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I rushed to where I hear Nico's roar had came from, once I burt out of the woods to an open area, my eyes grew wide at the scene before me.

Nico was snapping at the vikings in front of him, the group of men and women preparing for the worst as they held a net and the rest with axes. Nico growled deeply and I saw a small figure underneath the son of Hades, who was hugging their knees close to them.

"Nico!" I called out at him, the raven black dragon snapped his head towards me and his rage drained out of him.

"Percy-" Nico was cut short when the leader of the viking group spoke.

"Everyone stand alert! A second one appeared, Vangard get Hiccup!" The leader ordered one of the vikings as one guy let go of the net and rushed off to do as he was ordered to. "The rest continue to try and rescue Bianca!"

My eyes widened at what the leader had said and turned my gaze back to Nico, now I knew what was going on, part of it anyway.

"Stay away from her!" Nico roared, his words weren't heard as the vikings couldn't understand dragon english. I went over to Nico and glared at him.

"Nico, her name is Bianca but it doesn't mean she's your sister, let her go." I growled at him, only to be growled back.

"You don't understand! She looks exactly like her! It is her!" Nico said in desperation, "She has to be!"

I shook my head, "Nico, even if it is Bianca, do you think it's okay to take her away from the family she has here?" I asked the son of Hades. "I don't know how it feels to lose a sibling, but I know how it feels to lose your entire family." I told Nico, we both lost people we can never replace or bring back to life, it's sad but it's the painful truth. "Hazel and Reyna are still alive and back home, remember you have a new family who are still alive."

I guess my words got throught to him, watching as he gazed down in thought before he stormed off into the woods in conflict. I couldn't blame him, if the girl was really Bianca's reincarnation it would be tough to accept that she wasn't his sister anymore.

Bianca ran to the group of vikings, one of the women hugged her and was releived to see her safe. She glanced at me before gazing into the direction of the forest where Nico left with a confused but saddened look. The ground cautiously looked at me but when I did nothing they carefully left towards the village. I wondered if Bianca felt something familiar about Nico.

●-Updated the book cover, hasn't changed much but I made it more vibrant and the fonts are different. Hope I'm updating enough to keep your interent in the story.●

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