10 | Sing

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Sienna | Eric

Lollipop ~

Lolli lolli lollipop~

Can you stop?

Wha- but I like singing!!!

Well... I don't

But music is life!

As an artist, don't you understand?? :'(

... I do.

I like listening to some music too, I guess.

Cool ^^

Then I shall start singing again.

BUT I hate singing.

What whyy?

Don't ask why.

You've got a lot of secrets, girl.

No shit Eric. I don't even know you in real life.

Wellllllllllll ;)

Don't start about your dumbass name.

Hehe ;)

But seriously honey, I may've said this before but I'm going to say it again.

You. Have. No. Life.


And like I said before, Eric.

You. Don't. Know. Me.

Go out once in a while to a music concert or art festival. Just don't let your brother confine you at home like you're some exhibition animal.

He's not that bad...

Yes I know. My sister's are as annoying as shit but I love them too. But unlike you, I don't let them make me babysit them to the point I'm scared to leave the house.


Sorry... I went to far

It's ok. You're right. It's just I don't want my brother to worry.

Your bro has a serious case of sister complex.

And you're getting infected by him.

Excuse me?

Sorry honey, just stating the facts.

My bro is just a little bit overprotective due to my own faults. You have no right to diss him when he... just cares about me!

Now stop using me for your own entertainment.

Honey, I know...

I'm not a game. I'm a person.

I'm sorry.

Well I'm sorry too, because I'm leaving.


Double update today woot :DDD

I went on a semi writing spree and YOLO asjkfsdjflksadjf + I'm pretty bored today although I should be studying for my school yearlies :/

But ahaha enough about my lazy life and I hope you enjoyed today's chapters! Pls vote, comment and share if you liked it!

<3 Merlene

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