10 || A New Enemy

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As Sajaki was leaving the house he plundered a bag caught his eye. This was a large duffle bag which seemed to be bursting with stuff. Lugging the bag out from under the bed Sajaki saw that it was full of guns and bullets. With a smile Sajaki knew that he had to leave the house as fast as he could. Once outside Sajaki wanted to find Andres so they could get out of town as soon as they could.

"Yo... Andres, where are you?" Sajaki shouted with slight excitement from the bag of guns but all excitement was lost when Sajaki saw a figure in the shadows at the bottom of the house. Sajaki pointed his gun that had been firmly lodged in his belt at the figure who was cowering. After a minute Sajaki realised the figure was Andres who had a finger over his mouth in a motion telling Sajaki to shut up.

"What? Why" Sajaki tried to say before he got interrupted by an ear piecing smash followed up almost instantly by an all-mighty thud as a creature hit the ground.

This thing seemed like a corpse, it was severely malnourished to the point where some of its bones were poking through its skin. Even though it was bent in an inhuman way it was clear that the bones had sharp spikes and groves, it looked like someone threw a bag of bones out the window. The thing started to move, at first, it was a slight twitch which made Sajaki walk closer to see what was happening. The creature managed to use his loose limbs to hoist himself up, the creature revealed small amounts of greyish pink flesh attaching all the bones and skin together. The face of the creature was lacking most of the flesh leaving the skull visible with old rotting teeth and one fang.

"What the fuck!" Sajaki said as he pointed the gun at the creature. The creature turned to look Sajaki in the eyes, the creature seemed to have black holes for eyes. They were so dark and seemed to be sucking all light into the sockets, they were mesmerizing causing Sajaki to be unable to move. The creature started to slowly hobble towards Sajaki, clattering bones could be heard on the way to Him. The only thing that snapped Sajaki back to reality was Andres who was now charging at the creature gripping the handle of the axe that was going to be a gift for Tiger as tight as he could. Bringing the axe up and back down in one swift movement. The skull of the creature seemed to crack in many different places leaving it like a piece of old decaying mosaic art. Unfortunately, the axe got wedged in the skull of the creature sinking deep in what was left of the brain, the creature seemed unfazed by the crash of the axe. The only indication that the creature knew something happened was that it turned all attention towards Andres who now looked terrified.

The creature turned around in a distorted way, his legs and lower body was facing forward but halfway up his body he jerkily twitched around facing Andres showing off his one large decaying fang knocking Andres to the ground out of fear. Ready to bite Andres knew his end was soon. Not wanting to die with a skull on his face he ripped the mask off, making the creature realize he was a human, this caused the creature to bellow a low pitch call that sent a chill down Sajaki and Andres's spine. Lifting an arm up the creature was ready to bring down an old rotting hand with a layer of rotten flesh covering it, just before any movement could have brought the arm down a loud bang could be heard behind the creature, followed quickly by a second and third bang. The creature's arm fell to the floor leaving a stump oozing dark red viscus blood in a trail leading to the amputated arm that was slowly using its fingers to drag itself along the dirt.

The broken creature fully turned around to the point of facing Sajaki, the creature now was looking worse for wear then when it started. Andres noticed something through the back of the rib cage, a black mouldy slightly beating heart. It started to walk towards Sajaki when an arrow erupted through its chest causing it to fall on its knees as its body started to liquify, the black slime was pouring out of anywhere it could. Once the creature turned into a rancid pile of goo on the ground with the axe submerged in the awful liquid. Sajaki reached in and felt around trying to find it before he grabbed the axe he found the fang the creature had. Andres was staring at the hand that tried crawling away that has now also turned to a smaller pool of the decrepit liquid.

"Aim for the heart" Andres mutters to Sajaki in a low tone barely being audible while looking around.

"We need to go," Sajaki said while standing up grabbing Andres by the shoulder and walking to the gate.

In front of them, another creature started to claw its way out of the ground, at first, it was just a hand that seemed to have all its flesh attached even if it was a little beat up and discoloured. Eventually, the whole body was out of the ground and only the legs remained in the ground.

Without thought, Sajaki used his revolver to shoot the creature in the chest three times missing the heart each time. Many clicks could be heard, the sound of an empty gun which droned out the sound of another creature walking up behind Sajaki. This creature seemed to be like a fresh corpse, it only had a few segments of flesh rotten enough to show bone, but the skin seemed to be bloated from a build-up of liquid, it looked as if you lightly touched the skin you would pop the bubble and the skin wouldn't fit on the bones.

