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"Hazel we need to leave, both Jupiter and Half-blood are on our tails." Reyna kneeled in front of the sobbing daughter of Pluto. Hazel's arms were shaking from the cold and the fear.

"I-I'm sorry Reyna, it's just that Frank, Nico and e-everyone..." Hazel said between her sobs, "...they're gone and we're all on our own." Hazel's thoughts replayed the events that had happened until the present, everything from Percy's banishment to Nico and Jason's. "We all knew that Percy wasn't the traitor, but why did they..." Hazel broke down.

Reyna pulled Hazel into a hug as tears fell from the child of war's face. "It's alright, we will find proof that Percy wasn't guilty and talk some sense into the others." Reyna promised, "Just stay strong, Hazel." She told the smaller girl, Hazel sniffed and nodded. "You're indeed a true Roman warrior." Reyna smiled with Hazel joining her.

They both stood and continued their way through the deserted park of New York during the middle of the night. The two girls only had at least an hour of sleep before they continued being on the run from both Greek and Rowman camps.

●This chapter will be the start of the many perspective switches that I will be doing to show two adventures, which will eventually collide with one another.

The story of the son's of the big three, lost in a new and parculiar world.


Hazel and Reyna's investigation to find the truth, and find the real traitor. Or will they?

Get ready for future updates, I do hope you enjoy my twists.●

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