9 || Viper's Duty

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Walking into an unknown town was Viper. A man who always wore a gas mask made from some strange hide that he bought from traders many years ago. A red cloth button up shirt was partly hidden by a dark grey leather jacket, he wore black jeans with leather boots. He wore these clothes to hide his burnt skin, he had burnt skin because he had a bad accident when he was a young bounty hunter. Walking through town he was getting called many things by people mainly the townsfolk's own unique insults for disfigured men who everyone thought were scum. Walking up to the largest building in town he pulled out a small bag from his pocket. There was a small hypodermic needle and some weird orange liquid inside. This liquid had many names across the planet but was mostly known as Sugar it was a drug used to make people more active and feel pain less. He used the needle to inject the drug directly into his neck causing the veins in his neck to slowly dye orange and his head to twitch. As his pupils dilated he knocked on the door.

"Password?" a woman said with a laugh as she opened the door a tiny amount to see the man, she gasped as she saw the gasmask viper was wearing.

Viper kicked the door in smashing the woman in the face breaking her nose. He charged in using his shoulder to hit the woman in the chest winding her and causing her to slump to the ground. Viper grabbed the small knife out of the woman's pocket. A previously unseen man who was on the other side of the room swung a great axe at viper and missing only by a few millimetres. In retaliation, Viper swung the small knife at the man catching his neck for a moment it didn't look like it did any damage until his neck started to bleed. From a small trickle of blood, it turned into a hose of blood spraying all over Viper's face forcing him to wipe the excess blood off his face to allow him to see. Looking down Viper saw the woman was starting to stand up again while holding her clearly broken nose. Grabbing her Viper started to spin her around himself and once he let go she slipped into the pool of blood caused by her now dead friend. Viper finally puts her out of her misery by sliding the small knife into the base of her skull as she laid on the ground.

"ok, where is he?" Viper said whilst out of breath and looking at the stairs leading to the next level of the building.

As Viper starts to the walk to the stairs another man starts to run holding a larger knife. Once he got within knife range of Viper he starts to swing as much as he could, but Viper managed to jump out the way of each attack apart from the last swing which Viper managed to grab the man by the arm. using his elbow to break the man's arm Viper left the arm bending at the wrong angle. Almost as soon as the man's arm was shattered Viper brought his elbow to the man's neck making a loud cracking sound and then stabbed the man in the stomach. The man was on the floor slowly bleeding out as he watched Viper walk off to the stairs. Getting to the top of the stairs Viper got tackled by a woman making both tumbles down the stairs leaving Viper with many bruises down his body.

"Just let up the stairs, damn" Viper coughed out as he started to stand up.

Once he was standing looking at the woman who tackled him, Viper noticed she had a gun in her belt on her right hip that she was reaching for. Thinking fast Viper charged at the woman with his knife in one hand and he grabbed her arm with the other pushing her hand palm down on her stomach. He embedded the knife in her hand leading to her stomach causing her to scream in pain. He quickly Reacher for her gun and smashed her in the face using the grip knocking her out.

Finally making it up the stairs without interruptions Viper started kicking down doors killing anyone in the rooms who wasn't the man he was looking for. Viper always tried to shoot the knees of the people because if he had the choice he didn't like killing the higher up in case they knew something Viper needed to know.

"Some people just had to be killed," he thought to himself.

One room he entered did not turn out like the rest. Viper kicked open the door but on the other side was a man holding a shotgun ready to fire. A loud bang echoes through the building as Viper gets flung backward landing on the ground in a limp bundle facing the floor. The slight movement turned into Viper turning around the shooting the man in the chest 5 times making him collapse. Once Viper stood up he looked down at his chest seeing the 9 small pellets that left holes in his redshirt lodged in the armoured vest that he had on underneath. The only damage the shotgun did was bruise a rib. Looking at the back of the room was the man Viper was looking for. He was cowering and trying to hide. As Viper was walking over to the men he stumbled to press a button which would call more people to come and defend him. Viper saw his hand sliding across the table and used a small knife to stab the man in his wrist pinning it to the table making it, so he couldn't move without great pain.