The creature behind Sajaki opened its mouth to bite him on the neck, it seemed like these guys were vampires and wanted their blood. Once the creature moved his head back to plunge his teeth deep in Sajaki's neck an arrow flew past his shoulder and hit the creature on top of his jaw ripping his skull backwards and tripping the creature to the floor. Turning his head around and back to Andres, Sajaki nodded in a thankful way as he lodged hit boot deep in the chest of the buried creature covering his shoe in black ooze.

The two Sealed Titan members started to sneak down around behind the houses of the town trying to find an area where there weren't any of the vampire creatures, around the back of one of the houses was a young man who couldn't be older than 20. His eyes lit up when he saw the two men, standing up the man started to walk over hoping to join Sajaki and Andres to get out of town. As soon as he started to walk another vampire which was mostly skeletally pounced on the man biting his neck and sucking his blood. In only a few minutes of shock the man became a mere husk of skin and bones, the true cause of fear for Sajaki and Andres was that the vampire seemed to be growing more and more flesh as he was sucking the blood. It was like the vampire was growing from the fresh flesh.

In the distance, the ground could be felt shaking almost like many mini earthquakes were happening which made Sajak and Andres try to get out of town as fast as they could, before leaving Sajaki pilled a shotgun out of the bag and aimed at the chest of the creature who was still feeding.


Blood was splattered all over the wall of the building as the creature turned to goo and the sound of many low growls and bones clinking started getting closer to them.

"Come on the doors open" Andres shouted, and he ran out of gate leaving Sajaki to place his shotgun on his shoulder.

As soon as Sajaki looked up he saw it. A massive beast, a rhino what had many chunks of flesh missing, his hind leg was showing all the bones and the vertebrae were showing. Half his skull was showing an eyeball was piercing out staring at Andres.

"ANDRES!" Sajaki shouted as he started sprinting towards him gripping the handle of the axe to the point where his knuckles turned white. Just before Sajaki reached the scared Andres unknown of what's going on, Andres got impaled through the back and shooting out his stomach.

The last thing Sajaki saw before the beast ran off again was blood slowly pouring out Andres's mouth as he mouthed the word "Goodbye"

The beast ran off through the trees knocking many down and leaving a path roughly cut out in the forest. Tears were running down Sajaki's face as he was about to run down the path that the giant beats made, but the beast was long gone at this point and many of the vampires in all different levels of decay were shambling along the dirt path towards Sajaki. Wiping away some of the tears he started to run back to base knowing that they were going to have to fight if he couldn't kill the rest. As he was running down the makeshift path jumping over the roots that laced the ground, the vampires didn't seem to notice the roots as they would routinely trip over and smash their face on the ground. Every so often Sajaki would turn around and shot at all the shuffling vampire creatures letting all his anger out.

"THIS IS FOR ANDRES" he shouted clip after clip of his gun, slowly but surely the hoard seemed to be dwindling. After a while the rest of them seemed to be turning around and walking back, Sajaki didn't want to go back looking for Andres, he knew he was already dead and finding him would just get the rest of them killed. Andres would be with them always in their hearts.

After the last of the horrors had left or been killed he wiped away the last of his tears and walked the last leg of the dirt track trying to think about what to say to the others. In the distance through the thick trees, Sajaki saw the roof of the base and prepared to meet the others. Wendy walked out to meet Sajaki and Andres, as she looked at Sajaki covered in thick blood holding a bag of guns along she had a scared and confused look on her face.

"Ok enough joking around where's Andres," Wendy said with a scared chuckle.

Sajaki walked right past her ignoring everything she said while he handed her a shotgun covered in blood.

"What happened? Please just say" Wendy said with a desperate sadness in her voice.

Sajaki walked to the storage room wiping his eye as Wendy watched him. After placing the duffle bag of guns and bullets in the room he grabbed the axe and looked at it, wiping the blood off he walked into Tigers room.

"Hey," Sajaki said knocking on Tigers door.

"Come in," Tiger said while he was resting in bed healing from his wounds.

"Andres wanted to give you this" Sajaki murmured as he placed the axe on the foot of his bed.

"Where is he?" Tiger asked while looking past Sajaki and out to the doorway.

"Someone... Something got him. I'm going to need you to heal as fast as you can, we need to work at this place. Something is coming" Sajaki said as Wendy walked into the room and heard what Sajaki had said.

"What got him," Tiger said with a mix of anger and confusion.

Sajaki just walked out the room and placed a pistol in his belt, he walked over to the door and looked out to see if there were any of the creatures out there. There was nothing, no out at all.

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