Chapter 1

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"Hey, Tiny Dog?"

"Yes Snowball?"

"Remember when I'd tell you if we went too deep?"


"We're in too deep."

"Wow, really Snowball? Are we now?" Max replied sarcastically, trying to peer over his shoulder at the white rabbit behind him. A frown etched into his face, the Jack Russell terrier continued with a question, "What gave that away Snowball? Please, enlighten me." Humming to himself, Snowball answered, "The fact that we're hanging upside down in a warehouse and chained together. Why you ask?"

"Snowball, please shut up," Max ordered, closing his eyes. Just then, another male voice spoke, "Oh yes, please do shut up Snowball, I tire of hearing your mouth after so many years." Recognizing the voice, Max and Snowball both muttered in hate and disgust, "Gary."

"How you hanging in there boys?" Gary asked, standing outside of his makeshift office. Laughing to himself, he sneered, "Get it, hanging? Cuz you both are..." He stopped when he realized neither Max nor Snowball were laughing at the pun with him. Composing himself, the beagle scoffed and grumbled, "I suppose you all are wondering why I summoned you here."

"Summoned us? You captured us," Max pointed out. Nodding his head in agreement, Snowball added on, "And honestly we could care less why you have us here. We don't want to die of boredom listening to your latest scheme, whatever it is this time." Trotting down a set of stairs, Gary declared, "On the contrary Snowball, I won't bore you to death with some long winded story. My newest scheme is to kill you."

"What?!" Max exclaimed, horrified. Thinking for a moment, Snowball commented, "You're improving Gary, that's actually a much better way to go."

"You won't get away with this!" Max barked, trying to sound brave. Laughing evilly as he reached the bottom floor, Gary called up to his prisoners, "Oh I was hoping someone would say that! It makes it so much better when I do!" His paw hovering over a big red button, the beagle grinned and snickered, "I can't wait to see what it looks like when your brains are smashed against this warehouse floor." Max and Snowball squeezed their eyes shut, preparing themselves for what was about to happen.

That's when the warehouse doors exploded off their hinges.

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