"GIVE ME THE CODE NOW" Viper shouted clearly angry as he punched the man in the face causing him to wince in pain.

"23, 72, 11 Now please just let me go," The man said while crying as he was looking at the knife that had been deeply stabbed into his hand. Opening the safe Viper wanted to get out of the building as soon as he could. knowing the locals would be very angry if they saw the damage that he had causes especially being disfigured. Once the safe was open Viper grabbed every white bag he could and stuffed them into every pocket he had, he ran out the room. Running past the people on the floor who weren't quite dead yet but were well on their way. One of the almost lifeless bodies grabbed at Viper. Clipping his ankle causing him to trip overspreading the bags across the floor as he landed. Kicking the hand off his ankle using his other foot he scrabbled across the room picking up all the bags making sure there wasn't anything left. Angry that he could have lost some of his drugs he looked at all the people on the ground. He decided that he had to end this place. He pulled out a small box of matches, lit one and threw it on one of the numerous guard's lap causing him to burst into flames.

"All this for drugs, Jesus Christ" Viper said out of breath as he busted out the door and looked around for where horses were kept in this place.

Walking through the back alleys of the town so he didn't have to see any people Viper saw some things that the locals wouldn't want anyone to see. Along the walls were people clearly dead who were hung up by their neck. Sections of skin had been sliced off and dark red blood ran down the wall. Flies were covering the body's that they now called home. One of the body's in the distance seemed to be alive. Viper only knew this because there was some slight movement of the ribs and every so often the whole body twitched. Many crows were on top of the building watching the wriggling body and turning their heads to view Viper.

Finding the man who seemed to have all the horse's Viper walked up and cleared his throat to get the man's attention.

"How much for the horse?" Viper said bluntly, he tried to make a decent first impression but being covered in blood and still very high on Sugar it didn't work out very well.

"Not for sale," the man said not liking Viper who had a very grisly look to him, above Vipers left shoulder was a huge plume of smoke is rising high in the distance.

As Viper was about to pull his gun out the man saw his arm move and waited for Viper to aim the gun. The man grabbed Vipers arm forcing it backwards making Viper drop the gun on the floor. Viper looked the man in the eyes which were now bright red. Letting go of Vipers arm the man now stood over him and the man opened his mouth to reveal black and yellow decayed fangs but with two distinct fangs on his upper and lower jaw. The man pulls out a knife and stabs Viper in the shoulder making him clench his fists in pain. The only thing causing him from screaming was the Sugar he managed to inject into veins just before all of this. Seeing an opportunity to attack, Viper grabbed the man on the sides of his head and plunged his thumbs into the man's eyes causing him to hiss in pain. The warm, wet mush that was once the man's eyes was now covering his thumbs, but the man was still wriggling around trying to attack Viper. Kicking the man in the gut Viper stood up and ran to the horse and ran off as fast as he could. Leaving the man to hold his face in pain.

Viper started to leave the town on his newly acquired horse when a few more men started to walk out in the path of Viper causing him to stop.

"Where do you think you're going then?" one of the new men hissed as he revealed his fangs.

"Away" Viper bluntly replied as he pulled his gun out and quickly shot before the men could react. The bullet landed directly in the man's jaw shattering it and leaving it hanging loosely attached to his face.

Controlling the horse to zig-zag past all the people who were now and angry and trying to kill Viper. One of the men managed to jump and grab on to Viper's leg and was getting dragged down the dirt road. The man's legs were get getting pulled along the road kicking up the loose dust on the road causing a smoke screen behind them.

Slowing down Viper grabbed the man who couldn't walk after his legs were ruined from the uneven road that he was getting yanked across. Placing his foot on the man's back Viper used all the strength he could muster up to pull the man's head off his shoulders. After a while a loud snap could be heard as the head finally got detached from his neck, Skinning the head he wanted to know what these things were.

"This is not human" Viper said with slight panic as his Sugar started to completely lose effect.

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