Chapter 4: Research

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...April 4th...Data's quarters

Oh Data,oh Data. Data is researching about the plane of souls along with Q. Spot the second was curled up on the bed purring attempting to get some sleep. It is not like cats do not sleep because they sleep all the time. I do wish I had turned the entire crew of the Enterprise into cats just to prove they sleep all the time. Wait, I already did that before. Perhaps my next lesson could be about how Rhinos squeak.

No joke, Rhinos do squeak.

Data raised a brow at the screen.

"Hm...interesting," Data said.

For being non existence and using my last remainder of power on wiping Jean Luc of me; I am only a figment of what had existed. This timeline is only one of the ones I cannot visit as a omnipotent entity. I sat on the bed petting through the fur to Spot the second. Spot the second is a boy; this time!

I never knew how I missed being able to feel with my hands.

I get up not making a sound.

Well, I can't make a sound anyway!

Data just sat there, processing. Whatever he had conjured up was probably a lot of 'I don't know' from the computer about the search results. After what seemed to be an hour, the Android got up from the desk then walked right over to Spot the second. Spot the second jumped into Data's arms.

"Good Spot," Data said, petting Spot. "I knew you could do it."

Spot meowed, purring happily.

"Spot, down," Data said.

Spot leaped out of Data's grip then landed to the floor.

"Good spot," Data said. Data walked over to the replicator. "Replicator; replicate a small cat treat."

"Cat treat replicated," The replicator chimed back.

A small item laid under the replicator.

"Thank you," Data said.

And he still thanks the replicator.

Are humans suppose to thank the replicator?

I never did thank my replicator.

"Spot," Data said. "Sit."

Spot sat down eying at the treat.

"Good boy," Data said, handing the treat to Spot.

Spot the second grabs at the treat using both paws and landed squarely on his back.

"Data to La Forge," Data said, after tapping on the communicator.

"Yes?" La Forge said.

I thought back at how easily La Forge agreed to my plan in the beginning.

"I have found some information that you might be interested in," Data said.

"What kind?" La Forge asked.

"It is possible to refer to it as a search," Data said.

"Data," La Forge said.

"I can't seem to decide what to call it," Data said. "But it does interest the Captain quite so."

"Data, what kind of search are we going on?" La Forge asked.

"A search for someone called Q," Data said. "Or Commander Quarty from the USS Twister."

La Forge rubs his chin.

"Are you saying you know where Commander Quarty is?" La Forge asked.

"Yes, maybe," Data said.

"Data, decide already," La Forge said.

"Well, that's first name the Captain said, randomly, after I entered his ready room," Data said.

"That is puzzling," La Forge said.

"I believe Q and Quarty are connected," Data said. "In more ways than one."

"That would make sense," La Forge said. "I am guessing this Quarty used 'Q' as a nickname."

"Geordi, this search will go through planes," Data said. Obviously that puzzled La Forge. "Have you ever head of the plane of souls?"

"No," La Forge said.

"I'll tell you in engineering," Data said, then he taps the communicator.

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